The Israeli Lobby Is Destroying America Said Congressman Paul Findley


New member
On the thought of Jews VS. Islam... (closer to topic than everything else on this thread lol )

Israel was founded by the British to give the Jews their land. But the same land was ALSO promised to the Islamic people in the area to avoid war. After the Jews got settled in the Islamic people started making themselves heard. The British eventually pulled out and let the whole place fall to ****, Israel (fearing the destruction of there new home) did the logical thing and got busy arming themselves. After a few wars/battles Israel had done enough damage to humiliate the Islamic fighters, and the terror attacks escalated, the whole area has been ****** ever since. Israel also gave Egypt a kick in the *** and has basically been ******* everyone in that region off since they showed up. With the entire history of Israel being one big turf war, it is a given that they know what they are doing, they are the premiere counter-terror organization in the world, have pulled off numerous missions thought impossible with incredible success, and have a top-notch intelligence agency.

We happen to be in support of Israel because they are helping us fight in that area of the world, we also are in joint-information transactions including them over terror situations. We recognize them as a valuable ally. They actually wanted to join the Iraq invasion, but we declined believing that there presence would upset the Islamic people in Iraq.

On another note, they invented the UZI and the desert Eagle, back when the production was under the name IMI. :D


de kannibaal

New member
I have so many things to do besides listen to Jhony5's mewlings and calls of bluffing.

Unfortunately for him, the IRS will not be impressed with his calls for me to post his IP address. I said he had a week, he still has time before I make the call.

He has promised me a visit, I have posted my home address for him, let's see who is the bluffer shall we?



New member
I have so many things to do besides listen to Jhony5's mewlings and calls of bluffing.
Unfortunately for him, the IRS will not be impressed with his calls for me to post his IP address. I said he had a week, he still has time before I make the call.

He has promised me a visit, I have posted my home address for him, let's see who is the bluffer shall we?
Are you for ******* real? Honestly. This has gotten obscene.

Post my IP address you liar. Lets see how good you are. Don't be a coward. Impress us all with your hacking skillz.

I'm sure the IRS will take your calls seriously.

I never promised to pay you a visit. But I will promise that if I find out you did try and get me trouble for some **** I didn't do. Or that you did in fact hack my PC. I will find you, and I will stomp your ***** little *** into the dirt.

So the ball is in your court ******. You can either

1:post my IP and or name.

2:Shut the **** up and use this debate forum for its intended use and stop trolling and flaming it to ****.

Honestly I can't believe that GF is going to allow a newbie piece of **** like you to threaten a long time member with hacks and even more egregious acts. I'm actually disappointed in GF for allowing this to continue.

You have made zero attempt to debate or discuss on this forum. Your flaming and threats are a violation of terms in my view. But that decision is up to Bob and the mods. I ask them too address this issue and remove the cancerous growth known as De kannibaal.



New member
Honestly I can't believe that GF is going to allow a newbie piece of **** like you to threaten a long time member with hacks and even more egregious acts. I'm actually disappointed in GF for allowing this to continue.
You have made zero attempt to debate or discuss on this forum. Your flaming and threats are a violation of terms in my view. But that decision is up to Bob and the mods. I ask them too address this issue and remove the cancerous growth known as De kannibaal.
I'll second that.


de kannibaal

New member
Jhony, Jhony, Jhony, be careful what you wish for.....

Your ISP is

Shall I expose you further or do you wish to back off now? You might want to consider your answer VERY carefully.


Kryptonite Man

New member
Jhony, Jhony, Jhony, be careful what you wish for.....
Your ISP is

Shall I expose you further or do you wish to back off now? You might want to consider your answer VERY carefully.
Liar! You got NOTHING on Jhony5 you powerless dipshit!



New member
Um... I believe his IP # would be what you would gain from anything even so simple as a "Whois" if you were able to hack your way out of a ball of cotton candy with a Ginsu knife.... and it would actually be a number.

The P = Protocol.. not provider.. wouldn't a 133t h4x0r know all of that?

All you have to do to figure out his ISP is know where he is from and look up the most popular service provider. You have a better than 50% chance of getting it right.



New member
I luvs me some inner-net 133t h4x0r5!

Nothing is quite so entertaining as the message board idiots who threaten to blow up yer hard drive with their magical terrorist hacking powers.


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New member
Now THAT is ******* funny.
That is pretty funny.

Speaking of IP addresss. I'm wondering if de kannaabal and happy feller have the same address? Sure sounds like the same person. Hmmmmm.........



New member
That is pretty funny.
Speaking of IP addresss. I'm wondering if de kannaabal and happy feller have the same address? Sure sounds like the same person. Hmmmmm.........
I must say, Snaffie, the older comments from our dear friend, Happy Feller, are very different from the new comments coming from the same account. Conspiracy? Looks like we have multiple personalities using the same account. More power to them- GF is all about fun.



New member
Jhony, Jhony, Jhony, be careful what you wish for.....
Your ISP is

Shall I expose you further or do you wish to back off now? You might want to consider your answer VERY carefully.
Has it been a week yet? We're all waiting.

He came. He saw. He cowered.



New member
Has it been a week yet? We're all waiting.
He came. He saw. He cowered.

Even if he was a talented hacker, and thats a big 'ol IF, I am not the type to be intimidated by such cowards. He said he saw my banking information on my PC, along with he names of some of my contacts. All incorrect. I do absolutely zero banking or purchasing online, EVER. Never have and never will. Not one name is attached to this PC other than my own. So he already made it obvious through a blind bluff that he knows nothing.

The reference he made to Is correct. However. I am no computer expert, but I do know there are many ways of him acquiring that information without hacking my PC. Actually if he did brute force into my system, he would have offered a juicier piece of info than that. Comcast does over 80% of all high speed hook-ups in Indy. They are the only cable company in Indy, and I have made mention of my cable hook-up before on this forum.

I'm not asking him to continue this bullshit. Either do it or shut the **** up and do something besides flaming threats on me.

As too the I.R.S. thang. Pffft. All I said was a crack about not paying taxes. Which could mean I'm unemployed. Thats not illegal. For all you guys know I might be a 400LB virgin that lives with his elderly mother and doesn't work.

Alas, I have encountered idiots like DK many times before online. They get all pissy and get pwned then inevitably the "Ima haxzor, ima hax u" **** will start. Whatever ya funky *****. Take it like a man.

That being said I have never encountered a ***** that actually tried to threaten to get me arrested. Thats childish beyond reason.

My name is Ken. I live in Indianapolis. I use My IP address is Give it up DK. You suck. Not the typical kind of suck. A whole new level of suck.



New member
And you're 34? Hi Ken. View attachment 1121
Hey look, we all have our past. Barbie was alright in the first several years. But then the rampant drug use started. Before I knew it I was participating in her kinky *** games. I never really turned her on.

Eventually she left me for some muscley **** named Stretch Armstrong. Please do not dig up this ugly chapter of my life.




New member
de kannibal may no longer be with us.

Euthanasia in the Netherlands

Note: This fact sheet is based upon developments in the Netherlands through 1994. It includes data from the "Remmelink Report." For information on developments in Dutch euthanasia and assisted suicide, see the IAETF Update general index or the Update Search.


Right-to-die advocates often point to Holland as the model for how well physician-assisted, voluntary euthanasia for terminally-ill, competent patients can work without abuse. But the facts indicate otherwise.


Dutch Penal Code Articles 293 and 294 make both euthanasia and assisted suicide illegal, even today. However, as the result of various court cases, doctors who directly kill patients or help patients kill themselves will not be prosecuted as long as they follow certain guidelines. In addition to the current requirements that physicians report every euthanasia/assisted-suicide death to the local prosecutor and that the patient's death request must be enduring (carefully considered and requested on more than one occasion), the Rotterdam court in 1981 established the following guidelines:

The patient must be experiencing unbearable pain.

The patient must be conscious.

The death request must be voluntary.

The patient must have been given alternatives to euthanasia and time to consider these alternatives.

There must be no other reasonable solutions to the problem.

The patient's death cannot inflict unnecessary suffering on others.

There must be more than one person involved in the euthanasia decision.

Only a doctor can euthanize a patient.

Great care must be taken in actually making the death decision. (1)

Since 1981, these guidelines have been interpreted by the Dutch courts and Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) in ever-broadening terms. One example is the interpretation of the "unbearable pain" requirement reflected in the Hague Court of Appeal's 1986 decision. The court ruled that the pain guideline was not limited to physical pain, and that "psychic suffering" or "the potential disfigurement of personality" could also be grounds for euthanasia. (2)

The main argument in favor of euthanasia in Holland has always been the need for more patient autonomy -- that patients have the right to make their own end-of-life decisions. Yet, over the past 20 years, Dutch euthanasia practice has ultimately given doctors, not patients, more and more power. The question of whether a patient should live or die is often decided exclusively by a doctor or a team of physicians.(3)

The Dutch define "euthanasia" in a very limited way: "Euthanasia is understood [as] an action which aims at taking the life of another at the latter's expressed request. It concerns an action of which death is the purpose and the result." (4) (Emphasis added.) This definition applies only to voluntary euthanasia and excludes what the rest of the world refers to as non-voluntary or involuntary euthanasia, the killing of a patient without the patient's knowledge or consent. The Dutch call this "life-terminating treatment."

Some physicians use this distinction between "euthanasia" and "life-terminating treatment" to avoid having a patient's death classified as "euthanasia," thus freeing doctors from following the established euthanasia guidelines and reporting the death to local authorities. One such example was discussed during the December 1990 Institute for Bioethics conference in Maastricht, Holland. A physician from The Netherlands Cancer Institute told of approximately 30 cases a year where doctors ended patients' lives after the patients intentionally had been put into a coma by means of a morphine injection. The Cancer Institute physician then stated that these deaths were not considered "euthanasia" because they were not voluntary, and that to have discussed the plan to end these patients' lives with the patients would have been "rude" since they all knew they had incurable conditions. (5)

For the sake of clarity in this fact sheet, the direct and intentional termination of a patient's life, performed without the patient's consent, will be termed "involuntary euthanasia."


The Remmelink Report-- On September 10, 1991, the results of the first, official government study of the practice of Dutch euthanasia were released. The two volume report (6)--popularly referred to as the Remmelink Report (after Professor J. Remmelink, M.J., attorney general of the High Council of the Netherlands, who headed the study committee)--documents the prevalence of involuntary euthanasia in Holland, as well as the fact that, to a large degree, doctors have taken over end-of-life decision making regarding euthanasia. The data indicate that, despite long-standing, court-approved euthanasia guidelines developed to protect patients, abuse has become an accepted norm. According to the Remmelink Report, in 1990:

2,300 people died as the result of doctors killing them upon request (active, voluntary euthanasia).(7)

400 people died as a result of doctors providing them with the means to kill themselves (physician-assisted suicide).(8)

1,040 people (an average of 3 per day) died from involuntary euthanasia, meaning that doctors actively killed these patients without the patients' knowledge or consent.(9)

14% of these patients were fully competent. (10)

72% had never given any indication that they would want their lives terminated. (11)

In 8% of the cases, doctors performed involuntary euthanasia despite the fact that they believed alternative options were still possible. (12)

In addition, 8,100 patients died as a result of doctors deliberately giving them overdoses of pain medication, not for the primary purpose of controlling pain, but to hasten the patient's death. (13) In 61% of these cases (4,941 patients), the intentional overdose was given without the patient's consent.(14)

According to the Remmelink Report, Dutch physicians deliberately and intentionally ended the lives of 11,840 people by lethal overdoses or injections--a figure which accounts for 9.1% of the annual overall death rate of 130,000 per year. The majority of all euthanasia deaths in Holland are involuntary deaths.

The Remmelink Report figures cited here do not include thousands of other cases, also reported in the study, in which life-sustaining treatment was withheld or withdrawn without the patient's consent and with the intention of causing the patient's death. (15) Nor do the figures include cases of involuntary euthanasia performed on disabled newborns, children with life-threatening conditions, or psychiatric patients. (16)

The most frequently cited reasons given for ending the lives of patients without their knowledge or consent were: "low quality of life," "no prospect for improvement," and "the family couldn't take it anymore."(17)
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