The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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Tired. Eternally.

Have to face my *ahem* previous employer in a few hours. It will be a damned confrontation I can see it. Left 'civil'. Trying not to stoop to a lower level and bight my tongue. You have any idea how hard that is for an outspoken introvert like me? *sighs* Contrary to popular belief I don't LIKE confrontation, I just don't really back down when confronted with it... especially if it's something personal...
I feel kind of...confused...

Oh, dear, you seem to be more than just confused...:no: well, whatever it could be. dont worry. Everything will be fine, if it'snt already.. know something girl? I have a little surprise for you. As soon as I saw I thought in you (so, you cannot say I dont think in you :p ) I hope you enjoy it and all your confusing thoughts run away from you as soon as you see what MARVELLOUS warrior I bring with me!!

Ahh, Before I can forget it: the song really deserves it (even more, if you guess whom the singer is!!!;) )
Tired. Eternally.

Have to face my *ahem* previous employer in a few hours. It will be a damned confrontation I can see it. Left 'civil'. Trying not to stoop to a lower level and bight my tongue. You have any idea how hard that is for an outspoken introvert like me? *sighs* Contrary to popular belief I don't LIKE confrontation, I just don't really back down when confronted with it... especially if it's something personal...

Hope everything goes ok.

I am so ****ing tired. My muscles are aching and now I've realised I've run out some food that I love to eat (mainly my breakfast cereal). My muscles feel like they are just going to jump out of my skin any moment. Have to sit that one exam which is going to be hell, seeing I've only studied ten minutes out of it. It's pouring outside and I just don't like going outside when its raining (due to the fact that I straightened my hair yesterday and I like to keep it straight). Again. I want to go home. I will be going home soon because the holidays are coming up. That means travelling between father and mother, one in Bathurst and one in Sydney, oh and I am so seeing my brother when Im Sydney! get a lift back with Heather. I hate the fact that even Daniel's own mother thinks I'm anorexic cos I've lost a stack of weight and finding it hard to eat these emotions to a decent weight. He moves today in with her. *sigh* *goes back to sleep for eternity*
same hehe and i celebrated it with buying stuff from bandmech, no more 'mom i want to use the card"
man i feel powerful :p

LOL yeah for us...

I am worried Jess is texting me and its I hate this. I use to love, but now I am so scared something will go wrong...
I feel incompetent. And I hate myself for it.

You must be joking if you really feel like know something dear? Whatever it can be the reason it makes feel this, you have to overcome it. You arent incompetent. you know it, and if someone told you that; he/she is someone with mind at all!!! and if you did something, maybe a work, and it wasnt as good as you thought, well... you have another opportunity for improving it. Each moment is another opportunity. Dont give it up, and the most important fact: believe in yourself 'cos if you do it, you can believe in the people next to you and you will be happier. So, let the hate and all that negative things or thoughts run away from you and let me see that it's true the post you posted once and I reiterated...(and I'm still sure about it)

LP~Shinoda~FM said:
My mommy always said I was special...

Usiel said:
And I reiterate what your mom said: you're special, of course, you're... you still have doubt about it??

BTW, today I feel a bit tired (just a bit) and quite nervous. Tomorrow I'll start the last stage: exams are already here... so, I suppose I'm ready.. well, not. I'M SURE I'M READY!!:D Exams, come now, 'cos Lorena is waiting for you!!:>:eek:
How do I feel? I feel ****ing GREAT ! I flogged that exam (and I also spent half an hour drawing random pictures of things on the back of the exam paper and trying to get the Nightwish lyrics "save one last breath for me" out of my head). I have to admit I didn't know like a quarter of the answers so I made **** up. That french word (some one help me out here) that means to trick the viewer (I found that out after the exam), I wrote "Beware of the Uni Student" and it asked to give an example .... "Me" It was nothing like I had expected it to be like. It was mainly the **** that I actually can remember recalling off the top of my head.
Winter holidays here I come! I feel sorry for people like Elise who has five exams (she's doing art history). YAY !!
*runs around in circles like a little kid on Red Bull*
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