The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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I dunno.
Still a bit fed up, confused, homesick, torn between what's right and what's not. But on a lighter note, I have to go to Iain's performance, well, his second one, I totally ditched Mika, Kate and him with their performance of A Midsummr's Night Dream down in TV Land (Tv production area of the uni) cos Dan was sick then and I had to race around after him. I didn't mind it. Lol. (Iain is an actor lol I love patting his curly hair as well)
I don't know there's something about Iain which makes me smile and laugh, I don't know.... Mika, well, he's vertically challenged and that's thrown me off completely. Huon's 3rd bday party!!! Damn I hope I don't have to be the one running after the stupid little kids and play their stupid games while everybody else sits back and enjoys doing NOTHING !!! Pfft. Adults.

Haha. Mum just called while writing this, (man that woman has good timing) and reminded me that I need to book the train or I am walking home and just telling me that plans. She's not going to be in Bathurst on the Tuesday, so I get to bitch to my dad and sister instead, but will be on Huon's bday the Wednesday. Then going back to Sydney to cause death and destruction with my brother!!! Hahaha.
feeling ****ing annoyed. i am looking for a new job because i am sick of the women bitching about each other in work. they call each other constantly behind each others back, its soooooooo stupid, its like being back at school. i'm not nasty and i can't call people names and hurt them.
Stand your ground hon.
It's frustrating when you're in that kind of environment, left feeling isolated because of your level of maturity that the others are yet to possess, but you know what, moving on probably won't change much. I don't say you stay, hell no one should ever be stuck in a position where they're not happy, but just think too that your next job could be exactly the same. Painful isn't it? Some people aren't happy unless they're making others miserable. My former workplace was so stressful for similar reasons and more after 4 years I was throwing up before I went to work because I knew what I was walking into. Don't EVER let these cows and their childish ways get the better of who you are as an employee and as a person. They're just gonna find out the hard way later on.
Sincerely the best of luck with what you chose to do. Whoever employs you will win themselves a valuable asset, to be sure ;)
Chin up hon.

Me? Good! Enough said! :)
Stand your ground hon.
It's frustrating when you're in that kind of environment, left feeling isolated because of your level of maturity that the others are yet to possess, but you know what, moving on probably won't change much. I don't say you stay, hell no one should ever be stuck in a position where they're not happy, but just think too that your next job could be exactly the same. Painful isn't it? Some people aren't happy unless they're making others miserable. My former workplace was so stressful for similar reasons and more after 4 years I was throwing up before I went to work because I knew what I was walking into. Don't EVER let these cows and their childish ways get the better of who you are as an employee and as a person. They're just gonna find out the hard way later on.
Sincerely the best of luck with what you chose to do. Whoever employs you will win themselves a valuable asset, to be sure ;)
Chin up hon.

Me? Good! Enough said! :)

thanks hun, that made me feel much better. i think the place i am applying to this time will be different. the job i do now is in a tiny shop, were all confined to a small space so we get in each others space all day. the new job is in a huge supermarket so its kinda hard to get in someones personal space. anywhere is better than where i am now.
thanks hun, that made me feel much better. i think the place i am applying to this time will be different. the job i do now is in a tiny shop, were all confined to a small space so we get in each others space all day. the new job is in a huge supermarket so its kinda hard to get in someones personal space. anywhere is better than where i am now.
Best of luck Allie. And come to think of it I reckon being in a larger space/work environment definately helps. If you're not in each other's pockets so to speak every minute of the day you'll be less defensive of your 'personal space' and this territorial warfare might not be that big of an issue. Hope it all works out for ya. Keep us informed, yeah? :D

Me - :confused: Sorta... restless. Like I want to do so many things at once but don't know what and don't know where to start - and at the same time don't want to do anything... I don't even know how to classify that as any actual 'mood.' Whatever it is that's where I am at the moment. Ask me again in a few minutes, undoubtedly I'll be somewhere else with this... probably.
aaargh...I'm so pissed right now....I'm home like all day....because everyone is watching that stupid footbal >_> I HATE FOOTBALL!!!! plus...I'm like angry all day because everyone just starts telling me what to do or not....aaaaargh....why don't they just leave me alone >_> PLUS I have my period and this is probably the reason why I'm agry all day and my stomach hurts....I just want to go to bed..
Countrylink, do you think I have the cash to afford booking online with a credit card? Jesus $^%^$%$%%$%% !!!!!!!!

Pissed off with countrylink and how damn **** it is. Mum is going to be sooooo annoyed/pissed. They are going to charge me extra if I just rock up without a booking and its a XPT ride on the train and a bus ride to Bathurst....over five hours!!!! **** YOU COUNTRYLINK YOU'RE WORSE THEN CENTRELINK ....... at times!
Am pretty good. Caught up on some sleep now so feeling a lot more together now. Good ole lazy Sunday afternoons... *sigh* Now I actually have the time to stop and appreciate them :eek:k:
feeling good, its fathers day today and i can't wait for andy to get his present. aswell as breakfast prepared by me and the kids hes got a framed front page of a newspaper that says "ANDY KING IS BEST STEP-DAD IN THE WORLD" i had it specially made and i wrote an article about him on it too. were going to andys mum and dads for lunch today, can't wait, his dad is such a good cook!!!!!
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