The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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Active Member
May 7, 2004
Don't spam in this thread, don't flame, don't fight.. You know the drill!

As for me, I am kinda depressed, someone close to me passed away today
aw yea that's gotta suck..

I feel, like lying in bed with my sweety and just forget the world.

Can't wait for winter break! and to see my guy again
I'm sick, The back of my throat is swollen everytime I try to eat or drink, it really really hurt back there, My bones are hurting from the cold chills, I have a big headache.

I called in to work and tole them "I won't be able to come in for a few days"
than they called today saying "one of the employee's left town, now your going to have to come in to work"

Well Everything is fine...I'm not happy nor am I angry depressed etc,etc.

and Victim it's a natural part of life gotta get use to it,
But doesnt mean you don't have to grief over them.
I can't take this anymore...teachers at my school are just crazy :O ...I have to study 5 things for tomorrow...and tomorrow I have to study 3 things for saturday ( I have school on saturdays too .... >_> ) and then....gaaaah..I'm not even starting....better this way... I just want holidays....I'M EXHAUSTED!!!!!
^ ohh Maya... i know how it is, i'v just passed through a hard period of studying 2... but don't worry, holidays are coming! :D

i'm tired... my mind is tired...
i feel so unloved... =(
I'm good... looking forward to tomorrow.. Dan and I are going to Maccies to try out their festive menu and get milkshakes and McFlurries even though it's like sub-zero temps in good ole Wazza atm..... wayyyy! hahah.
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