the keza journal


New member
I havent been in here since friday...haha i actually know that. Any way just in here saying hi.. so hi there keza, you look perdy in that perdy.


New member
Heeeee-loo daaaling ^^

how are you?

It's really good that you applied for a caring home *is proud of you*

*is very proud of you*

*** bless you love <3

Mucho love




New member
hmmm, dunno why it isnt working for some people..oh well it really isnt that special :D <---i lk like that, but weith brown hair and paler skin ^_^

SH (u wanted me to call u riss or something right?) ummm....hi back!

woody~heya sweetie, thanks for coming by! *waves back* maybe see u around later! *hugs*

becks~haha ur funny, which is y i luv u ^_^ *hugs* thanks for stopping by

hybi~ heya sweetie, the pic isnt that amzing dont worry ^_^ hehe, and yey u r the best in the whole wide world!! *big stalker hug*

cristina~dont worry ^_^ not important *hugs*

twi~(whats ur name btw..?) im all fine thanks sweetie, will update at the end of this ^_^

tsoi~thanks hun, yeah ur wrong it doesnt but meh...thanks anyway hehe *hugs* see u laters

forgottenkid~heya! thanks for coming by, hmm....i dont but thanks for the lie...^_^ *hugs* take care of urself!


well yesterday it started off pretty boring, i thought it wasnt gonna be that fun, went to mass then stopped by my grans and she said that we were all going up to my aunties auntie laura, whos the most amazing person in the whole family..^_^

so went there with ALOT of people and met this girl courtney, who has a MASSIVE CRUSH, on my uncle, whos the same age as me...not the old one..

twas very funny to watch, he didnt think so but, hahahahahahaha

anywho, got kinda drunk and had the most splitting hangover, my first, this morning, not nice.

but blah blah blah yesterday was amazingly amazing

today went back, and it was too hot to have fun, i was wearing a white skirt to i couldnt get wet, so i stayed on the floor next to the food so no one could soak me like yesterday...i got alot of ice cubes thrown at me, but apart from that...MY SKIRT DIDNT GO SEE THROUGH!!! YEY

even though i do have nice knickers on if i do say so myself

yeah...well my auntie (whos nine or ten) was there with her friend steven, who is 9, this 12 yr old fancied him, and this women thought he was my son..i mustve lked about as old as i felt...

so here i am hangover and all...^_^

that was my two days really...exciting huh?



New member
franka...yea that would be good...onleh thing with interent ima lot diff in person well not a lot) but when i first meet someone i ghet realleh shy 0.o


sammi~heya sweetie<33

ima good eyes hurting cuz of stoopid contacts *cries* i need my bed i think

not vereh tired though ucz i ahd a nap today...gawd i sound like a granneh haha

aw thankies sweetie that so niceleh of yoo...i hope im good enough! i applied loads of places in hope of mummi needs teh moneh cuz my dads a big ghey who needs to jump out a window^^

luff yoo muchos sweetie




Shadowed Heart

New member
Umm, okay. You don't have t o call me Riss, that's just what my family calls me (I must say occcasionally it gets annoying), but SH is ever so shorter! :)


New member
aww hon, sorry to hear about your dad but that's very nice of you to help your mum. A good daughter you are, yesh ^^

aww dont cry, it'll hurt even more ><

I always intend to loose my lenses :eek: 2 pars and yesh, all four of 'em ><'

but oh well, glasses are always there to rescue a geek like me ^-^' tee hee

hope you can sleep good!

muchos tachos love!




New member
I went to EDIT fest with 3 of my mates, EDIT is a legal high site and it was an unofficial festival at stone hendge a bunch of users arranged, t'was fun and I met lots people I previously only knew online.


