The negative rep game


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So you cry when other people punish you but you feel it is reasonable to punish those who refuse to conform to your way of thinking Wez?


You have become what you claim to hate, congratz..........
Errrrr.. no TJ.. I was making fun of you and being sarcastic.. are you really that dense?
No, I am talking about your actions, you have already proven you say one thing and do another when it suits you so your comments are no longer worth paying attention to.

You are now the bully you used to complain about Wez.




New member
So you cry when other people punish you but you feel it is reasonable to punish those who refuse to conform to your way of thinking Wez?


You have become what you claim to hate, congratz..........
Errrrr.. no TJ.. I was making fun of you and being sarcastic.. are you really that dense?
No, I am talking about your actions, you have already proven you say one thing and do another when it suits you so your comments are no longer worth paying attention to.

You are now the bully you used to complain about Wez.

No.. once again you proved you are a hypocrite.. you think you're being punished/bullied by getting negative repped and cry about it yet you have no problem doing it to others times 10.. If I wanted to punish you I'd of joined the calls to ban your stoopid *** from this site many times over, like you've done to myself, which I thought was hilarious.. never had so much fun online as I did flouting your "authority"..

I, as the last hope and vestige of this site care more about it than the admins ~ TJ

hahahahaha.. what an idiot..

Bullies hate bullies, don't they, hypocrite? I'm not you.. cept to you and others like you.. Don't like it? Make another choice..

What you hate is what you are and that is why you hate it ~ wez



Active Members
Is that why you became a bully Wez? You hate bullies so using your own words, you are what you hate, the bully.

You know Wez, you keep claiming I asked for you to be banned but I never asked for that, I asked for rules to be enforced and my request was ignored because you were seen as a way to keep the forum "jumping", the same reason I was allowed to return twice, the forum is a silent and lonely place without people like you and I to add some spice to it.

But cry and dodge all you want Wez, once you started punishing me for what you saw as "wrong" that made you the biggest hypocrite on this forum. You preach about how punishing people who don't conform is wrong, but you Wez, you are the first to call me names and punish me for daring not to be what you demand I be.

I must make you happy, "or else" you will negative rep me and call me nasty names designed to hurt or punish me.




New member
hahahaha.. you mean enforce the rules you demanded be created to deal with the "wez" problem? There was no f cking rules TJ!!! You demanding, whined, and cried them into existence.. Still wasn't good enough, was it? hahahaha.. Then when your own rules blew up in your face you cried foul.. too funny.. hahahaha..

You're the only one here that ever needed rules.. like every other control freak does.

You are quite the piece of work.. why you're not a government spin doctor is beyond me.. the "rewards" would be endless!!!

We destroyed your country, demolished your infrastructure, jailed our former yes man and installed a new puppet who outlawed your country from having a military, and now we have no choice but to maintain control to protect the Panama Canal from communists after we "give it back" at the turn of the century .. woe is us..

Once again for umpteenth time.. why do you see being negative repped as punishment? Do you base your self worth on your Off Topic Forum rep score?


Do and say whatever the f ck you want, moron.. I have no desire to control you.. besides, you make me laugh.



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Nice attempt to redirect attention away from the point but I never jumped on a soapbox and complained about rules or other people imposing rules and penalties on other people Wez.

YOU, YOU Wez have preached against the "or else" mentality but the second you can have the power to punish, you do so.

Your actions to punish Wez, you are going out of your way to spam negative rep on me, your the bully you claim to hate when other people do it so I gues your years of claiming that "you are what you hate" is true, you complain and hate those who punish because you punish people like me with any weapon at your disposal.

How many times have we pointed out you calling people names just because you did not like what they had to say? With you your verbal attacks are your way of punishing someone but now your on this new trend to spam negative rep, but all of your actions are based in your need to punish those who do not be who you want to force them to be Wez.

Your right, I'm not you, because I am not a Hypocrite.



