The Love Topic II.


New member
TO Woody

Sometimes a bit flamboient

A lil paranoid

but oh my gosh shes the best **** wife u could ask for lol.

To Yacky

Shes Yack like, implied by Yacky



New member
Phranka. . . Your usually always nice or at least to me you are XD

so yea... Phranka has this amazing personality and she's really cool. You cant help, but love her!



New member
AWWNESS! (lol) need I say anything at all?

I lurve matty to death & if you dont see that yet... your dumb.

Its comments like that V that you just have to love.

Matty Matt is like the cheese on cracker and the fire on the sun.

you gotta just love & appreciate him.



New member
Hey I love topic'd you before.. well w/e. she's a cool & hot person. And if she doesn't give me chocolate cookies I'm retracting that statement. ^.^


New member
Gangsta o_O never ever have I heard someone say that about me lol.. but thankies haha xD

She's awesomeleh cooolnesh! ^^



New member
I was thinking of Goddess of Pizza.. but meh.. I don't know whether that's such a good replacement xD
Ummmm no no no no a million times no.... heh

You may be a cool person, but yer no so good at titles :rolleyes:

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