The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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Maya - don't be sad. I've got to be away from my partner soon. Because he's moving out from his place to live with lives an hour or so away and on top of that we've gotta be apart for the holidays which is for a month, so I can see my family which is four hours + away. Cheer up everything will get better.
Still sick but feeling better than I was yesterday. Worked as long as I could before exhaustion took over. Slept all day yesterday. Trying to get back into the swing of things... mentally still a little out of it. Dizzy. Fever's gone I think. Thank god! All in all good. Getting better. That's the main thing! :D
I am so sick and tired of uni and its mother****ing bullshit. I hate living by myself I want to go home I want to go home I want to go home I want to go home !! I ****ing hate doing the shopping for myself, hate not having a car, hate paying ****ing rent money hate ****ing Centrelink hate having too many assignements
It's too quiet! I don't have people to talk to ! I hate my landlady and landlord !
I want to see my family !! I want to get into physical headlocks from my brother (sad eh? I know). I want to get into pointless conversations with my sister. I want to see my nephew. I WANT MY MUMMY!!!!
*chucks a tantrum*
feeling good, had a great first day back at work. the cat is ok, shes not happy tho, she has to wear a cone shaped thing around her head to stop her from biting the staples in her side, the 2 other cats kepp hissing at her aswell, poor likkle things aint happy lol
feeling fine, although I was supposed to talk to my teacher early this morning but i SLEPT!!

feeling good, had a great first day back at work. the cat is ok, shes not happy tho, she has to wear a cone shaped thing around her head to stop her from biting the staples in her side, the 2 other cats kepp hissing at her aswell, poor likkle things aint happy lol

aaww hope the little cat gets well soon ;)
yeh once my cat had to wear that thing too... poor kitties lol
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