the keza journal

lol yeah, and theyre always fat and balding...jking, once in a while theres one under 60^^ ahhhh fun times...
i know! so we couldnt go, so we spent most of our day in pizza hut because it was dry, only bad thing about scotland we have a 3 day summer ^^ just kidding
lol must be awkward having old fat and ugly guys whistling at you :p

3 days? lol Iceland too XD

well maybe a little more, and Scotland as well of course lol
yeah i was kinda exaggerating but^^
it was okish weahter today through the rain...meh

*runs around like a headless chicken*
I made it!! Your online im online yay. Okay yeah. You didnt go bowling?...guess that would have been good you didnt get to make a complete fool out of your self which you arnt.
haha nice to see you have so much faith in me kris
*jumps on u before realises you hate personal contact* YEY YOURE ONLINE, i dont care if you slap me very hard now....!!!!!
awww josh/kambei you know we all care...hehe *huggles u and ur journal*
bloddy hell you have alot of green things...woweeeee
<3 u hon
awww anytime hon
please dont!!! even if i dont type in ur journal all the time i do come and see it >.< please dont.......
You cant jump on me...I got the sh*t beaten out of me at school yesterday so my sides hurt.

*holds up sign saying Everybody cares about teh Journal* thats for vash cuz we care.
YOU GOT BEATEN UP!!!???? by who???
omg thats terrible what **** of a mother did that to you?
are you ok...sorry for jumping on you

yeah see vash people <3 you and your journal
keza said:
YOU GOT BEATEN UP!!!???? by who???
omg thats terrible what **** of a mother did that to you?
are you ok...sorry for jumping on you

lmao... *cires* it hurts to laugh. Your overreating im not in that much pain and I guess i had it coming, I accedently got mashed potatos on his shirt, and when he said im in sh*t now, I fliped him off. I had it coming.
heylo there faded blue!!! thanks for dropping by! im good thanks, sleepy as hell though, feel like im going to fall out of my chair any minute...hmmmm
*hugs and kisses* thanks for dropping by sweetie <3 u
hi!!...i ahvent talked to u in soo long!...well forgottenkid forced me on lpf so i'm jus sayin hi..ok i'm gonna go now...bye!