The muslims in Britain

This is my personal opinion on the matter.

Many years ago when cultures developed seperate from one another problems such as this did not occur. Now times, there is anger and hostility to different religeons and races due to the society we now live in where cultures are mixed.

Cultures to me seem to be different in ways, they contrast in some ways which leads to disputes.

My personal opinion is that cultures are not meant to be mixed and they will never get along together entirely.

Furthermore if migrants that have moved to our (british peoples) country do not like the way things are run they should piss off back to their own country.

This is my personal opinion on the matter.

Many years ago when cultures developed seperate from one another problems such as this did not occur. Now times, there is anger and hostility to different religeons and races due to the society we now live in where cultures are mixed.

Cultures to me seem to be different in ways, they contrast in some ways which leads to disputes.

My personal opinion is that cultures are not meant to be mixed and they will never get along together entirely.

To address the matter of hostiliy against muslims by British, I believe British have every right to be hostile. Mass media bombard us with information on how they are fighting and blowing innocent people up. To us the religeon is shown as violent and selfish.

To me the religeon is violent. For reasons which I will explain.

The word "Islam" means "submission." One may ask submission to what or whom? A Muslim is a person who is obedient to the will of "Allah." According to the words of the Prophet of Islam, Allah is the author of the holy book of Quran, thus a Muslim is a person who must do what the book says to do. If he or she does not follow the words of the Quran, then he or she is not considered to be a Muslim. Muslims insist that the almighty Lord of all living thing is synonymous with what is known in Arabic as "Allah." Muslims confess that every word in the holy book of Quran is the word of Allah. It contains 114 Surahs (chapters) and more than 6,000 verses. Ironically, the greatest enemy of Islam is this very book, which Muslims vow to be free of errors. Islamic scholars proudly state that the Quran is unrivalled in its recording and preservation. They proudly say that the holy book has remained unchanged to the letter -- even after fourteen hundred years. Is Islam really a religeon of peace? Here are some excerpts from the Islam holy book.

1. The Qur'an tells muslims to kill and go to war to fight for Islam: Quran, chapters (Surahs) 9:5; 2:191; 2:193; 3:118; 4:75,76; 5:33, 8:12; 8:65; 9:73,123; 33:60-62.

2. Fight for Allah: "And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers, (Quran 2:191).

3. Muslims are to battle for Allah: "Those who believe do battle for the cause of Allah; and those who disbelieve do battle for the cause of idols. So fight the minions of the devil. Lo! the devil's strategy is ever weak," (Quran 4:76).

4. Kill those against Islam: "The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter," (Quran 5:33).

5. Beheading: "When thy Lord inspired the angels, (saying): I am with you. So make those who believe stand firm. I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger. 13That is because they opposed Allah and His messenger. Whoso opposeth Allah and His messenger, (for him) lo! Allah is severe in punishment," (Quran 8:12).

6. Allah urges war: "O Prophet! urge the believers to war; if there are twenty patient ones of you they shall overcome two hundred, and if there are a hundred of you they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they are a people who do not understand," (Quran 8:65).

7. Slay non-muslims: "Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful," (Quran 9:5).

8. Allah urges war: "O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is the destination," (Quran 9:73).

9. Allah urges war: "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that Allah is with those who guard (against evil)," (Quran 9:123).

10. Allah urges killing: "...the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is a disease and the agitators in the city do not desist... 61Cursed: wherever they are found they shall be seized and murdered, a (horrible) murdering. 62(Such has been) the course of Allah with respect to those who have gone before; and you shall not find any change in the course of Allah, (Quran 33:60-62).

11. Beheading: "Now when ye meet in battle those who disbelieve, then it is smiting of the necks until, when ye have routed them, then making fast of bonds; and afterward either grace or ransom till the war lay down its burdens..." (Quran 47:4).

12. Allah loves those who fight for him. "Truly Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in battle array, as if they were a solid cemented structure," (Quran 61:4).

As you can see, the Qur'an definitely teaches that it's people are to fight for the cause of Islam. This list of verses is important because they are within the holy book of Islam. What are we to conclude if a Muslim or to take the Quran seriously? Is he not obligated to slay non-Muslims, to go to war, to kill those against Islam, etc.? Isn't this what the verses are teaching? Yes, they are and this is the source of Islamic Terrorism.

