The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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New member
feeling like **** >_> ...I fu**ed up 2 exams today.....ok..they did't went THAAAT bad...but still....I could do better >_> ...and the third exam...that I had to do tomorrow >_> ...and tomorrow is the last day of yeah..I'm pretty ****** off right now because I have to study the last day of school >_>


New member
I'm okay, going out later today. I think this "phase" of mine is fading a bit, but it's fighting to linger around. ><


New member
feeling like **** >_> ...I fu**ed up 2 exams today.....ok..they did't went THAAAT bad...but still....I could do better >_> ...and the third exam...that I had to do tomorrow >_> ...and tomorrow is the last day of yeah..I'm pretty ****** off right now because I have to study the last day of school >_>
But after that you have vacation ;)



New member
My shoulder hurts...I had to wrestle 5 matches today in a tournament and hurt it during the 3rd one,I just wrestled the last 2 hurt


New member
Well, today has been complete; At the end. I got my moment of glory and I displayed the vid that I made for a subject called: pictures and journalism. All students had to make a work and some of them used a power-point, other made a digital magazine and my group made a power point with music, but I made something else. My thread was rugby, so I made a vid and you know men??? I put METALLICA in it (the music vid)!!!

Teacher really liked it. He told he it was incredible and I received lots of applauses from everybody except from my group. They looked at me with hate and they tried everything with the aim of the teacher had a bad opinion about me and my vid. They were very happy when at the beginning the PC didnt recognize the vid, but at the end, I got it... the next class was horrible: they tried to make me feel bad while they ignored all I said...

I dont know what to think now..... I know they will ignore me from now on. Will I feel alone? Maybe, but fortunately exams will start next week so in two days I wont see them... you know something, men?? I dont know why people is like this. Why they tried to hurt me when I tried to help them but, I think this kind of facts wake up the little devil that there is inside me... honestly, I'd love to say that to them: FUUUUCKKK YOU 'COS AT THE END, ALTHOUGH YOU HAVE HAD TO MAKE EVERYTHING IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME, I GOT IT, I GOT IT SO....



nicole lynn.

New member
A bit out of it.

My boyfriend's gone for the weekend, and isn't showing a slight indication that he misses me.

But, he's with his Dad&friends from Spokane, so I shouldn't complain I guess.



New member
Why didn't your group like it? That is dumb if the teacher said it was incredible that is all that matters...


New member
feeling ok.its 10:25 am and i just tried to get andy out of bed and he wont get up :( sunays are the only day we get together


New member
Why didn't your group like it? That is dumb if the teacher said it was incredible that is all that matters...
well, I suppose they didnt hate the vid. It's me who they hated. and the reason? 'cos it wasnt their ******* (sorry, but when I think about it, my blood is fire into my veins) work that caught teacher's attention. They thought I made that (my vid) for capturing everybody's interest and for putting my work over their work (when their work was also my work, you know. I made both but the vid was made just by me)... I think they thought I wanted to **** them in public, I think they thought I wanted to make them feel less, but they didnt think that some months ago I suggested the idea of making a vid and no one wanted. They are lazy, so while they were scratching their.... I worked hard, thinking, planning, editing.. making everything for the vid!!

Now, buddy, I suposse you have the answer for your quest: they were envious. I know it. I could see it in their eyes.For this reason they tried to do all what they could for getting my presentation was a total failure... but I dont give up easily, even more when I worked as hard as I can in something I've believed along this time...

So, you see, people envious is incredible, even more when they pretend to get everything without doing anything...

BTW, the rugby team loved the vid as well.. at the beginning they looked at me in a strange way when I said to them that the music chosen was Metallica. "Men, you wait and you will see" I told them... and, at the end, they had to confirm it. :D



New member
you know what mate they are jealous, i'd laugh in their faces and say "its great to be me, shame your not that good"

well done hun sounds like you did a great job.



New member
Feeling great, just went outside with a girl, and I really like her, but i'm too chicken to hold her or anything, and I even know she likes me too, but still i'm chicken


New member
you know what mate they are jealous, i'd laugh in their faces and say "its great to be me, shame your not that good"
well done hun sounds like you did a great job.

^Agree with allieking

Just think; Because here in Usielland, we're better than you, and we know it! :D
Oh, thanks mate; you're two are angels; yeah, if they're jeaulous isnt my problem, but I think that "people" who lives in Usielland arent better than them.. I mean, I'm not better than them; I'm just one more, not better, not worse and if in this case, I did something good, I did it and that's all... I'm not going to take their same atitude; I wont follow their game 'cos I know it wont give me benefits. Oh, yeah, at the beginning I was furious (you can notice it in my two first posts) 'cos I couldnt understand that with 20 years old they are, they still keep on acting as they were 5... It hasnt sense!! So, I'll leave them and they can think what they want; after all, they know what facts are.

Feeling great, just went outside with a girl, and I really like her, but i'm too chicken to hold her or anything, and I even know she likes me too, but still i'm chicken
Oh, c'mun, you wont lose anything; even more, if you already know she likes you!!! Be brave. I'll give you an advice: try to meet with her again, and as soon as you see the perfect moment comes, tell her all what you feel, dont think about you, just say: I have to tell you something, and that it will be the jump that wont let you to go back... Good luck, man!! And dont worry, everything will be fine :eek:k: (believe me, I'm a bit witch!!)

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