The 'How You Feelin'' thread v6.0


New member
Kinda lonely and tired...wishing someone I know would get a move on, though I know it's not their fault, it's my own... Just a bit depressed, I guess.


New member
Annoyed. I wish kids would learn not to throw stuff into my backyard and then come knocking at my door to ask for their ball back. Makes me wanna throw the ball over to the highway and have it destroyed by oncoming traffic.


New member
^ I say go for it - but then I'm nasty to kids :D

Annoyed cuz I have to go to bed and have no more internet for five looooooooong days...

Begging me for what, HUH? HUH? HUH? lol
I'm good.. just a light a sore throat :)
for nothin hahaha

I feel **** great!!

Don't want school tomorrow but meh x)

goin to town a bit soon... anyone feel like joining and drinkin a hot chocolate? :D loool



New member
sleeepy...getting up early to early to go out to breakfast w\ the family, though I'm not real hungry myself.


New member
So bored out of my brain I want to cry. Tried playing Sims, still bored. Tried watching movies etc, still bored. Getting a bit down lately now that I can't go out with friends anymore as they're all (both) pregnant and are wanting to stay at home and not drink etc. Man life has become so dull again. Have tried writing but didn't like anything I came up with. And even LPF in general is quiet...




New member
I downloaded it a while ago, i didnt really like it even though Vin Diesel is a great actor ;>
Well, it´s a movie not everyone will like imo

It is futuristic, and the movie is just way different than ´normal´ movies, but anyway, I did like it :p



New member
Just went shopping, paid some bills, cleaned house, did the housewife thing - am pretty good all things considered :)


New member
****** fed up with Maya =/

Meant to making something for today to show our lecturer, so far I've had nothing but bad luck with the program and there arn't any simple tutorials for absolute beginners.



New member
Trying to do some writing... at least get these ideas out of my head - and it's not coming out the way I'd like it. Think I'm trying too hard. Writing short stories has never been my forte... well, here's hoping I guess ;)
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