the journal of misspiggy!!!!!! (free cookie with every post)

um..... here is a double post. probably totally worthless. im in my room watching some weird horror movie. mmmmmm... a little freaked for some reason. i dont know im also a little depressed. my aim isnt working so i have to uninstall it. yup. i seriously hope something good would happen right now. i dont know what.... but something good. school is fine but not what i would expect it to be. i want a boyfriend... just someone i can talk too and hug everyday and know that this person can love me as much as i might love them... ::sigh:: sorry to get a little emo on you guys. just the way i feel... anyways im going to try to switch on my happy mode. *clicks imanginary(sp?) switch* well i think it was wednesday or thursday that my crush told me i smell good. :) that makes me feel good but i dont expect him to like me. but thats okay because we talk alot. so slowly we are getting to know each other. yay!!! :D xD xD xD well thats all for today!

...don't we all want someone like that? maybe not even a bf..just a best friend is good, too :). i bet you're heart was beating like mad when your crush told you that, huh? :D

what movie are you watching? movies are great..GO WATCH IT! what the hell are you doing on LPF when you can watch a MOVIE *light appears around the word* lol
thanks everyone... well i just got out of the shower (even though i already showered with water outside) <------ let me explain that. as everyone knows i rode out hurricane rita. okay well whne we were preparing and stuff we filled these big blue tubs of water. so today my dad told me to dunk them but they were toooooooooooo heavy for me to carry (the weight of the water and the tub= i cant carry that:D) so i had to dispose of the water with a bucket and by filling the buket using two cups. well anyways it was alot of work but it was a **** load of fun and i got super duper wet. soo now i just got of the shower... so im squeaky clean yay!!!! me!!!!!!
some people dont read this soo like im always double know i could be talking about killing myself and no one would know until like its on the news or something!!!!!! that would actually be funny. well i had an okay day today....met someone new on myspace his name is wael he seems pretty awesome.....he knows my friend roger so its all good......i went to a festival for halloween it sucked but yet i saw one of my bests friends!!! I WUV TEH DANIEL!!!!!!! yea and i met one of his friends......i dont what his name is but he had red hair. marcus got a truck.......silvestre wasnt there thank god!!!!!!
and like yea stuff. i was gonna hang out with roger but he had to go eat with his sis but thats okay cuz silvia is pretty cool. far one of my friends is slowly drifting away but i truly dont care becuz i dont need him if he is gonna be a duece......i got and awesome hat and whatnot....... um... i had some coke earlier and like im still awake. my crush and I are slowly drifting away from each other....but i dont really like him anymore........i dont think i like anyone.....okay well whatever... other than that my life is good!!!! :thumbsup: :D :p :D :p :D :D :p :D :p
its all over!!!

:mad: :mad: i just recently saw the good bye to la ley on the latin grammys.........and i want to cry so much. mostly becuz that's one of my favorite bands ever!!!! and they just recently decided to retire and what not and toady on the award show was their good bye........their last time to play live and everything. and you know what else sucks i couldve gone to their concert during the summer but i had freaking summer school and the concert didn't start till eleven (it was in a club) and know i will never get to see them live...EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :mad:
misspiggy said:
:mad: :mad: i just recently saw the good bye to la ley on the latin grammys.........and i want to cry so much. mostly becuz that's one of my favorite bands ever!!!! and they just recently decided to retire and what not and toady on the award show was their good bye........their last time to play live and everything. and you know what else sucks i couldve gone to their concert during the summer but i had freaking summer school and the concert didn't start till eleven (it was in a club) and know i will never get to see them live...EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :mad:

OMG!!!NOOOOO!!I can´t believe it!!!!!!:(,La Ley is one of my fave bands as well!!Why are they retiring tho???They have a lot of good songs :D.
I´m sorry to hear that u couldn´t go to the concert:(*hugs*May be some day they will decide to gather up again and start touring and stuff you know?For example,look at the BSB,they have been separated like 3 years or so and now they are back and probably they will start touring..I mean I don´t like BSB although I used to but I just used that example to make a point.
But it really sucks that they are retiring :(!!!
Woody,misspiggy is from South America like me except she lives in the USA now,am I right daughter?:)
i just talked to my mom about the fort minor cd...and turns im gonna have to get the edited version cuz my mom says its bad for me to hear words like pissed......i hate that!!!!!! well what ever it be the same but whatever.
today is the greatest day of my life.....cuz i like got the FORT MINOR CD!!!!!! im listening to it at this very momento!!!! i mean i had to get the edited version but its still awesome!!!!! okay i just had to share cuz its awesome!!!!! :thumbsup: :D
double post again!!!!! well its the last day of the year and today at midnight i have a chance to start new and fresh!!!! saw silvestre monday...di i forget to say i like hate him now cuz he's a douche . my old friends and i are hanging out more mostly cuz i hav enothing to do after school and theyre always home anfd like yeah theyre awesome met some new people like greg, andrew and travis who are awesome too...and yeah well ookay :thumbsup:
OOOO triple post. wow i havent like posted in a looonnnggg time. yea well anyways.
im in high skool now! yea its pretty awesome. i have met new people and just changed a lot. i actualy talk to andre now (see page two or three) and im not so pansy. i have discontinued my gaming lessons but that doesnt mean i dont love the whole gamer thing. i love it. its fun. IM ON THE JUNIOR VARSITY SWIM AND WATER POLO TEAM for my school. that is so awesome i looooooove it. i have reread all my post and realized how much i have matured and junk. i still do want someone who will love me for who i am and not for what i look like. but hey what can i say i just gotta wait. mmmkay...i think im done. :thumbsup:
im baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccccck:D
woot. well im almost done with my first year of high school and i have had so much fun. and i have a regional debate tournament tomorrow:DDDD im uber nervous but hey its cool just gotta work with it:DDDD but yea okay.
good luck on your competition tomorrow!

freshman year is always fun... wait for the next ones! but don't slack off in school... it's important that you maintain your GPA high!
Good luck with that tournament! have some German in your
yea i like german..stuff:D
but yea so i basically owned at my tournament today(kinda). the kids in my group were like afraid of me and it made me feel bad but hey what can i say. i know how to present a speech not to sound concieted but its true. but this one kid was really good i think i lost that round.:[ but i congratulate him becuase he was really good. and feet hurt from being in heels all day. anyone here on a debate? girls if you are i think youll understand my pain haha. but honestly my speech needs a lot of improvement because i dont think its that good. wait listen to me bitching about some speech. okay im done with that but is everyone doin?? you know and what not???