I have much more to say but I haven't the time to write. Hopefully this is not seen as raceist because all that I am stating is that us Brits have a reason to be hostile to a violent religeon.

Thank you for reading,

ok sry for reviving this old post but i gotta say as a newbie to GF, i love it! to start off: ppl need to chill out esp with all the cussing/hate from both sides whether it be the dunes of arabia or the backwoods of kentucky..srsly..anyway, i just wanted to add my two cents by saying as a moderate/progressive/ muslim from texas, i see two groups of muslims (well maybe more than two but im sleepy lol)

1. Ones like me= rich (not really, but upper middle class so to speak), educated amongst good ol' american high school kids, live in predominantly white conservative neighborhoods, etc.

2. the rest= lower classes, first/second generation immigrants, kids go to religious schools, ethnic neighborhoods, etc.

Now, the first group basically has conformed to the american ways much like the eastern european waves did in response to the older anglo-saxon gednerations 100 yrs back, except we did it a bajillion times faster with the realization of what the american 'melting pots' means. i prefer saying merry xmas to happy holidays when addressing my white amigos, as well as happy hanukkah to my jews (u get the pic). i don't brazenly speak in urdu/arabic in front of my friends just b/c it's rude; instead, in the privacy of my home, i do so only with my parents only b/c of their need, u kno? another example, i don't complain when the pizza at some party has only pepperoni for the meat ones.. i just eat the cheese or veggie instead.. what im getting at is I realize that im in the minority but don't disproportionately try to accommodate myself in front of others. I just conform as much as possible on the outside yet maintain my individuality at home.

The other group, be it the human fear of change or simply the brainwashing of a culture from their media about us, does not usually do the above.. i don't know!

my occidental buddies need to put themselves in a historical perspective. all empires go up, then down. the middle east (in terms of infrastructure) is where america was in the 19th century (the americans on this board better know their us history..). when the italians and polish came, the german and irish weren't too happy were they? ever seen gangs of ny? that "tension" so to speak always accompanies immigrating people. in present down houston texas, this is the question of the illegal mexicans that cross over into here as someone earlier said. but u say, waves of durka-durka with tnt strapped to their chest are wayy different than say, al capone with a tommy gun. fine, but srsly, fox news stats aside, those scary bearded guys in iraq under al-sadr represent less than .001% terrorists that enter the US apprehended by the Dept of HS (i read it in the ny times somewhere).. believe me my jingoists, we're not all that bad! just give it to some time, say about 100 yrs and everything will be different. and no u smart asses, they wont have blown the entire world up, just see what america did since 1776 and learn the way of assimilating for u immigrants out there.

lastly, i just wanted to comment on ClassyMissFancy's comments; i think u hit the nail with the argument of quran dictates vs hadith dictates and which muslims follow. i personally believe the Proph Muhd (PBUH) hadiths were a sorta walkthrough/sparknotes study guide for the various groups of 600 AD Arabia. I mean, the kind of laws that freak yall now today were i guess the best for back then.. im sry to say this yall, but 1400 yrs ago, the world was a different place and certain things needed to be done for the sake of order. the quran in its core values remains perfect imo for even 2007, and i abide by it. but not sharia u see?

anyway, for all yall about to blast me for wrong details, bad grammar, condescending tone, my use of "y'all", and prety much anything as an excuse to call me an idiot.. well give me break sheesh! im pretty sure we're all under 23 on this board so lay off the "i have more life experience than u" comments, b/c the important thing is to discuss/rant/debate about this issue and all the ad hominems detract from the main topic.. anyway, i for one can say this pizza hut is making me major sleepy so gnite from texas!
mrsexyass said:
I am hating ther fact that every year waves of new Muslims (and other foreign folk) come to this country and take away what it means to be British. We are told to watch what we say in case we offend them. If we do offend them they end up going out on marches and kill people, so why is it our fault that these crazy Muslims ****s kill people.

I'm not racist by any means but when I feel that my life is constantly being threatened by these people, and I'm having my freedom of speech taken away from me every minute of the day I can't help but feel a little hostile.

There are whole towns within this country where it is possible to feel like a foreigner, in my own country just because they are infecting the country so much.

We have given them so much, jobs, homes, money and they are constantly throwing **** in our faces by making sure we suffer for their inadeqences.

