The muslims in Britain

You know why you people are always speaking of threats and terrorists? Its because you want to live forever. Now let me tell you the reality sweetheart. YOUR SOUL BELONGS TO GOD AND YOUR BODY BELONGS TO TERMITES! and you cant escape that fact no matter how many protection strategies you cough up, you'll only end up in a grave, a narrow airless grave!

you people? you people being?

i do not want to live forever, but i do not want my life to be unrightfully taken from me by terrorists.

my soul does not belong to god, my soul belongs to me.

try and open your mind, it is not the place of terrorists to take lives, if u believe in god - it is gods place to take lives.

if like me u dont believe in god then no1 has the right to take anyones life.
you people? you people being?

cowards on this site who rant about feeling threatened.

i do not want to live forever, but i do not want my life to be unrightfully taken from me by terrorists.

well nobody chooses which way to die.

my soul does not belong to god, my soul belongs to me.

Lets see you keep it :D

try and open your mind, it is not the place of terrorists to take lives, if u believe in god - it is gods place to take lives.

God takes lives whichever way He wishes. It can be through terrorists doesnt matter, in the end you're dead anyway. Would you rather be mauled by an animal? Perhaps you should ask ''terrorists'' like us to organise it for you instead of blowing you up. would that be more convenient dear?

if like me u dont believe in god then no1 has the right to take anyones life.

Then find us the solution. How can we prevent dying?
The only cowards on this site are the ****ers who hide behind keyboard shouting Allah is good. What is so good about a diety that allows the males of the religion to bury there daughters alive purly for being daughters?

What diety is it that allows starving congregations to be stoned for stealing much needed food?
cowards on this site who rant about feeling threatened.

well nobody chooses which way to die.

Lets see you keep it :D

God takes lives whichever way He wishes. It can be through terrorists doesnt matter, in the end you're dead anyway. Would you rather be mauled by an animal? Perhaps you should ask ''terrorists'' like us to organise it for you instead of blowing you up. would that be more convenient dear?

Then find us the solution. How can we prevent dying?

ok a) whos the coward feeling threatened? not me - i dont feel threatened by terrorists, or idiots like urself :D

b)nobody choose which way they die - ur right. it still doesnt make it the terrorists choice.

c) i never, at any point called u a terrorist. ur COMPLETELY taking what ive (not) said and twisting it ... its pathetic. ur not making an issue that does not exist (in my case)

d) im not into convenience
ok a) whos the coward feeling threatened? not me - i dont feel threatened by terrorists, or idiots like urself :D

wow, you're so strong for someone who still cries into her pillow because some jerk didnt notice her.:rolleyes:

b)nobody choose which way they die - ur right. it still doesnt make it the terrorists choice.

Thats why I said its God's choice that people die in different ways( terrorists being one cause for some people)

c) i never, at any point called u a terrorist. ur COMPLETELY taking what ive (not) said and twisting it ... its pathetic. ur not making an issue that does not exist (in my case)

well you're over-ruled by the multitudes that call us muslims terrorists

d) im not into convenience

This is the thanks I get? :confused:
The only cowards on this site are the ****ers who hide behind keyboard shouting Allah is good. What is so good about a diety that allows the males of the religion to bury there daughters alive purly for being daughters?

What diety is it that allows starving congregations to be stoned for stealing much needed food?

OK BITCH! let me give you a history lesson. Men burried their daughters before Islam came. And that barbaric tradition was stopped when Islam arrived.

''And when the souls are joined with their bodies,
''And when the female (infant) buried alive (as the pagan Arabs used to do) is questioned:
''For what sin, was she killed?

''And when the pages are laid open.
''And when the heaven is stripped off and taken away from its place;
''And when Hell-fire is set ablaze.
''And when Paradise is brought near.
''Then every person will know what he has brought (of good and evil).''
QUR'AN 81:7-14
wow, you're so strong for someone who still cries into her pillow because some jerk didnt notice her.:rolleyes:

Thats why I said its God's choice that people die in different ways( terrorists being one cause for some people)

well you're over-ruled by the multitudes that call us muslims terrorists

This is the thanks I get? :confused:
hellooooo were talking about terrorists - not ****ing exboyfriends u absolute half wit! plus, when did i say i felt threatened by my ex? oop wait was that never? yup that was never. **** comeback pal.

be quiet, please, please be quiet. seriously - u have such a chip on your shoulder.

the thanks u get? for what?
OK BITCH! let me give you a history lesson. Men burried their daughters before Islam came. And that barbaric tradition was stopped when Islam arrived.

''And when the souls are joined with their bodies,
''And when the female (infant) buried alive (as the pagan Arabs used to do) is questioned:
''For what sin, was she killed?

''And when the pages are laid open.
''And when the heaven is stripped off and taken away from its place;
''And when Hell-fire is set ablaze.
''And when Paradise is brought near.
''Then every person will know what he has brought (of good and evil).''
QUR'AN 81:7-14

Ok now answer the other question
what diety would allow a starving congregation to be stoned for stealing much needed food?

Oh yeah it mrs bitch to you
hellooooo were talking about terrorists - not ****ing exboyfriends u absolute half wit! plus, when did i say i felt threatened by my ex? oop wait was that never? yup that was never. **** comeback pal.

Flea on an Ass! I was referring to you emotional instability. How do expect to keep it together if a terrorist passed your way when you cant even handle a man not finding you sexually um.... stimulating?

be quiet, please, please be quiet. seriously - u have such a chip on your shoulder.

great comeback!!!
Flea on an Ass! I was referring to you emotional instability. How do expect to keep it together if a terrorist passed your way when you cant even handle a man not finding you sexually um.... stimulating?

great comeback!!!

once again, chump, ur twisting things i have (not) said ... not finding me suxually stimulating? the post was about something other than sex. not all of us have sex on the brain. whore.

oh and also, ur reply to that post said ud been through the same. u cannot slag me.

yeah, it wasnt a comeback ... its called exasperation.

u still have told me what the whole 'this is the thanks i get' thing is about
once again, chump, ur twisting things i have (not) said ... not finding me suxually stimulating?

Hey you cant blame me for taking a wild guess. what else can a sixteen year old offer?

not all of us have sex on the brain. whore.

Well some would do it ON a bed.

oh and also, ur reply to that post said ud been through the same. u cannot slag me.

And i aso said I didnt go on and on like you. I'm a firm believer in the saying ''PLENTY FISH IN DA SEA''

u still have told me what the whole 'this is the thanks i get' thing is about

Read carefully child.
Anything? Including your face? Cant blame ''whats his face'' for not taking a second look at you.

wow. yet again, another extremely funny comment by the 'allah is great' numpty.

if only i could keep up, your pushing the standards up so high.