The Love Topic II.


New member
Lenneehh I miss you in our MSN group convo's there was a ponytail boy meeting yesterday ^^ with arnold david and that matt dude from goT


New member
Franka... she rocks &&& I'm going to kidnap her & hide her under my bed XD cuz... I can. & there's nothing you can do about it!


New member
LPpinkfreak - love all those wonderful colours - very trippy!

... wait... I meant that in a good way! XD

Edit: and Azem - that "pic" earlier - so uncalled for on a General all ages Forum :mad:



New member
one day a big fluffy pink ball was rolling along then street and bump into greyfoxx's mum. greyfoxx's mum then picked it up and gave it a kiss anf the ***** sprouted into a baby greyfoxx...end of trippy story XD


New member
sygy...i luv ya in all, but if u say that i sprouted from a freaking PINK ball again, i'll kill u....the color pink should die a long and painfull death....

But...*hugs* thats for u...for now



New member
i know sygy i know... *hugs* just next time say like a Red ball of fluff or something...or black...or just...not pink!

*HUGS* *gives cookies*



New member
mattlehs my *** on a spoon not a stick there mattleh and spoon<3

hes irreplacable

keza luffs her mattleh



New member
that bc allie doesnt deem you WORTHY!!! mu ha ha ha ha aha ha ahahahahahah *cough*

but on the other hand...i love you



New member
*runs off in fake tears*

*remembers she has to say somethign nice* uhhh...yer aweosme sometimes

*goes vack to the fake tears*

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