The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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feeling so good

I FEEL THE MOST HAPPY GIRL ALL OVER THE WORLD!!! Not, I didnt win the lottery (this wil be for the next time) I didnt meet the most handsome man (Mike Shinoda). That will be for my next life (I'm the first in the queue), not, I havent got my holidays.... yet :)spiteful: ) but I still feel the HAPPIEST GIRL... the reason? Oh, it's a secret, only one person knows it (or I think that person with wings should know it!! (mim anjo doce :) )
Devon, hope u pass it =)

(mim anjo doce :) )

anjo doce hahah es verdad :D
gracias sis

I'm feeling so ****ing happy today!!!

Everything's fine, project is going fine, holidays will be the best ever, gonna watch portugal match today with some friends, it's sunny..

what else can i ask?! :D
Tired from doing nothing all day.
Had to **** around in the garage to try and find some of my mum's stuff. I downloaded a heap of programs today and I wrote.
I wanna finish this update already, but I've only just started to write it. Blrgh. Tiredness. Early to bed for me tonight.
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