The I bought MTM thread^^


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2005
Just a useless thread i know that lol but just wanted to share my happyness, just bought the album:D

i was the 3rd person in line:D

the cd/dvd package looks awesome, gonna watch the dvd in a minute!

well guess alot of you get it tomorrow, and than give your thoughts about it:)

p.s i'm not gonna describe it, don't want to spoil that part for you:)
MTM isn't as great as it should be, I was really disappointed when I heard it the first time, the second time i got more used to it...There's something random about the arrangment on the CD, a majority of it is just Chester singing and I think his voice has gotten slightly crapper (it used to be SO awesome), it just didn't have a major impact on me like HT or Meteora, when you finish the CD it doesn't make you want to listen to it over and over again...I do like the beats though and I did get used to it all after the second time of listening...I just don't think it's as spectacular as it should be for a 4 yr break.
MTM isn't as great as it should be, I was really disappointed when I heard it the first time, the second time i got more used to it...There's something random about the arrangment on the CD, a majority of it is just Chester singing and I think his voice has gotten slightly crapper (it used to be SO awesome), it just didn't have a major impact on me like HT or Meteora, when you finish the CD it doesn't make you want to listen to it over and over again...I do like the beats though and I did get used to it all after the second time of listening...I just don't think it's as spectacular as it should be for a 4 yr break.
aye yo whered u come from gal:D
Yeah i bought it together with Untitled, I was right after him lol
It looks so awesome, and Mike was right, it really is better after you've bought it and read about the songs.
I can't stop singing it lol, it's so awesome:D
i havnt got it yet...cause HMV australia doesnt stock the cd/dvd(apparently they dont...even though they were telling me at the time that they DID and had ordered it for various number of people) i was handed a cd for FULL price..>_<, i sent it straight back...relinquishing the shirt...but dvd...bastards...they tried to pawn me off the LP cd and chargin me for the cd/ im not expecting my cd/dvd to come to me til at least end of month as amazon have gotta ship it and all that jazz....on the upside i conned my mum into getting me frat party too, so in a few weeks, it ll be MINE, i might borrow a copy of my friends to listen to in the meantime...
Hazi[LP]Tonz;487448 said:
i havnt got it yet...cause HMV australia doesnt stock the cd/dvd(apparently they dont...even though they were telling me at the time that they DID and had ordered it for various number of people) i was handed a cd for FULL price..>_<, i sent it straight back...relinquishing the shirt...but dvd...bastards...they tried to pawn me off the LP cd and chargin me for the cd/ im not expecting my cd/dvd to come to me til at least end of month as amazon have gotta ship it and all that jazz....on the upside i conned my mum into getting me frat party too, so in a few weeks, it ll be MINE, i might borrow a copy of my friends to listen to in the meantime...
Australia sucks :( It's stupid how "a lot" of the time we have to wait weeks in advance no wonder people download it! 8P
I also bought it yesterday, maybe I saw you untitled and Linkin_lp_park.
Those guys in the front were really annoying especially that guy who was screaming the whole time, I hope it wasn't one of you. :p
I'm really happy with my Special Edition. :D
I also bought it yesterday, maybe I saw you untitled and Linkin_lp_park.
Those guys in the front were really annoying especially that guy who was screaming the whole time, I hope it wasn't one of you. :p
I'm really happy with my Special Edition. :D

Wait you were at the one in rotterdam 2?

i was the one with the blue HT ep shirt, you?? i was in the front also next to them

i thought they were kinda funny lol:rofl:

anyway i watched the dvd, and people it's awesome:D

they were already playing the songs before the store opened, so we called m and they put the volume up for us lol!
I just got my 2 copies of MTM

The special edition and the normal one...

the cool thing is that it's sold out now in my town...because I bought the last 2 copies.

I don't wanna tell you too much about the DVD...but it's 110 min.
awww i was hoping for 4 hours....ahh well

yer the normal cd cover looks alright, very meteora like, but if rather the special edition, i may go and get the normal edition a lil later on, my money all in the special edition cd/dvd!
*Wished that i lived in Eindhoven in stead of a stupid city called Vlissingen* I wanted to buy the cd today at Media Markt in Middelburg, but the cd wasn't in stores while it is always in stores on the Friday, f'in weird :eek: