The Love Topic II.


New member
Killing with a spoon?! 0_0 Sounds like that dude from Robin Hood Prince of Theives... *shrug* COOL!

*tackle hugs* MInee.....He protects me from all you crazy pychopathic Linkin Park fanitics!!!



New member
Oooooooooo u know u love it really *pokes*

Shes a great laugh after a copuple shots of vodka

To By MySelf guy type thing

Yea errrrrrm the local forum super hero?



New member
0_0 *has no idea what the **** is going on* GIMMIE VODDIE!!!!!

*** knows i need it

Matt is mental...maybe thats why i get along with him so much



New member
she seems pretty **** cool wouldnt yoo say?

well i dont care what yoo say...i say she is *nods*



New member
Yacky is awesome and likes matt for some reason...

*slaps matt* I'm not yer pet!!

*hugs yacky* keep at least 29 1/2 feet from matt when hes *****



New member
Shes not so hard to tame wave vodka or rum in front of her and shes all urs............ she just doesnt realise it ^.^

Shes really fun drunk :D

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