The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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good excuse dude... :rolleyes:

great, and it will be greater this night, gonna have some fun with some friends :D

lolol..well good for you, finally you are going out^^ hope you have fun

h-h-how did you know that my window was open?:eek:


I have this strange feeling the whole day... I don't know what's wrong tho...

because i had the same problem >.< so i thought yeh that could be it:p

anyway still feeling good, gonna get back to my homework in a while >.<
Stressing... about... Maths! >_<
I actually am going to fail, I don't know anything. aha.
On the positive side though, I don't think I'm going to fail Psychology anymore, I somehow got an A on my mock without doing any revision or learning anything whatsoever all year. xD
I'm good, aha everyhting is just fine right now,
I might get new job better pay Graveyard shift.
If I don't I don't mind my old job is just as good.
I'm fine... bored tho... -.- did my Engish homework but I kinda want it perfect so I actually need someone to help me but I dunno who plus I'm too lazy to ask anyone xD does that make sense? no lol
I'm sleepy too...and kind of pissed >_> I went to that guy who is probably going to do my tattoo...I just wanted an appointment...but when I got there ..there was just some telephone number and the shop was I'll have to call if I want an appointment >_>
I feel great! I think I'm kinda hyped that's why I'm all like "omg I feel so damn great I could do whatever the **** I want!! woooohoooo!!!" hahahaha
I ****ing HATE the way that you treat me.
[But ohh]
Then if I say anything to you;;
It 'pushes' you away.
Makes you think I'm not confident.
But yeah, when you treat me like ****.
Consistently on end.
It's going to make me question.
I ****ing hate it.
I'm so close to being done with it.
You were gone for 5 ****ing days, and you won't come see me for ten minutes.
You never told me you missed me once.
You're a ****ing asshole.
&&I don't even know why I put up with your god damn BULLshit.
You need to change.
I treat you like a King.
[But ohh]
It don't matter.
So long as you have your way.
****ing cuss me out because I woke you up.
When you okay'd it last night.
Because you were supposed to take me to breakfast.
**** YOU.
I spend so much money on you.
Buy so much **** for you.
Smokes, clothes, cologne, gas, weed, alcohol.
[But ohh]
It's not e ****ing nough for you.
I work every ****ing shift that YOU don't want to work for you.
But when I'm ****ing puking up my guts you won't take one god damn shift for me.
&You know I can't call out.
I ask for a little reassurance from time to time.
Maybe if you didn't treat me like ****.
And showed some appreciation I wouldn't need it.

I feel better.
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