the keza journal

ah simple pleasures in life:p
something I value a lot too...

lol milk bottle...she's not much for complimenting you is she o.0

I don't really sunbathe haha (as you might have imagined) but I know that go out, you're like "oh **** it it's iceland" and then you come home sunburnt haha

you have a milkman?? o.0
yea theyre not one for materials...when my dad left we actually had money...but we did have our family
and i went to a school where material possessions were more important than the little things in life...and it made me view everyone a little differently...i dunno i guess in a way it changed me for the better
im less materialistic now...

haha yea she was just jking though...but i wasnt actuallee that pale...just compared to now im pink slowly turning to stomache and legs are realleh vereh sore haha

haha yea with a name like iceland sun cream realleh wouldnt be top on yoor list of things haha<3

yea we do...and he comes every week to ghet paid and i had to answer the door all shiny and slippery with lil kinda short shorts on and a lil top he was like 0.o ermm...haha bit ofa shock :D:D're a smart girl
you learned one of life's lessons early :D

yeah sun cream what the feck haha

I can imagined he blushed a little :p
haha yea so ima bit lucky in that respect then:D:D and i have an awesomleh stepdad so yea *shrugs shoulders* lifes not so bad...>.<

yea haha same in scotland though lol

haha yea...wasnt a gd sight rawr <3
thankies for visiting frib frib
arww thankies frib<333 *cough*

why thankies arnold thats realleh cutleh of yoo<3 *huggles yoo*

and ima on now woop *does a dance* rawr as yoo know cuz ima kinda tlking to yoo 0.o
heylo joshness haha...yoore invading my journal *gasps* haha<333
ima gd thankies hon...<3 rawr ta for stopping by
hope alls well with yoo<33


wells today i got a lie in whoop great start to teh day haha^^

anyway...theres this lil boy thats being abit pervy and my mums worried about it...teh lil boy keeps asking to see wee boys naked (hes only seven) but hes going round asking lil 3 yr olds on our street and i think all teh mums are yea
my mum foned child line today and asked them what to do and they said to fone social services...i dunno if she'll do it as when yoo fone them they automatically bring teh police into it>.<

i dunno its a bit weird and i used to think teh wee boy was all right cuz he plays with my brother but now i cant look at him properly and feel realleh sorry for him...for him to be doing this, either, someones said to him what hes saying (meaning someones sexuallyasulted him)...or hes just seen it on teh telly or something randomly

anywho change of subject...took mon doggeh for a walk today and this randomer shouted something out his car at me...big fat perv i shouted back
and we saw this doggeh and he was sooo cute!! his owner sed he had cancer so he might die soon which is realleh sad...>.<

then i came home and watched tarzan woop ima cool haha
and my mum got me a new cd today to cheer me up haha which it did *smiles* its goodleh

thats about it realleh actuallee>.<
lmfao franka...not realleh my life is realleh quite boring usualleh>.<
summer hols have been pretty disappointing haha
but hmm that kid seems strange >_< wouldn't know what to do about it

anyways do people oftenly randomly yell stuff at you?

so what kinda dog was it ^^
yea ano...and teh mum is pretty freaking scareh so if she found out it would be like guns at dawn><
yea sometimes 'how much sweetie or yea id tap that' and its GHET A ****ING GF...its realleh annoying/embarrassing specially when im with my mum/stepdad lol...
i dunno he lked like a sheepdog but was kinda gingery instead of white...and he was all calm and tiredleh lking...the owner said his walks are realleh short because all he does is sleep>.<
arr that sounds horrible.. no respect these days.. >_<
damn guys. never seen such a pretty girl I guess..

aww the dos sounds sweetly;. I still wish I had one
haha ano and its like teh guys that shout it out are realleh not vereh attractive and its like...'i wasnt offering myself to YOO...' rawr

ahaha not quite lol...thanks haha...

ano he was and he was being realleh patrient with my dog who was so excited he was like climbing all over him...>.<
poor doggeh

will yoo ever ghet another dog?
hmmm my mom doesn't want a dog ever.. my dad, bro and I do >_<
kinda cruel isn't it?

I remember my dog making friends with some very big black dog who lived in some back yard and everytime we passed by it they'd meet and sniff and stuff... while with other dogs and cats my dog wanted to attack right away xD
but thats three against one!! how does that work lol?

arwww he hada friend lol...yea my dog just wants to lick everything...yo know when he doesnt like a dog though cuz he like stoops realleh low to the ground while we're walking towards it then im like 'oh great' cuz ano hes gonna go for teh other dog ¬.¬