New member
I never jumped on a soapbox and complained about rules or other people imposing rules and penalties

I asked IWS if he punnished Wez for things he does wrong when he deletes things. I have seen many things deleted or edited by IWS and Wez still going strong like he never even noticed. ~ Louie


So to justify my repremand from IWS, my comment about not going away mad and my admitting to "attacking members" must somehow be violations against the Site, but if this is the basis of me getting in trouble, the same thing would apply to most of what Wez says on this forum ~ Louie


I see a clear double standard forming with how IWS is playing protective big brother with Wez, deleting his more offending remarks before people can complain but streching the rules as far as possible to give me warnings. ~ Louie


Again, if he asks me to leave, I will gladly do as requested, but I will not sit back and watch this forum be ruined just because IWS feels some kind of protective obligation with Wez. ~ Louie


Blinders are used to keep an animal focused down on where it is going. Being as your flailing around in all directions desperately trying to make excuses for Wez's own behavoir and condmemn those of us who "respond" to Wez's behavoir, maybe you could use some blinders of your own to get your focus back. ~ Louie


Yopur supposed to be a staff member and a staff member needs to be more concerned with doing what is right for the forum and not what is right to feed his personal anger. ~ Louie


This is not about you Wez, please leave me alone. The only reason I mention your name with the discussion id because IWS gave me two infractions based on my replies to this, otherwise I would not mention you at all. ~ Louie


I am starting to get the feeling that this is like football, one guy breaks the rules and hits a player on the other team, the other player does not like the fact he was hit so he hits back, the officials only see the second hit. ~ Louie


While you guys have been trying to do all sorts of back flips to deal with Wez, he has been the cause of all this mess including this perceived mess you see with me. I only started pushing for action with Wez because he was running without restriction and posting personal attacks and childish "I'm not you" **** all over the forum. ~ Louie


If your upset at my trying to act, then simply look into the mirror because if you guys had acted when the Wez problem was forming, I would never have felt the need to act myself. ~ Louie


Even if you do remove me now, at least I can leave with the knowledge that I acted and did not just sit back and watch Wez slowly ruin this forum. ~ Louie


Just remember this, with everything you have done up to now, Wez is still doing what he has always done. How much time have you put into trying to educate him? How much time have you wasted? ~ Louie


Everything including this with me is all a domino effect from him. ~ Louie


The question is not if you will end up removing Wez, he will keep pushing and pushing until you have no other choice. The question is if you will have any members still here when that time comes. ~ Louie


All I want is to be a member of a forum where open debating is possible without stuff like "I'm not you" being spammed all over the forum, I am not the only member of this forum that will vote with their feet if you cannot provide that environment. ~ Louie 3/2008


I never wanted to have anything to do with anything other then debating, the only reason any of this happened is because you refused to take action to deal with Wez.~ Louie 3/2008


Wez was being called out for his excessive and childish behavoir by more then just me, and not jusr eddo and brotherman either. Many people all saw Wez as a problem but you did nothing. When several of us started commenting to you about the need to take action, again you refused to act.~ Louie 3/2008


There have been complaints about Wez all over the forum, how is anyone supposed to know that you ignore complaints made on the open forum? ~ Louis


I saw you edit several of Wez's posts right after he made them, you did not wait to see if someone would complain, that was the reason for me to ask you if you gave warnings for what you deleted. You replied that you do not make it official if someone does not complain.~ Louis

At one point, most of the ones complaining stopped careing, they saw that Wez was still doing exactly what he has always done but your promises produced nothing but more failures.~ Louie


if your looking for the reason I started pushing for you to deal with Wez was because you were not doing your job. If you had acted early on, none of this would have ever happened, but you can blame it all on me if it makes you feel better about yourself.~ Louie


How many times do I have to say this, my actions were only made possible by your failure to deal with Wez. We cannot have a successful debating forum with someone running around spamming "I'm not you" in every thread. ~ Louis


My complaint is not about the moderation so much as the lack of success.~ Louis


No, I mean exactly what I said, lack of success, Wez is exactly the same now as he always was, he is even baiting me in this thread and on the shout box, but that does not count if someone does not complain right? ~ Louis


So you call no change at all in Wez as a success?
~ Louie

Now answer me this, if we use the ignore function, and you refuse to take action on Wez's bad bahavoir without a complaint, how do we complain if we don't see it?
~ Louis


