The 'How You Feelin'' thread v6.0


New member
I'm just tired and bored... :(
Aww my poor lil brother *hugs* Wish I could help Pete. Chin up. In a few weeks you're gonna wish you had time to be bored with the hunt etc, huh? ;)

Good. But bad. I'm squandering precious writing time on playing silly-buggers on the forums. Bad Rav.



New member
omg...I want snow toooo *___* not just this stupid cold...or better..freezing weather >_>

I'm ok....a little much to do for school..and don't know when I'm going to finish all..



New member
ah yeah..forgot to write also: I'm irritated because I can't find the guy that is supposed to do my tattoo >_> so...I have to wait till I don't klwno when >_>


New member
Sleepy but happy - and apparently much in demand; I've gotten more PMs on WF in two days than in the whole rest of my stay there.


New member
Tired and cold and sick and sore. I think I have a headcold. I mean it's really nasty. My head feels like it's made of cement. **** this crazy bitterly cold weather. It's meant to be spring damnit! Why then are we forced to rug up in our winter clothes again and walk to and from work in the driving wind and rain?!




New member

omg omg omg omg omg!!! and the guy who likes me is now buying me a ruby and diamond ring for christmas. too bad I don't like him the same way.

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