the keza journal

Random qoute time!


'"You should get used to that view Diane, men running away from you." - Tom, to Diane

"Tom, you're so deep in the closet you're finding Christmas presents."' - Diane, to Tom

"I'm talking about the rest of the peices to my light brite set. My names not Adam We. Is it? What number did you call? Don't call here again." - Mayro West, to Joe on the phone

'"Watch the ticker for me, I'm going to go microwave a bagel & have *** with it." - Peter, to Quagmire

"Okay,. butter's in the 'fridge."' - Quagmire, to Peter

Family Guy pwns. XD



New member
ermmm.thanks for that vash lmao

i dont watch family guy so thats REALLY random in here...haha thanks though^^



New member
<3 u too sweetheart!

talk to later, safe trip, if ur tripping far, if not, bubi and safe trip anyway *hugs*



New member
yeey tis time i didn't miss that much ^^

*dances of joy*

cough cough

love congratulations on your white shining teeth :D

take care hun! *hugs*



New member
azem~heya thanks for the non working link lol, i'll try it out in a minuet thanks ^^

thanks for coming by and saying hi! *waves*

ss1, heya hon, why are you lost, journal not making sense, dont worry never does...*hugs* thanks for coming by anyway lol^^

vash~yeah i was probably aslepp when you came by, was near enough dying last night, had to get up early, well it wasnt early, it was 11, but thats early to me...^^ *hugs* thanks for coming <3 you too sweetie!

hybi~you didnt miss much cuz we really werent talking about anything lol...hehe *joins dance for you* lol, thanks *shows shining teeth*

*hugs* ttyl!


well when i went to bed i went into the bathroom first, as you do, to brush my teeth and what do i find in the pitch black (our buld had broken) my mum asleep in the bath.

no water in the bath mind or else i would have been worried, she was in her robey thingy aswell...

anway i tred to get her out and she just waved at me saying she was comfortable there

so i left her...

just dropping off to sleep then i hear the bathroom door slam louder than i thought anything could and her stumbling to her rm, whey the funness of it all

today:went to see my wee aunt playing footie, she was gd, they came 3rd which isnt so bad, was me, mum, s-dad, gran (who made rank sandwhches, but the thought that counts) my mad aunt that blew on my nose, chloe my cousin and my grandad....

i was being attacked the whole day by chloe who wanted to climb on me...

went on these shows and iw as enarly ill and spent the rest of thbe day eating and watching dvds in my room *sigh* i love simple life sometimes

oh and my GCSE rsults are coming in on the 25th!!! *panicks and runs away*



New member
ermmm, thanks azem 0_o

wow, big big fights going on in my house, i'll just stay here out of the way *hides* lol ^^



New member
That's the best Idea. Cuz when my mom and dad are yelling at each other. I usually get ****** and go down and yell at them. And that doesnt make the situtation any better.


New member
yeah i dont think that would be the best idea, i just ignore them when theyre doing it, my brothers involved though so its best if i just stay out of the way cause id usually come out with a snide remark that would end up in a slap and me being grounded lol

not a good thing at all ^^



New member
yay, vash is awake...

im fine thanks!!! happy as...ermm larry

how many hrs do you sleep for vashi??? lol

*huggles* thanks for stopping by my wonderful abode

Too many... -.-

So, yeah, I have no idea what be going on today in my life, or tomorrow. But Monday, I have work, & Tueday I start school... & get out of school sometime around noon, then I go to work... Hmmm.... It's money. XD

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