It really pisses me off and I know something has to be done, but it never will.

I'm with you, lets vote BNP and deport these violent parasites.
Mariama said:
What laws has britain introduced to comfort immigrants and Muslim?

None that I know of. You should all be deported. You sit idly by while your comrades plant bombs to kill those who nuture you.You blood suckers. You are all despicable people like mohamed the child shagger.
sheik-yerbouti said:
None that I know of. You should all be deported. You sit idly by while your comrades plant bombs to kill those who nuture you.You blood suckers. You are all despicable people like mohamed the child shagger.

Hello sheik :)

As a newbie to this site I have been reading through this thread with great interest. Those of who are British will be appalled by the thoughts of the Muslims who have posted on this thread.

To be British in our own country now is to be bound by laws that are discriminatory against us, and allow Muslims (not all, but even one is too many) to spout their hatred and incite racial crimes and terrorism.

For this Mariama person to say that the working class in this country are trash is an outrage. She should be shipped back to wherever she or her parents came from.

If we are to allow immigrants in to this country, for whatever reason, they should be carefully vetted and monitored and eventually made to take a citizenship test. If they don`t like it.....send them back to wherever. I think Australia has a fairly good immigration policy.

Because we have allowed people to practice their faith in this country, and to wear whatever they feel is appropriate, the British are being discriminated against. The nicab should be banned, not only do a lot of people find it offensive and sinister, but it seems that men who are suspected of terrorist offences have used it to flee the country.
Aquae Arnemetiae. said:
Hello sheik :)

As a newbie to this site I have been reading through this thread with great interest. Those of who are British will be appalled by the thoughts of the Muslims who have posted on this thread.

To be British in our own country now is to be bound by laws that are discriminatory against us, and allow Muslims (not all, but even one is too many) to spout their hatred and incite racial crimes and terrorism.

For this Mariama person to say that the working class in this country are trash is an outrage. She should be shipped back to wherever she or her parents came from.

If we are to allow immigrants in to this country, for whatever reason, they should be carefully vetted and monitored and eventually made to take a citizenship test. If they don`t like it.....send them back to wherever. I think Australia has a fairly good immigration policy.

Because we have allowed people to practice their faith in this country, and to wear whatever they feel is appropriate, the British are being discriminated against. The nicab should be banned, not only do a lot of people find it offensive and sinister, but it seems that men who are suspected of terrorist offences have used it to flee the country.

I take a harder line. I want them all deported. What is the point of only deporting abu hamza and a few others? The Muslim group remaining will keep producing new terror recruits. They should all be deported.

While we are at it, what about this- 95% of violent street crime in London is caused by Negroes. 90% of of organised prostitution in the London area is controlled by Albanians. A great deal of credit card crime is caused by Romanian gangs. There are even now many Vietnamese gangs setting up cannabis production in houses throughout the country. We also have yardies/ black gangs shooting and killing people.

I would be happy to send all these folks back home to wherever they or their ancestors came from.

Racism my arse. It is a good solution to reduce crime and terrorism, and get these welfare bums out of the country. We would save a fortune.

Aquae Arnemetiae. said:
You have not mentioned the alarming increase in TB, due largely to immigrants from Asia. :)

More problematic I have read, are the Eastern Europeans arriving at the UK. These folks are bringing antibiotic resistant strains of TB with them, due to the hap-hazzard use of antibioticis in thier countries of origin.

Another worrying thing is the arrival in the UK of HIV/AIDS victims from Africa. I read somewhere a few years ago that in that particular year about 2000 of them had been allowed to settle here.

I really just do not understand this. I am no blaming them for taking action to prolong their lives. I find fault with UK politicians for allowing it.

They are here for free healthcare, welfare,housing etc. They did not come here to work, they are slowly dying, they cannot work. What on earth is the point of admitting them ?

Worse still, the promiscuous lifestyle which resultd in them contracting HIV, they presumably continue in the UK, resulting in ever increasing numbers of people in he UK with this disease.
sheik-yerbouti said:
I take a harder line. I want them all deported. What is the point of only deporting abu hamza and a few others? The Muslim group remaining will keep producing new terror recruits. They should all be deported.

