The 'How You Feelin'' thread v6.0


New member
I'm pretty alright. Been so busy... Haven't had time to myself this weekend really. I just wanna sleep right now... but I still have a fuckload of homework to do. ****...


New member
Good. Got some writing done finally (back to study again) and have work tomorrow so I guess it's something. Also looking forward to the end of the week - seeing Ronnie Johns' 'Chopper - Make Deadshits History' show, so looking forward to that! XD

Have an early start for the next few days but on the bright side, it's keeping me busy, so that I appreciate.

Oh and watching SPN at the mo so of course, Rav's in her happy place ^^



New member
I'm listening to Vanessa Amorosi and it's kinda freaky that I used to be a hardcore fan of her. Other than that, I'm still really sleepy (I got up at 3 pm today) and lazy.....Rainy outside and my clothes are outside on the line still.


New member
Good. Played old Pharaoh earlier for a few hours just to give me a challenge, that was a fun change. And wrote. All of this was after work of course but only worked half day today, strange shift, but back to normal next 2 days. Early starts; 5:45am, 4:30am, but hey, gets my day over and done with early so that's a plus. A few days to go then weekend! Oh and the Chopper show! And looking forward to next week - my tat on monday, Slipknot on friday! Awesome!


New member
omg omg omg I'm soooo happyyyyyyyy *dances like crazy* I'm going to continue with my dance classes *weeeeeeeeeeeeeee* I thought my "career" was over...but it's not *yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy* :D :D :D :D


New member
Man I sleep way too much. I got up at like 3 pm today and went to bed about 2 am watching DBZ. ******* finally, the Cell Saga is over. But am happy that Trunks (he's my baby boy and very popular amongst the girls) went back to the future okay to fight both the Andriods and happily defeated Cell in the future as well. Am now on the saga where Goku's in heaven and he's in the competition against the best fighters amongst the other Kai's quarters. Can't wait to see Goku against Picollon (after seeing what he did to both Cell and Freeza in ****). And can't wait to see the episodes where Gohan is a teenager :)

Man I watch too much DBZ.

My friend is going to burn me some Sailor Moon.



New member
Surprisingly good for someone's that been awake almost 24 hours now (I'm old, give me some credit ;) )

Saw the Chopper show earlier 'Make deadsh*ts history' and that was great! Laughed so much my face is still aching.

Came home, chatted to sis, got to see my Greek parents on webcam, and laughed again so much my face is still sore.

Tell you, been a big full day, and man am I beat, but I am still happy, not like I was this time last week. Slowly pulling myself up out of that dark depressive hole again, getting back on track. That's good.

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