The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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I'm so happy!!! I've gotten into uni !!!

omg omg omg *hugs*
well done!!! thats so amazing!

i just did an hour and a half of microeconomics revision! gayy. ive got to do an hour and half of macro after my two hour lunch break. then i have to read a ****ing 324 page book on political ideology. gayyyy, i was meant to be just doing the chapters on Liberalism, Socialism and Convaterism but OH NO! teacher informed us that all the minor extremist ideologies will be on the exam to! gay, that means i have to revise Fascism and Nazism, which is gay!
Im so ****ing busy!!!! I got at the auctions today a couch, a TV, desk, VCR player, bits and pieces for $25 !!! Bit happy about that. Not happy about not recieving my payment from Austar, cos I need that to pay for my new place's bond. I've gotta be outta here within a month to settle in. OMG OMG Nightwish concert is coming up!! I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT THAT TOO ALSO!!

Lol. Overhappy Sarah.
Some #@$%^&* *&^%$#@ hacked into my hotmail account and ran up a $20,000 bill on eBay in my name! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Luckily for the most part it's been rectified and I have deleted offending/vulnerable accounts including my hotmail, msn and bank accounts, but the it still irks me something fierce - I just wanna scream! How could these %$#*&^ $%#@&*( do something like this just for fun?!
To make matters worse they sent pretty negative emails to all my contacts... so to those that get emails from me DELETE them and ignore what they said. Sincerest apologies guys.
Just so... freaking... steamed... lost for words really...
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