The Love Topic II.

crazy robster

New member
I love English guys who live in Brighton, their name starts with M and their LPF username starts with S and I'm not talking about the gentleman above it's just a coincidence.... ;) :D


New member

im sorry yacky but if ur ****** is burning then you better get it checked out by a doctor you may have thrush. have you had intercourse with azem you may have caught an sti of him *nods*



New member
yeah right! he wishes!

*slaps forhead*

no.....sygy, burn means like when you got dissed by someone, or when they told you off. you say "oOOOburn!"




New member
Haha greyfoxx is funneh ^.^ oh no my bad *fears the queen of darknesh and e... wait. that's getting kinda old.. Grey you need.. a new title :eek:


New member
Stenn made me laugh when i felt down.

now i wont stop loving you as quickly as Elton John loses and gains i love you permanantly :D

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