what's wrong\happened? nothing serious I hope?
I'm ok, sort of disappointed no one's reading my stuff on my writer's forum.
Barely have the time to keep up writing at this point with work and such, have good intentions, just not enough hours in the day. Will try soon... haven't replied to so many people in Writer's Corner its a wonder they're still speaking to me!
Sarah, it's most likely stress. You can't make it disappear either because you're still going to be dealing with the real estate agents and such. Best suggestion is keep hydrated and get plenty of rest. By rest I mean physical. Your mind probably wont let you sleep or shut down when you're in this state but if your body is resting at least it wont physically burn out too. And yeah, stop smkoing and eat better. D'uh.
Me - good. Day off and plan to do nothing but write. That's a good day for me. Well, day's half over already, but still... can write something, damnit, pretend to be constructive like