The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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I'm surprisingly good considering I haven't slept that well and I'm having a theoretical exam in 3 hours and have no idea about it, lol...


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feeling good, just got back from a shopping trip with my daughters. they are all very diffrent, eden likes girlie clothes, coral is kinda a jeans and tshirt girl and chloe is a pure rock chic!!!

we had fun and ate lots of fast food!!



New member
Recovering from throwing up in the street in the early hours of the morning, hangover of course, trying to remember the stories behind the photos and trying to remember how the **** I got myself kicked out from two pubs out of the three I went to.


New member
I am quite happy today. I am slowly getting over Callan, well I talk about him and look at his pictures a lot to help me get over him. But at least we are still friends which is a positive thing. Other than that, I am bored shitless.


New member
I'm unofficially engaged (officially doesn't occur until next year). I'm getting my piercing next week! I'm getting better! Like ten times better. :D

I'm really happy !



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A drunken idea taken up when we were both sober.

Shhh! It's a secret. LPF is the first thing I opened my mouth to. I just had to open it.



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I'm fine...I sleept to little tonight (or should I say morning:D) though so I'm a bit sleepy...but it's okay... :)


New member
bad...I just miss my bf so much :( ...he was ill for 3 weeks...and he has so much to do for school now...and I saw him 3 times in this 3-weeks period...and I wont' see him much for the next 3 weeks...I feel so bad not seeing him....can't stop crying...


New member
bad...I just miss my bf so much :( ...he was ill for 3 weeks...and he has so much to do for school now...and I saw him 3 times in this 3-weeks period...and I wont' see him much for the next 3 weeks...I feel so bad not seeing him....can't stop crying...

dont worry be happy coz every little things going to be alright!



New member
thanks girls ...but I feel like I'm losing him and I don't know what to do
I just feel like ****..
just because you spend alot of time apart doesn't mean your losing him. have you ever heard of the saying "absence makes the heart grow fonder" i bet hes missing you as much as you are him.



New member
well yeah..that's right....but he's really stressed right now..because of the school...he has A LOT to do..because he wasn't at school for 3 weeks...and everytime he's under so much stress he says..that we're probably not meant to be together...or that he has to change ..and than I feel like I'm going to lose him...and just the thought ot that makes me cry..... I know he loves me and I love him..but I don't know....I'm just so sad right now....
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