New member
sammi~haha aww thats so cutleh *****<3 im not realleh <33

yeshums...yoore not a geek and same with me, i always rip mine within a few days of getting them tuh...l o s e r hehe *me not yoo obviously lol*

aww thankies...yesh i had to go earleher than usual but twas a gdly sleep:D:D

luff yoo lotsly hon



mattly~stone henge i used to live near there woop...twas a purtyful place^^ <3 :p coolios mattly lol <3


wells again mon day was a lil boringness...we went to mass and teh bishop was there (i dont like him much..he tuts at teh lil children when they ake noise...) its lyke theyre kids leave them alone

and theres this horrible woman who sits near us...she always frowns at my brother (cuz hes a lil bit noisy) grr just wanna throw something at her...he may be a lil noisy but shes a pain and shes fat and just grrr!! someone should frown at her for taking up like 5 seats (ok a bit of an exaggeration but yea)

anywho ranting aside...

gonna take mon doggeh out for a walk because he keeps lking up at me excpectantleh and i feel bad now^^

and teh weathers gone back all warm and sunneh agains...>.< tis too w a r m

ima melt=[


anywho bubi^^



New member cool, ur the one that said call u that, but meh doesnt matter...*shrugs shoulders*^_^

becks~*hugs back* yeah getting over it now, didnt wanna take any medicine had bad experience with that... :D :p

jordon~hahahahahahaha, yes u r sobre, not the things ive been hearing about u...lmao :D

anyway, bored out of my mind right now and in a ******* rotten mood, lack of sleep i think, may go to bed and read or do something really interesting like that...



New member
***** fribs...why whats went on it that walk *innocence*




well ima bit home alones with teh bro but hes upset cuz these boys were bullying i went out a shouted GRRR *manly rawr* HAHAHA

i like being older...^^

onleh thing is their mum could come shout bck at ME...but shes tiny so wont be so badly i guess...



been a vereh interesting day realleh



New member
heather, thought so!!! thats a really nice name! hehe, thanks sweetie, and ta for dropping by...i'll be fine by tomorrow once ive gone to sleep ^_^


New member
i'd love to see that pic though :p

please can you upload it again 0=)

ahh too bad about the hangover.. lol i've never had one before..

although i drink much on parties and stuff lol

btw i finished your sig!

i hope you like it..

here it is:



if you don't like it i can make you a new one

take care! *hugs*



New member
awww thanks hybi!!!

i tried adding the avie but it said it was too big >_< *cries* but i love them anyway, thanks so much u r the best!!! *hugs loads*

heya becks thanks for coming round sweetie, hehe *hugs* im not so bored, bad mood (womenly troubles lol) ^_^ but i'll get over it haha...

twi, ur name is so pretty, love it, better than mine lol ^_^ i only knew 1 person called heather, atmy old school, ur the second person *hugs*

sh, my journal isnt that interesting, wrong place to come if ur bored, works for me though...when i have commments ^_^

thanks again hybi i love the mike pic and the quote, lmao



New member
awwz *ima take that as a compliment i guess* haha even though i dunno what it implys >.< hehe<3

*ice cream luff* hehe

yea...dont know where hes been:D:D



New member
Ahh you gave me a hug! ::pouts::... oh well to lazy to run away and hide behind a chair. I love the quote in your sig...I think my brother does to but know one cares about him. Good job hybi on the sig!


New member
urs isnt boring either! and thanks, come by anytime...well updates

went into town today with my mum and brother, not very exciting really, went to the doctors for me and my mum, screwed up big time, long *** story lol, cant be bothered getting into ^_^

adn i got some stuff for holiday!!!! im so excited, my s-dad and s-borther are coming tomorrow and then the next day, im gone...hehe

already have a bit of a tan so when i have on a bikini im gonna have a square of tan and the rest all white where my tops been...yey for lking weird.

thats really it, my days been boring, i have to stop being grumpy, was mean to my borther and now im feeling bad *slaps wrist*

well gonna go...cuz thats all i have to say...

edit~thanks hybi *hugs* i love them both, theyre awesome!!!!

edit again~hehe, sorry forgotten kid, u dont like hugs? i wont hug u again i promise lol, sorry!

yeah i love the sig too...its better than ANYTHING i could being computerly challenged

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