The 'How You Feelin'' thread v6.0


New member
hey guys *waves* i'm feeling ok, hoping to get a new job soon because my boss is a nightmare and i hate the ******* place!!! my daughter has chicken pox and i keep having to tell her off for itching!!!

other than that i'm glorious and still madly in love (been married 7 months now)

miss you guys xxxx

wow its already 7 months? time flies by :eek:

hope your girl gets well soon :)

Im fine... gettin tired... kinda nervous bout tomorrow, gotta present some kinda project at school >_<

man I just wanna see him...



New member
I had a decent sleep last night! Woo! I slept in too late (was supposed to get up at 7 am and now it's 9.30 am) and that means Matt wasn't online so I could speak to him :( I'm in a somewhat mellow mood. Haven't been in a mellow mood for ages.

I think my best friend is angry at me and I don't know why, Josh hasn't even attempted to contact me at all for the past 2 weeks and I've been trying to call him non-stop and he's not picking up and returning my calls. So I don't know what to do about that. I think he's angry because he thinks that me and Callan are back together :S



New member
Ok so it wasn't cold today when it got later on during the day. I'm a bit ****** off at an old friend who said she was coming around but decided to go to dinner with her bf without a phone call or anything so I had to call her and then she told me. Ugh. But other than that, I'm hot and sweaty, listening to The Offspring.

Apparently, my bro in law's friend who I knows, has an uber crush on me. I can never see me with Rob. He's like 27 or something. I don't know. I'm sticking to Matt for the time being. I can't wait until he comes over here to see me xD I got my first order tonight for my job from the lady across the room as well. Counting down the months until Sygy comes to Oz xD

edit - where's my oh so short mother? Being stuck home with the rest of the family and David is ******* me off T__T we need some insanity back in this household and soon before I go officially insane.



New member
I feel so sore hahaha stupid excersise grr... :p

Ugh; School starts back in one week and I haven't finished all my homework **** I'm so going to get sent out of my English class on the first day bahaha welcome back to school :p Oh well

But I do want to get all the homework done to bad I have to read 2 boring as **** books >.<

Eh; other than that I've been GREAT! Been listening to LP all day ah! nothing better :D

Smexual much!?!?!?!!?



New member
hahahaha nice sig you got there XD

I remember one of my mates was telling that to a girl in my class and it took her foreverrrr to catch on hahah

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