The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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Im okay now. Really excited to be exact. Tim from the Tamworth Austar team is coming down to Bathurst today and I'm all excited to meet him for the first time ever. But he's like 30 something and mum is gonna kill me if she finds out that I like him as more of a friend.
Im okay now. Really excited to be exact. Tim from the Tamworth Austar team is coming down to Bathurst today and I'm all excited to meet him for the first time ever. But he's like 30 something and mum is gonna kill me if she finds out that I like him as more of a friend.
does he like you also?

feeling f*cking tired, i'm in class not doing anything lol
HEAPS of anxiety and anticapation atm...only a few days til i know if i got into the course i want at the uni i want...i hate anticapation...

bit of overjoy,played 4 hours of Cod4...didnt go so well, but just hilarious having everyoe banter each other after every kill/error etc xD
Hazi[LP]Tonz;549498 said:
HEAPS of anxiety and anticapation atm...only a few days til i know if i got into the course i want at the uni i want...i hate anticapation...

bit of overjoy,played 4 hours of Cod4...didnt go so well, but just hilarious having everyoe banter each other after every kill/error etc xD
LOL doesn't gaming just kick ass! lol
^ farrrkkk yeahhh,especially when you got a whole netcafe playing with you...everyone just giving to each other ahaha
Hazi[LP]Tonz;549501 said:
^ farrrkkk yeahhh,especially when you got a whole netcafe playing with you...everyone just giving to each other ahaha
too right mate! nothing beats the times where its a team game, with like 5 teams, and you are on the shittest team and still find a way to win! thats cool! lol
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