the keza journal


New member
Alright me= good memory for thing i really dont need to rember.

If anyone hurts my aunt...well actually they really wouldnt unless you do something completly stupid..... *looks worried* if they touch one hair on you i will personally kick their ***. Dont ask i have a thing for hurting people who hurt girls/women.



New member
yay, you to the rescue!!

yeah i will most proably be beaten up or just teased alot, i can handle the teasing but not the hitting. especially from guys

*face goes chalk white*



New member
Aw no ones gonna hurt you I promise *puts her hand to her heart* but yeah I dont see anyone hurting you...especially guys. Your hot and a little crazy but I dont think they'll hit you. And if they do tell me and i will kick their ***.


New member
awwww...a little crazy, thats a bit of an understantment,im not as crazy in real life, im shy, all my family and friends say im not allowed to be shy cuz all the nasty people feed off of things like that...

so lol

ur so cute though, will tell you and you can come here and hurt them....bad



New member
Hey Keza!

I appear to have missed some stuff... no idea what's going on 0_o

Lol... but anyway... hey hun, how you doing?




New member

We need some hip music to jam to. We need a Dj. We need an Amature DJ. We need a journal. A journal where there are no parents. We need a journal that somebody actually writes her days events in.



New member
i worry cuz im starting a new one *shivers* iw ouldnt be worrying if it was my old one!!! *cries because shes scared of being beaten up*lol

and yeah his names bob...he's here so its all gd!!!
Hahaha.... Your dog and I, share the same name Kezee. Hey, Kezee, I'm gonna try and start a journal soon, even though I doubt anyone will reply. :p

Bye, Kezee, Love you.



New member
ok when i got home my gran had rung and got my mum all worried, supp there are 2 gangs here and its dangerous to walk i am now forbidden to walk to school on my own...hmmm
I shoulda been there. I would walk u. If any gangs try to you then ill show them how an American Thug works his magic. I carve at least 3 of them up with my pocket knife. the rest....ill teach u how to use a knife

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