The muslims in Britain

argh. this topic bugs me...

right. type muslim law/sharia law on wikipedia, you find what the punishments for certain things are...

cutting off limbs for petty theft?
stoning people to death for adultery?
homosexuals - married, he/she is stoned to death, while if single, he/she is whipped 100 times.

not violent at all?

and the whole thing with the pope quoting something? even if it was a nasty dig at islam. saying they are violent.. how does killing a nun and burning 7 churches show they are not violent?

ooo... murders because of cartoons...

its ridiculous... religion should be forbidden imo
Ctrl said:
Allowed? Are you the kid they give time-out to because you wont stop eating glue?

Idle hands are the Devil's tool. You don't take paste away from a kid, just like you go for it on 4th and inches.
If it was not for old age pensions Europe and Britain would have no need to import homicidal Muslims.
Mariama said:

Your standards are lower than Islamic law..


Address what HE said. I believe he clearly demonstrated that sharia law and Islamic culture promotes inhumane and overreactive violence. Don't just suggest that it is better than him.
Ctrl said:

Address what HE said. I believe he clearly demonstrated that sharia law and Islamic culture promotes inhumane and overreactive violence. Don't just suggest that it is better than him.

She can't go off script with the exception of throwing out lame insults.
Ctrl said:
The British muslims are the US Mexicans.
I'll take a beer toting Mexican over a bomb toting Muslim. Fair trade.
Ewww, that sounded hateful huh?

When any culture migrates to assimilate within a different culture, they will bring aspects of their culture with them. The good and the bad.
The Italians brought their damn good food along with them to NYC. They also brought organized crime.

Mexicans bring alot with them as well. Good and bad. Their narcotics connections offer them fast cash in America.

Anytime a foreign culture moves in they will add a touch of good and bad from their own land. When Muslims are seen flocking into a concentrated foreign area, it is logical too assume that there will be present an element of Islamo-fascism. Too suspect this is rational.
Too understand you must look at your neighborhood as a microcosm of the world stage. If you saw a Muslim family move in, you would indeed be guilty of discriminatory behavior if you thought this was alarming. However if you saw many Muslim families move into your neighborhood within a short amount of time, than you would be only correct too be suspect of what has come with them.
Why does this make one a "racist" or bigot or whatever other term you could apply?
Any culture would react this way. It's human nature. If white Americans moved into Guadalajara, I can bet the locals would be suspicious of them.

I think if you really look around without prejudice, you would see that American/European white societies are far more welcoming too outsiders than any other foreign land comprised of an alternate race.
Ctrl said:
I believe he clearly demonstrated that sharia law and Islamic culture promotes inhumane and overreactive violence.

This is actually historically true, most of the 'law' involved in Islam is infused with the 'code of hammarabi' (big stone thing that was the first set of written law) it is biased on eye for an eye laws, and makes women completely powerless. This was acceptable in that time, and was actually quite useful in keeping order, it was the basis for all law, beginning the standardized punishment for ones actions. Unfortunately for the middle east, Islam accepted this law, and has anal retentively stuck to is since. It is an out dated way of doing things and only creates problems. There are better ways of doing things now. But then again, the new ways mean that the religious leaders won't run entire countries anymore, and that is problably why they have stayed with it for so long.
You cannot speak on a subject you know nothng about, you have no training in shariah, so what gives you this idea that you know anything about it?

You hear the term "stoning" "flogging" etc etc and thats it, you go mad...Do you actually think that is all there is to it?
Do not think of looking to the Middle east today for examples, these are not Islamic states, they do not employ Islamic law..

How strange... You say

"This was acceptable in that time, and was actually quite useful in keeping order"

but you then state;

"There are better ways of doing things now"

Sorry, please let me know what these "better ways" are, because I see a distinct lack of control in the world today.
So why is a law that is acceptable before not acceptable now?
Mariama said:
You cannot speak on a subject you know nothng about, you have no training in shariah, so what gives you this idea that you know anything about it?

i can't speak on anything i know nothing about, well, i spoke, so i must know.

Mariama said:
You hear the term "stoning" "flogging" etc etc and thats it, you go mad...Do you actually think that is all there is to it?
Do not think of looking to the Middle east today for examples, these are not Islamic states, they do not employ Islamic law...

