The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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feeling fine, although I was supposed to talk to my teacher early this morning but i SLEPT!!

feeling good, had a great first day back at work. the cat is ok, shes not happy tho, she has to wear a cone shaped thing around her head to stop her from biting the staples in her side, the 2 other cats kepp hissing at her aswell, poor likkle things aint happy lol
aaww hope the little cat gets well soon ;)

yeh once my cat had to wear that thing too... poor kitties lol

I'm hungry too... and kinda bored... lol but meh... I wanna do something outside this gay *** house!! thats the first time I actually wanna go out of this house wow o_O


New member
feeling good, just finished work and its time to relax :)

EDIT: andys mum has just been on the phone, his dad has bronchial pneumonia and is very ill. hes not gone to hospital but hes very ill :(



New member
Yeah Allie hope the kitty's okay. Weird seeing animals where those things. Looks like a personal satellite dish for pets ;)

Me am good but damned tired. Eyes going haywire. Desperately need glasses but are still weeks away yet. Nervous about it. Feel like I'm getting old now, me in glasses. I can now look like the nerd I feel I am! Wholeheartedly embrace the nerd within. Lucky me. Could get Chas glasses but then I'd beat myself up. Only he looks good in those. I might be lucky enough to look smart - til I open my mouth! haha :X



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I'm alright, glad that I got most of my work behind me. But I'll just face the rest of the blizzard of school and studying AFTER school starts :D


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Well apart from my mum getting me accidentally drunk the other night, she gave me Jim Bean with coke instead of plain coke, I am quite happy!! I was dancing to Sisters of Mercy and the White Stripes this morning and slowly getting annoyed with because the site is down and i have 7 days to apply for position!


New member
Um, let's put it this way. Ever been pulled to an emotional climax of an extreme, then to realize that the rest of the story isn't complete? It's sucking my blood dry. Talk about an anti-climax.


New member
aaarrgghhhhhhh!!!! my daughter is doing my head in. she says she can't fine her homework sheet but its not her fault. she takes no responsibility for anything she does, shes not done her homework for the last 3 night and she says its not her fault.


New member
I have an assessment today and I hate presenting them. Grr...if that stupid photography lectuerer fails me by one mark again I'm gonna kill him!! I have an exam next week and I don't want to attend because of how **** it is. I'm full of energy suprisingly. Oh and I am getting my piercing today ^^ :D


New member
feeling ok, didn't get to sleep till 3am because i wasn't tired, but now i'm soooo tired because i was up at 8am. have work in 30 minutes but only for 5 hours.
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