yeah matt, ur still confusing me, sorry your head hurts though
hybi~heya hon, tlking to u on msn, well i would be if my comp wasnt being such a pain.......again
*stalker hug* thanks for dropping by!
becks~HEYLO!!!!! how r u!!! thanks for coming by, you didnt miss much, just us being silly as usual^^
thanks fo the kitten *treasures it forever and ever*
im fine thanks sweetie! thanks for asking and maybe catch u laters^_^
azem~heya...lmao, vash comes round every so often, to make me feel <3ed i guess, hehe, wooot a party!
why do you get 5 bucks???
anyway thanks for coming by *waves cuz cant hug you*
well update
done not much, went for a walk with my lil doggy and got a chippy for lunch/dinner, what do they call that, cuiz breakfast/lunch is brunch, hmm so maybe its lunner??? hmmmm
went to the dentist and she said my teeth are wonderful...yey!! nice when your told that, i got a cleaning and now theyre all white and pretty...^^<---im so easily pleased lol
went to see my gran aswell, kinda a boring visit though, couldnt wait to get home! and now im here i have nothing to do, no bks to read, of mags...im so bored >.<
anyway, thats it...lol, bubi