Bullshit, Islamic states are all over the middle east, don't ****ing tell me what i can and can't do, you act as if you rule over me, and your post is like a poem, it has content and sounds nice, but is worthless for information or a valid point. you think you are better than me because you disagree? And what more is there to a stoning? Tell me what more there is.

Mariama said:
How strange... You say

"This was acceptable in that time, and was actually quite useful in keeping order"

but you then state;

"There are better ways of doing things now"

Sorry, please let me know what these "better ways" are, because I see a distinct lack of control in the world today.
So why is a law that is acceptable before not acceptable now?

Hm, did you by chance notice that i was talking about the very first written law? You have to start somewhere, the people were not used to a set law, it was more logical to work with a structure the people were familiar with then turning everything upside down all at once, change takes time. And yes, the world is in a bit of disarray, but how much worse would it be if we were all killing each other over stolen food?

Please use some ****ing sense before you attempt to act high and mighty to me.
Stolen food? Please clarify...

Knowledge, you have knowledge?? Please don' t be so arrogant, knowledge is a great thing, by your own limited talk I can say in all certainty you are far from having any knowledge.

So you are as stupid as I first thought, look at you swearing and cursing, no depth...Is that all you have? You can do better than that I'm sure...You seem to feel inferior.

Try responding to a question wth an answer, it can sometimes help. As it goes I shall answer your question. There is more to the punishment of stoning and indeed every punishment under the Shariah.

A person CANNOT be stoned unless FOUR witnesses saw the act of ACTUAL penetration, now you tell me, who is ever likely to see a person committing adultery, let alone four people??? The sentance is NEVER carried out unless this condition is met.

Under the true Islamic state (salafiah, rightly guided caliphs) NO-ONE was ever stoned through being caught, only when the person came forward and confessed.

I asked you a question, what better ways are there? Answer or shut up.
Mariama said:
Stolen food? Please clarify...

People were killed and had limbs removed over theft, usually of food, they lost limb or life, usually depending on the social status of the person they took it from.

Mariama said:
Knowledge, you have knowledge?? Please don' t be so arrogant, knowledge is a great thing, by your own limited talk I can say in all certainty you are far from having any knowledge..

MY own limited talk? You are not one to say anything about limited talk, all you have done is act like you're somehow superior to me and say i don't know what i am talking about, i can assure you that i am a great deal more knowledgeable than you give me credit for, but you seem to be in such a hurry to pick a fight that you are not paying attention to the actual points i am trying to give you.

Mariama said:
So you are as stupid as I first thought, look at you swearing and cursing, no depth...Is that all you have? You can do better than that I'm sure...You seem to feel inferior.

sigh more empty accusations of me being the one with no depth... Listen, if i curse, that means I'm sick of you rambling on like an idiot, not that i have nothing else to say. You ever have a 10 year old kid act like he's smarter than you because his mom says "yes honey 2+2=4 good job" instantly the kid thinks he's sir Isaac newton, well, that is how you are acting, that is the most ****ing annoying attitude on the planet. How old are you again?

Mariama said:
Try responding to a question wth an answer, it can sometimes help. As it goes I shall answer your question. There is more to the punishment of stoning and indeed every punishment under the Shariah..

A person CANNOT be stoned unless FOUR witnesses saw the act of ACTUAL penetration, now you tell me, who is ever likely to see a person committing adultery, let alone four people??? The sentance is NEVER carried out unless this condition is met..

that is a very ladge load of bullshit, tell me do you actually beleave that last line? "The sentance is NEVER carried out unless this condition is met" that is a damn lie.

Mariama said:
Under the true Islamic state (salafiah, rightly guided caliphs) NO-ONE was ever stoned through being caught, only when the person came forward and confessed.

That is again lies, because you can also be found guilty by a 'judge' (if you can call them that) one way of determining guilt, examining the burns on a tongue after licking a red-hot spoon.

Mariama said:
I asked you a question, what better ways are there? Answer or shut up.

Okay, howabout using evidence instead of some BS testimony from people that problably helped commit the act, or maybe a real process of the court and not some magic god will show the way parlor run medieval Charley foxtrot piece of **** 'determining guilt' session?!?

