k i have no idea what you two are talking about so onto my interesting day! woot
i was being sarc btw
well went for a walk with the little bundle of fluff that is my dog
the walk took 1 and a half hours in all, and me and him were shattered, it was the walk to my school, obviously thats there and back so itll take half that but tow things happened while out
well firstly this old man stopped me, he seemed ok at first, he was tlking to me, well at me for about 20 minutes, says he used to live in oxford like me...then he was staring at me weird0_o
then he asked if he could keep my dog
ok when i got home my gran had rung and got my mum all worried, supp there are 2 gangs here and its dangerous to walk alone...so i am now forbidden to walk to school on my own...hmmm
and my mum says shed prefere it if i was more careful!!!!
anyway, my ear ache came back, my mum says its prob due tome being worried about school...hahahahaha
anyway that was really it...yeah