The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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Am writing again at the mo so relieved to be penning something again after a few days dry spell... not being able to write is like coming off drugs, you go into withdrawal, it's frustrating as all hell! But hopefully I get back on track now... aside from that not too shabby :)
Boooooored.. Supposed to be going to the beach today.. But, I am waiting for my bum friends to wake up, and who knows then that will be?
I'm kinda bored,it's kinda cold outside for summer,and I'm not looking forward to state tests the next 3 days...
Am good. Waiting for the post to be delivered though. On a deadline. I need the paperwork for meeting tomorrow morn and I'm starting to worry... still have few hours yet... *paces*
I'm the most tired I think i have ever been over a long period of time. But I'm still doing fine, just tired is all.
25% Happy, 20% Confused, 5% Scared and 50% tired
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