Your cure for the problem of Wez is the members must act like an ostrich? ~ Louie

Bury our heads in the sand and pretend Wez does not exist?
~ Louie

All I ever said was there was no change in what Wez was doing and that what had already been done was not working, it makes no difference who was doing it, it was unsuccessful. ~ Louie

All anyone ever asked for was to deal with wez, while making members use the ignore feature can work for those members who want to stick around despite the mess caused by Wez, any new members will see his excessive personality and take off without taking the time to figure out how to ignore him. ~ Louie

I can promise you this, as long as the rules are clear, I will never complain about a strict but fair set of rules, that is the way I run my forums.
~ Louie

I as the last vestage of hope that something could be done never gave up, I guess my biggest problem was to care about this forum more then you cared about it.~ Louie

I want to debate, not sit around a ghost town and to debate, we need people, people who will vote with their feet when faced with someone like Wez.~ Louis

Let me give you a little advise, respect is earned, not taken by force.~ Louis


Hahahahahahaha ~ wez

A mere drop in the bucket ~ wez


No matter how many times you repeat something, the truth it does not make ~ wez


What you hate is what you are and that is why you hate it ~ wez

I'M NOT YOU! ~ wez

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Not one of those coments was me complaining about rules Wez.

Rules are one thing, application of the rules is another. My complaints were from the lack of consistency and fair application of rules, not that it was wrong to have rules. As example even after there was a clear rule against people bringing their dirty laundry from other forums to this forum, you never stopped chasing eddo around about your banning at another site. IWS simply gave you a pass for that rule for whatever reason and if one person gets a free pass from a set rule then there is no rules.

YOU Wez complain about the existence of rules and that one person should not have the right to tell another what to do or to punish them for not doing what is wanted from them. If the rules are equally and consistently administereed they create a peaceful and great environment to exist in. You said yourself that if you were robbed you would call the police so you like rules when they are there to help you.

So again we come back to "YOUR ACTIONS" to punish those who do not conform to your desires.

You say "conform or else" I will call you nasty names, harass you, and give you negative rep, but if someone else does this, you attack them and put them down as bullies.




New member
I never jumped on a soapbox and complained about rules or other people imposing rules and penalties ~ Lois

My complaints were from the lack of consistency and fair application of rules ~ Lois

As example even after there was a clear rule against people bringing their dirty laundry from other forums to this forum, you never stopped chasing eddo around about your banning at another site. ~ Lois

So again we come back to "YOUR ACTIONS" to punish those who do not conform to your desires. ~ Lois

You can't punnish me!! I don't get punnished!! I do the punnishing! Waaaaaaa Waaaaaaa ~ Lois




And it's getting more and more absurd ~ Elton John


Whatever is ok for you to do to another human being is ok for every other human being to do to you ~ wez

I'm not you ~ wez

Again, why do see being negative repped as punishment?

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I don't Wez, you do.

Your actions, not mine Wez.

You go out of your way to try and punish those who do not conform to your demands to believe or act a certain way so when someone displeases you, you turn to nasty name calling, harassment, and now you added spamming negative rep.

These are all "YOUR" actions Wez, not mine.

You do it, you feel a need to punish and follow through with that desire.

Your the bullie now Wez, how does it feel?




New member
I never jumped on a soapbox and complained about rules or other people imposing rules and penalties ~ Lois

I only started pushing for action with Wez because he was running without restriction and posting personal attacks and childish "I'm not you" **** all over the forum.
~ Lois

You go out of your way to try and punish those who do not conform to your demands to believe or act a certain way so when someone displeases you, you turn to nasty name calling, harassment, and now you're bawling because you have been getting negative rep?

These are all "YOUR" actions TJ, not mine.

You do it, you feel a need to punish and follow through with that desire.

I'm not you, psycho

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There were rules, you broke the rules, nobody enforced the rules.

All I did was ask for rules to be enforced equally to all members Wez, there is nothing wrong with that.

But, YOU say there should not be rulkes, you say nobody should punish other people Wez, except for those YOU don't like or agree with, then suddenly it is okay to punish people.

