the keza journal


New member
SW!!!! ive missed u!!!!

*hugs* heya sweetie!!!!

hopeur ok

twi~lol well i have the site if u wanna see lol



New member
len...oh thats gdly than:D haha

josh...oh no...i had that last night i didnt get to sleep till about 4:30am and vereh tiredly now...

lol its reallyeh not...i have to straighten it like every second day barcause she cant to do lol...and i always burn myself>.< hehe




New member

wells yesterday was at le cinema and saw probably teh most boring movies...i like luff movies...but this one has an ending that makes yoo wanna throw tomatoes at teh screen...fecking bad ending...anywho

when i came back twas normally...and i got a applictaion form for teh caring home on my street...its for disabled people...

so maybeh

yeshums thats me...having a boringness day actuallee... 0.o

and its raining ¬.¬ back to normal scottish weather then...yey for that am boredly with teh sunny weather...i like lking like a milk bottle thankies:D:D


yea ima go before i start to ramble...



New member
twas the breakup lol...jenniffer aniston movie...was alright but the ending SUCKED...and there were these NEDy boys who kept flashing their fones on and off and laughing and realleh unfunneh bits

and when they implied something sexual they all thought it was hilarious...¬.¬ lol

yey...hehe...tonight going onto mid-morning...gonna miss them when i have to go back to school haha




New member
lol argh annoying boys.. sounds like my classmates

haha yea me too.. >_< will have to cut off on fribby and stuff =(



New member
yea mince too...yoo say the word boobies and the rool around teh floor...its like ghet a grip...>.<

cut off on him? 0.o



New member
yea you know fribby and I never stop talking on msn XD and it's my fault

same with other people.. someone will have to drag me away from the puter..



New member
yea you know fribby and I never stop talking on msn XD and it's my faultsame with other people.. someone will have to drag me away from the puter..
ahuh ahuh I will, go swimming with me tomorrow.. if you can find where I live :p

sorry for invading yor convvo btw



New member
*****...ah rightys...ghet it like nows *nods* yoore comp addicted

ima too tiredly to stay up like that ona school night hehe


and dw len yoore welcome here anytimes...



New member
lmao swimming xD my bro is in brabant right now.. at internet friends o_O omg he made it to there with the train all alone.. we're all so surprised


New member
as if, totally drunk in that pic it isnt even funny, only reason i let a pic be taken..well i tk that myself...*shivers*

thanks though sweetie, but ur far prettier than i will ever be...!



New member
lmao swimming xD my bro is in brabant right now.. at internet friends o_O omg he made it to there with the train all alone.. we're all so surprised
lmao. :p and thnx Kezz, you be always welcome in my journal too ^_^



New member
he was visting internet friends? my mum wouldnt let me do that...ima meet one of my friends off the internet...but im not gonna be able to tell her shes an internet friend...cuz then i woudnt be able to...tuh

lol...why thankies len^^ <333



New member
*** damnit! i can't see the picture :(

but i'm sure that you're very pretty ;)

btw HI!!! *hugs*

long time no talk? *doesn't remember our last convo :$*

like yesterday? yeah :D

well i hope you're doing fine Keza..

btw i'm working on your sig ;)

take care! *hugs*



New member
lol my mom's used to it I guess :S with our family

my bro has met some people off a website forum.

his ex girlfriend which he knew from the internet.

and now this.

I met some girl off a forum.. some meeting that went bad cause we couldn't find the third person.

A boy named dominic. I knew him off the internet and he happened to live near my friend after she moved so I met him.

and a few weeks ago I met that guy on the date :p



New member
lol wow...thats realleh cooies franka lol...>< no one i know off teh internet lives near me...the girl that wants to meet up lives in london so with money etc its kinda difficult lol...actuallee nearly all my internet friends live in england 0.o
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