Oh, I'm sorry, i swore again, I'm so sareh masta, pleaseh let meh speak a mastah. you know what, **** You! i cant believe people like you have survived this long, you sure as hell can't be from America, some hell's angel would have busted your gay ass open by now.

I tried to be civil, i tried to see your view on this, i even asked politely for you to actually contribute, but you have done nothing but shove that all back in my face, so congratulations, you have pissed me off, at 7:00 AM, a very hard thing to do as i am usually too tired to care about pissants like you, but you seem to push it just a bit far when it comes to being stupid.
Mariama said:
Sorry, please let me know what these "better ways" are, because I see a distinct lack of control in the world today.
So why is a law that is acceptable before not acceptable now?
Excuse me. Did you just defend the amputation of limbs as punishment for what we in the civilized world refer too as 'misdemeanor' crimes? You and your barbarian people are sick in the mind.
You ask why is that not acceptable? I refuse to answer such a ****ing twisted question.
Jhony5 said:
Excuse me. Did you just defend the amputation of limbs as punishment for what we in the civilized world refer too as 'misdemeanor' crimes? You and your barbarian people are sick in the mind.
You ask why is that not acceptable? I refuse to answer such a ****ing twisted question.

I’ll bet she’s done some limb dismemberment and canning offensives. Mariama You should do the right thing and turn yourself right away.
Mariama said:

Your standards are lower than Islamic law..

i've had what, 3 posts? and you 'know my standards' ....stfu

instead of just reading what the media feeds me, i decided to research what the muslim law actually is, and you know what, it just made me think less of the barbaric culture which endorses such 'punishments'. i completely think religion is outdated, but if there is a god, how can one justify making someone handicapped because someone took a loaf of bread? ridiculous...

all this **** about swearing lowering someones depth? how does using expletives make someones argument shallow? i can see how people can get ****ed off.... especially in this thread....
I do love these little chats so..

I thank Allah I am not an American. The very thought is enough to send one to bedlam. Please wash your mouth out. We shall not speak of such things again.


No you curse because you are trash, pure and simple... A bit rough shall we say, no finesse. It makes you look stupid.

You lack any understanding of Islam, you cannot distinguish between a corrupt government and true Islamic Law. You are not a Muslim, you do not know the first thing of the Caliphs of Islam, what are you talking about???

You have not researched Islamic law, why are you lying?
typing "islamic law" into google does not count I'm afraid. In order for you to understand it you are going to have to listen to the scholars, until you have, you cannot say a word..

You are talking nonsense. What is this about lol????

"one way of determining guilt, examining the burns on a tongue after licking a red-hot spoon."

Where is your proof that under the Shariah one has their hand cut if they are poor??? Show it to me please... I am not and never will be interested in what you find about Iran or any other country, I want your proof from the Qur' an and Sunnah. If you cannot manage this, (which I suspect will stump you at the first hurdle) then please feel free to contact the scholars, they will set you straight.

Is America not the place where one is put to death by use of electricity and Gas? (Very humane) Civilised you say... Hmm look again.
Mariama said:
I do love these little chats so...

I think you're the only one, everybody else is sick of you and your ignorant posts

Mariama said:
I thank Allah I am not an American. The very thought is enough to send one to bedlam. Please wash your mouth out. We shall not speak of such things again.

speaks of such things it appears that you are wrong sir :D

Mariama said:

No you curse because you are trash, pure and simple... A bit rough shall we say, no finesse. It makes you look stupid..

I am actually a very cultured person, i do not walk around chewing and spitting, i like good music, I'm trying to learn violin, if you met me you would be surprised, I'm not some redneck you seem to think i am. I simply express my dissatisfaction with your ignorant attitude orally.

Mariama said:
You lack any understanding of Islam, you cannot distinguish between a corrupt government and true Islamic Law. You are not a Muslim, you do not know the first thing of the Caliphs of Islam, what are you talking about???.

I lack some information on some parts of Islam as a culture at large, but i do not lack any and all understanding of Islam. I'm not a Muslim, and YOU'RE not an American. So i ask you sir, what are you talking about?