While we are at it, what about this- 95% of violent street crime in London is caused by Negroes. 90% of of organised prostitution in the London area is controlled by Albanians. A great deal of credit card crime is caused by Romanian gangs. There are even now many Vietnamese gangs setting up cannabis production in houses throughout the country. We also have yardies/ black gangs shooting and killing people.

I would be happy to send all these folks back home to wherever they or their ancestors came from.

Racism my arse. It is a good solution to reduce crime and terrorism, and get these welfare bums out of the country. We would save a fortune.


I would like to ask the Sheik a couple of questions. Would you deport people wh've been born here yet converted to Islam/ You say you would deport people from whwer their ancestors came from, supposing this was say two or more generations back and these countries refused to accept these people where would you send them then? Would you deport citizens of Saudi Arabia? If so where would you buy our oil from when the inevitable happens and Saudi cuts off our supplies, how would you explain this to the people when the lights go out?

This reminds me of the very simple policies of the BNP, knee jerk policies with no thought as to the economic or any other consequences. Still when there's no likliehood of ever gaining power I don't suppose it really matters.
sheik-yerbouti said:
Do continue. I'm thinking you are more familiar, as it is you who mention it.

I only know that a disease which had all but died out in Britain is undergoing a resurgence. Places like Leicester now have a high incidence of Tuberculosis which would seem to have been brought in by the high numbers of immigrants there.

I once had to travel to London on a National Express coach. Everything was fine until we stopped at Leicester, then loads of Asians boarded the bus there. Only a certain number of people can travel, but my word didn`t they take up every bit of available space with the bags and packages they brought on with them (any cases would have been stowed in the hold). I quite expected to see livestock joining us. All the British passengers were well pissed off. It was a really vile journey from then on.
Aquae Arnemetiae. said:
I only know that a disease which had all but died out in Britain is undergoing a resurgence. Places like Leicester now have a high incidence of Tuberculosis which would seem to have been brought in by the high numbers of immigrants there.


I too have read that the disease is again with us in the UK. Certainly some Asians have brought it here. It has also been brought here by Eastern Europeans.

It is this last group that is most troubling. The misuse of antibiotics in their home countries has led to resistant strains of TB in this group. Should you
catch TB of this type, antibiotics may not cure you, or at least may take many years to cure.

I remember reading a few years ago, that in that year, about 2000 HIV positive Africans were allowed to settle in the UK.

Why ? They are not here to work. They are here for the free housing, welfare, and more importantly the free health care. And of course it is us, the taxpayer who is being forced to pay for it all.

Meanwhile the promiscuous lifestyle that resulted in them catching HIV, they continue, thus spreading this disease among the British populace.

Our country is in dire trouble. And of course, if you question what is going on, then you are a racist. What nonsense.

Aquae, are you here from SGB ?
Aquae Arnemetiae. said:
I only know that a disease which had all but died out in Britain is undergoing a resurgence. Places like Leicester now have a high incidence of Tuberculosis which would seem to have been brought in by the high numbers of immigrants there.

I once had to travel to London on a National Express coach. Everything was fine until we stopped at Leicester, then loads of Asians boarded the bus there. Only a certain number of people can travel, but my word didn`t they take up every bit of available space with the bags and packages they brought on with them (any cases would have been stowed in the hold). I quite expected to see livestock joining us. All the British passengers were well pissed off. It was a really vile journey from then on.

My reply to this post has not appeared. This has happened elsewhere on this forum too.
I usually don’t have anything good to say about Islam but I think you two are going a little overboard with it. We do need them to be accountable. Hate speeches or the promotion of terror should be reported by these so call moderate Muslims. But to condemn the whole religion is wrong too.
Amazing how Western Europe and Britain are ignoring the Muslim threat. Look at the world wherever Muslims and others are in close proximity; the Phillipines, Israel/Palestine, India/Pakistan, Sudan, Indonesia, etc; what you find is terrorist acts and civil wars. The one world socialists must have a strong grip on Western civilization.
GF Admin said:
Good points all. Here in the states, depending which coast you live closest to, we have the same issues, imported third world barbarity, everything from machete butchery to families selling their daughters etc..etc..etc.. The entire civilized world is being over run by the third world, from Australia to Denmark, America and everything in between. It will lead to no good, blood baths all around.

I am sorry to hear that you are having similar problems in your country too Nazz, as you say, I suppose most western countries are. Perhaps the Crusaders were far wiser than we.