The Love Topic II.


New member NOT EVIL.

someone as awesome as you, cannot be's impossible.

i dont care how much you want to be evil. your just not. end of story



New member
Yacky..we have not converse in a long time.....i still want to father an illigitmate love child with you...yeah i may be another woman B U T techonolgy and science are astonsing nowadays...


New member
You may not be a noob anymore joj but that doesn't mean you can't still get the title cause you were one of the best noobs around ^^


New member
If you don't like Jojo you must be a cranky old man!

*slaps yacky for saying greyfoxx is not evil.. note what's in my sig!! :rolleyes: :mad: *



New member
Oh well...Jojo is my sweetheart...she's that kind of a friend that everyone would want it...and I have it...I feel honoured...

crazy robster

New member
Ryan....!!!! Nice guy, don't know him that well but just a few posts are sufficient for me to form a good opinion of him!!! Yay!!!! ;)


New member
Aw I'm sorry. I actually took it out because I thought it might be insulting to Stenners, because it said that I'm possibly hotter than him, Lol.

But I think you are a great member. :)



New member
Protectiveness o_O everyone stand 5 feet away from her at all times

Orelse I'll have to kill you with a spoon o_O

SDhe's just the coolest. thats why.

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