Mariama said:
You have not researched Islamic law, why are you lying?
typing "islamic law" into google does not count I'm afraid. In order for you to understand it you are going to have to listen to the scholars, until you have, you cannot say a word...

Actually, i go to school, like most young adults my age, i am not an ignorant fool, and i have never relied on google for understanding of a culture. And we may have a miscommunication, what do you mean by scholar? I define it as a teacher or highly educated individual...

Mariama said:
You are talking nonsense. What is this about lol????

"one way of determining guilt, examining the burns on a tongue after licking a red-hot spoon."

Where is your proof that under the Shariah one has their hand cut if they are poor??? Show it to me please... I am not and never will be interested in what you find about Iran or any other country, I want your proof from the Qur' an and Sunnah. If you cannot manage this, (which I suspect will stump you at the first hurdle) then please feel free to contact the scholars, they will set you straight..

Again with the scholars, who is it you are referring to? Please clarify this for me.

Mariama said:
Is America not the place where one is put to death by use of electricity and Gas? (Very humane) Civilised you say... Hmm look again.

No, it is not, we put out the 'chair' as it were, because it was deemed inhumane, we use lethal injection where the subject is given a sedative first, they die in relative peace in comparison to being beaten to death or hung. You seem to not know the first thing about America, you have a very stereotypical view on my country and culture, and yet you accuse me of this crime to free thinking. We advance with the times and changes in the world, that is why we are the last super power, we can adapt, you obviously, can not.
M60 said:
I think you're the only one, everybody else is sick of you and your ignorant posts
Actually I enjoy Muslims whom enlighten us as to the casualness of their cultures barbarism. Its sterling proof that the terrorist aren't the only members of Islam that pose a serious threat to the world community. We cannot allow rulers whom treat their own people in such a way to gain nuclear power. It sounds smug, but some cultures cannot be trusted with such power.

M60 said:
I'm not a Muslim, and YOU'RE not an American. So i ask you sir, what are you talking about?
Actually I believe hes a she and shes an American.

Originally Posted by Mariama
Is America not the place where one is put to death by use of electricity and Gas? (Very humane) Civilised you say... Hmm look again.
M60 said:
No, it is not, we put out the 'chair' as it were, because it was deemed inhumane, we use lethal injection where the subject is given a sedative first, they die in relative peace in comparison to being beaten to death or hung.
The point of Islamic punishment and execution by amputation, stoning and beheading is meant to bring the pain. A way of exacting revenge in the here and now before they are dead. Beheading by the sword almost always takes two or more chops to remove the head. There is an extreme difference between the chair and beheading. However Mariama is correct to some extent. There is some brutality allowed still in American execution. The firing squad is still offered as a means of execution to prisoners in America. Although it hasn't been used since the '70s. It is the only form of American justices' execution that involves bloodletting. In Texas they have a chamber that houses both an electric chair and an area set up for the firing squad. With this form of execution 6 prison guards are chosen and given a riffle. Only one has a live bullet, the others are blanks. This is to alleviate any guilty consciousness by the executioner. Death by firing squad is entirely voluntary, however.

I might add that Americans do not carry out executions as a means of entertainment.
I recall my Humanities teacher, who had lived in Europe for quite a few years, mentioning that the Middle East is just now going through its 'Enlightening' or "Renaissance' so to speak. IOW, it's struggling to grow out of old habits in light of modernization in the same way Europe was a few centuries ago. That more or less makes sense to me. I'd imagine that living in a community surrounded by desert would've made it more difficult for various secular philosophies to float around. Looking at it from that POV, I don't beleive the Middle East today is much worse than the West was a few centuries back. I beleive he also said that aside from the US, the Middle East is the only place in the world that currently doesn't recognize evolution as a fact or scientific law.
Mariama said:
Under the true Islamic state (salafiah, rightly guided caliphs) NO-ONE was ever stoned through being caught, only when the person came forward and confessed.

I asked you a question, what better ways are there? Answer or shut up.

The Quran does not call for stoning for adultery or premarital sex. it only calls for lashes.

Stoning was added by omar.. a saddistic mother****er who some muslims decided to follow and many (Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, etc.) still follow to this day.

What better way is there? How about divorce and getting on with your life without having to kill your ex...

Oh but that wouldn't be nearly as dramatic....