The 'How You Feelin'' thread v6.0


New member
can someone tell me what i did last night? lol, i have a massive hangover an im still half drunk lol.
Made senseless posts, from what I can tell :p

I'm annoyed at this anceint jerk on WF - why are old people ******** so often? But happy because an old friend PM'd me earlier.



New member
she's not lying!!!im on the phone with her, she's faaaaaaarked!

im highly amused!!!
and also amused by sarah
Does this jog any memories for you yet Sarah? :lol:

Am so cold! This is insane it's meant to be summer here but I'm frickin' freezing! Cold, tired and hungry but all in all really not that bad. Could be worse. Way worse. Miss my sis though *pouts*



New member
Does this jog any memories for you yet Sarah? :lol:

Very few lol. Apparently I was hilarious according to my two other friends who came with me. I kept on staring at my glow in the dark bracelets and kept on laughing about nothing.

Me right now? Alcohol poisoning for sure. Vomiting all morning, I tried to have a shower this morning, but all I did was sit in the shower with the water running thinking "this isn't working". I called up a friend and I started to cry for no reason. This was while I was still half drunk. I managed to put some clothes on and go back to bed until 1 pm and fell asleep on the couch outside, leaving my computer on with msn and lpf going until recently until I picked it up. Tingly feeling in my feet and hands still, and this has gone on for about two hours now. My friend said to me over the phone tonight that I could've died if I had one or two more drinks. I still have a lot of the alcohol in my bloodstream and I feel so stoned right now cos of it. Along with me being tired and all, early to bed.

Lesson learnt - don't drink in public places with little kids are about. Yes, I got smashed in front of all the age groups of my town. I set a perfect example for future generations.


crazy robster

New member
I'm sad... disappointed... Probably each one of you have heard about what happened here in Greece that has turned the whole country into a battlefield. What pains me is that a bunch of anarchists took advantage of that tragic incident to just cause chaos, break and burn innocent people's houses and property. It saddens me like you can't believe... The balance between the freedom of democracy and the freedom to just destroy without consequences seems to be very delicate after all... I scoff at us...Greeks were supposed to be the ones who created civilization and look at us...Decadence. I'm ashamed... :( :(

Rant over...



New member
I'm sad... disappointed... Probably each one of you have heard about what happened here in Greece that has turned the whole country into a battlefield. What pains me is that a bunch of anarchists took advantage of that tragic incident to just cause chaos, break and burn innocent people's houses and property. It saddens me like you can't believe... The balance between the freedom of democracy and the freedom to just destroy without consequences seems to be very delicate after all... I scoff at us...Greeks were supposed to be the ones who created civilization and look at us...Decadence. I'm ashamed... :( :(
Rant over...
yes i totally agree, as its meant to be the cradle of western civilisation and this has happened :/

well i personally hate anarchism, its the worst ideology (imo) as some of them believe that they can do as the wish and shouldnt be ristricted however...if someone was breaking their property im sure that they would be first people complaining! No, politics and society rarely works on a pan consensus but what it works on cooperation and an attempt at compromise.

im wrecked!! got so wasted last night...ahhh my head hurts



New member
waaaaaaaaaah in loveeeeeeee <3 I stayed at my bf's last was so niceeeeeeeee >_< and before that I had a ..let say... a competition.. with my dance group...and it went ok...not really a was just for fun :) and I invited my bf :) I never invited anyone to these things...not even my parents xD and he said he's proud of me :) waaaah....what a lovely day :) <3 and he bought me a cd >_< <3


New member
BAH. I hate going to bed. But I have to. **** society - I want to convert to nocturnalism. So yeah, I'm feeling annoyed.


New member
Very sunburnt!

Went to the markets with friends today, meant to save my money for Xmas pressies but I spent thirty on myself; typical ;) Was wandering around in a halterneck top and didn't stop to think about the summer sun. So now sad to say my shoulders, upper back and back of my neck, even my forearms are RED! (Poor tattoos, they really stand out now on a red background) *snuffle*

Aside from that not so bad. Work again tomorrow, always sucks, but it's a later start than it has been last few weeks so OMG I might get to sleep past 3am for a third day in a row if I'm lucky!

Now... I wait for sis.



New member
I'm like, pumped! wooo

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I feel good ^___^ got a lil headache but meeh...

I repeating the sentence "aaww he's so cute! my baby!" all the time in my head loooool

dont ask I have no idea why Im doing this lol

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