You have a double standard Wez, you complain when other people are a bully but the second you get a chance to punish someone with name calling, harassment, or negative repping them you jump on it.

You keep saying that your not me, and at the same time you say I want to punish people, so tell me how your not like me when your doing what you claim I do? You admit to harassing and bothering people on purpose, now you admit to negative repping me because your angry with me, so your exactly what you have always claimed to hate............and that is why you hate hate them because they are just like you Wez.

When you have the ability, your a bully, you never take a different path, you always attack, you always punish.




New member
So.. you see me negative repping you as punishment.. why? Does it bother you? Do you base your self worth on my opinion and your Off Topic Forum reputation score?
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So.. you see me negative repping you as punishment.. why? Does it bother you? Do you base your self worth on my opinion and your Off Topic Forum reputation score?
No, I see your actions to go out of your way to call names, harass, and now to spam negative rep as what they are Wez.

Your actions Wez, your doing what your doing. If you truly believe being a bully and punishing people was wrong you would not be doing it yourself.

You seem to be busy trying to justify your punishments instead of asking yourself "WHY" you feel you must punish. Why can't I just be me Wez? Why must I conform to your beliefs "or else" you will give me negative rep?


This has nothing to do with me Wez, if I cared about what people thought about me I would cave into the pressure imposed on me to "fit in" long ago. This is all very funny to me and a great example of how you and a few other people like emkay have a double standard in life. You want other people to accept you for the way you are, but your not willing to do the same for other people like me.

I don't "fit in" so I have to be punished.

So go ahead bully, punish me, after all, I deserve it right?

Tough guy with a negative rep button right?

Funny **** right there ;)



New member
Hey Lois.. I accept you just the way you are.. just like I always have.. are ya done bawling now? It's only been 2 weeks..

Do you want me to stop negative repping you? If so, why? Make your case..

However, I can tell ya right now your reverse psycholoy/hypocrite claims/bully tactics wont work.. I know better.. ya see.. the deal is.. I'm not you..



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A narcissist is described as excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power and prestige. It is also defined as excessive self-centeredness with a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy.

Narcissists lack empathy, are exploitative, envious, and feel entitled. Often their grandiosity is extreme, but their accomplishments and reciprocity are meager. Because narcissists dissemble, conspire, destroy, and potentially self-destruct, their vision is rarely grounded in reality.

Here are some signs to look for when identifying narcissists’ tactics:

1. Self-absorbed and lacks empathy. Acts like everything is all about them and is uninterested in you or others.

2. Entitled and demanding. Makes the rules, breaks the rules, and is aggressive about what they want.

3. Perfectionistic and conceited. Have rigidly high standards for you and lord their superiority over you.

4. Seeks own adoration and is unremorseful. Demands constant praise and recognition, but will never offer genuine praise or apologies.




Active Members
I don't want you to stop Wez, I am simply pointing out the fact that by your desire to punish me with name calling, harassment, and negative repping, you prove yourself to be a Hypocrite.

Just like emkay, Builder, and Chi, all of you are now the new estrogen mafia, your the bully now Wez, how does it feel?



New member
I don't want you to stop Wez, I am simply pointing out the fact that by your desire to punish me with name calling, harassment, and negative repping, you prove yourself to be a Hypocrite.
Actually, your desire to point out and incessantly bawl about being called names, "harassed", and negative repped proves yourself to be a hypocrite. It's ok for you to do to nearly everyone here, but not ok to do to you, or else? How does that work?

But then of course, you're always the victim, right? You never do anything wrong. You're TJ.. the last hope and vestige for humanity and Off Topic Forum..

Just like emkay, Builder, and Chi, all of you are now the new estrogen mafia, your the bully now Wez, how does it feel?
Just like Ted Bundy, Dennis Rader, and Richard Ramirez, all of you are now/were raging narcissistics, you've always been the bully TJ, how does it feel?,00.html

The pain, grievances and self-pity of mass killers are only symptoms of the real explanation. Those who do these things share one common trait. They are raging narcissists.
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