The muslims in Britain

Europe has waited too long. If they tried it now it would be all out war.

I mean... look at the riots in France a while back. Those went on for a LONG ass time and that was just teenagers.
Don't worry my fellow british forum members. We muslims love peace and we only fight back when provoked (like in iraq, afghanistan, palestine, lebanon).

1337 said:
Don't worry my fellow british forum members. We muslims love peace and we only fight back when provoked (like in iraq, afghanistan, palestine, lebanon).

Of course, which is why Islam is also known as The Religion of Peace
Mariama said:
I'm british myself so that would be a little stupid to consider all britains as freedom restricters no? My family are non-Muslim britains and they do not restrict my freedom...
I live in an area which has a low percentage of Muslims and my area is infact nearly all "white". and I love it so please do not make asumptions about me.
What I hate is stupid comments from the working class trash from above.

No the world cannot get Muslims this is why the baggage above is angry about it. We have a right to live our lives without ANY comment on our clothes, the way we pray, everything. You get on with your lives, so why is it, everytime I see this site, they are always trying to slag Muslims or non-whites?

yes you have the right to live your lives ,pray and wear what clothes you want so please do tell why if a christian is visiting a muslim country can he not practise his/her religion in that country?

And we would love to get on with our lives but thanks to the wankers in power England is now racist against the English we are no longer allowed to fly the flag of saint george in case it offends the ethnic minority.
We can no longer even make christmas cards at school they have to say seasons greetings just incase they offend the ethnic minority (muslims are allowed to make eid cards).

Well wake up guys the English are now the ethnic minority in England.

As for the question when was the last time we were threatend by a muslim try every ****ing day pal it is no secret that the muslims have threatend England with a bigger more deadly terrorist attack than 7/7.

Try googling the race riots in Oldham England the English are threatend every day in their own towns and cities get a ****ing clue before you spout of the racism bull **** you don't like it get the **** out of England.
yes you have the right to live your lives ,pray and wear what clothes you want so please do tell why if a christian is visiting a muslim country can he not practise his/her religion in that country?

And we would love to get on with our lives but thanks to the wankers in power England is now racist against the English we are no longer allowed to fly the flag of saint george in case it offends the ethnic minority.
We can no longer even make christmas cards at school they have to say seasons greetings just incase they offend the ethnic minority (muslims are allowed to make eid cards).

Well wake up guys the English are now the ethnic minority in England.

As for the question when was the last time we were threatend by a muslim try every ****ing day pal it is no secret that the muslims have threatend England with a bigger more deadly terrorist attack than 7/7.

Try googling the race riots in Oldham England the English are threatend every day in their own towns and cities get a ****ing clue before you spout of the racism bull **** you don't like it get the **** out of England.

mostly good post, but u seem to be totally clueless as to what Britain stands for. BRITAIN does not = ENGLAND.
I am hating ther fact that every year waves of new Muslims (and other foreign folk) come to this country and take away what it means to be British. We are told to watch what we say in case we offend them. If we do offend them they end up going out on marches and kill people, so why is it our fault that these crazy Muslims ****s kill people.

And what does it mean to be british these days?sit in pubs all day and piss on the streets?(as if we didnt have enough problems with their dogs).

I'm not racist by any means but when I feel that my life is constantly being threatened by these people, and I'm having my freedom of speech taken away from me every minute of the day I can't help but feel a little hostile.

:( boo hoo grow some balls!

There are whole towns within this country where it is possible to feel like a foreigner, in my own country just because they are infecting the country so much.

Britain was ''infected'' and dirty way before us ''foreigners'' arrived. And you're forgetting who built your country. YES FOREIGNERS!!!!

We have given them so much, jobs, homes, money and they are constantly throwing **** in our faces by making sure we suffer for their inadeqences.

See what would be the point of throwing **** upon ****?
And I'm sick of hearing stupid, lazy drunk british idiots complaining about people taking away things they never had in the first place.

It really pisses me off and I know something has to be done, but it never will

first of all --> if you dont like britain, dont live in britain.

second of all --> the post u were replying to was not completely fair - i do know that, and i realise it must get very waring having alot blamed on Muslims but some of the points were fair

Thirdly --> not everyone in britain likes fish and chips

Finally --> not all britains are 'lazy drunk idiots' as u so kindly put it. (just like all muslims are not terrorists)
clarity said:
mostly good post, but u seem to be totally clueless as to what Britain stands for. BRITAIN does not = ENGLAND.

Yeah sorry i was just taking a Englishmans/womans point of veiw as it is mostly England that the laws are being brought into no offence meant
Yeah sorry i was just taking a Englishmans/womans point of veiw as it is mostly England that the laws are being brought into no offence meant

its cool, just as a scots girl lol we get forgotten about a bit i agree with alot of ur points thoh.
It is a disgrace that we cannot take our kids on a simple shopping trip and know we are all going to be safe i refuse to take my lot to any town center shopping now
it is shocking there are threats all the time, but not taking them to towncentres? thats letting terrorists win, they want to hinder us, control us and prevent us from leading our lives.

i say **** these terrorists, carry on with life as u would - dont let them stop u.
if you dont like britain, dont live in britain.

Didnt say I hate Britain. LAND is LAND to me.

second of all --> the post u were replying to was not completely fair - i do know that, and i realise it must get very waring having alot blamed on Muslims but some of the points were fair

which were fair?

Finally --> not all britains are 'lazy drunk idiots' as u so kindly put it. (just like all muslims are not terrorists)

which part of my post have I ever used the words 'ALL BRITISH'?
clarity said:
it is shocking there are threats all the time, but not taking them to towncentres? thats letting terrorists win, they want to hinder us, control us and prevent us from leading our lives.

i say **** these terrorists, carry on with life as u would - dont let them stop u.

You know why you people are always speaking of threats and terrorists? Its because you want to live forever. Now let me tell you the reality sweetheart. YOUR SOUL BELONGS TO GOD AND YOUR BODY BELONGS TO TERMITES! and you cant escape that fact no matter how many protection strategies you cough up, you'll only end up in a grave, a narrow airless grave!
u did not say at any point ALL BRITISH

... at what point did i say that 'you said ALL BRITISH' i was pointing out - not all britains are as u are potraying us to be.

if land is land, why dont u move to another 'land' where there are no 'lazy drunken idiots' ? :)