The negative rep game


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Warning About Working or Living with a Narcissist

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to change a narcissist. Rather than receiving constructive criticism, they meet criticism with anger and feel betrayed. People who support and reinforce them by giving in to their demands only enable them to get worse. If it’s impossible to avoid a relationship with a narcissist, understand them rather than criticize them as this is the only way to survive and remain sane.

How to Deal with a Narcissist: Signs and Tips for Dealing with Narcissists

Insane Narcissist, Is the Narcissist Legally Insane?

Nov 14, 2006 Sam Vaknin

Narcissists are not prone to "irresistible impulses" and dissociation (blanking out certain stressful events and actions). They more or less fully control their behavior and acts at all times. But exerting control over one's conduct requires the investment of resources, both mental and physical. Narcissists regard this as a waste of their precious time, or a humiliating chore. Lacking empathy, they don't care about other people's feelings, needs, priorities, wishes, preferences, and boundaries. As a result, narcissists are awkward, tactless, painful, taciturn, abrasive and insensitive.

The narcissist suffers from uncontrollable rage and grandiose fantasies. Most narcissists are also mildly obsessive-compulsive. Yet, all narcissists should be held accountable to the vast and overwhelming majority of their actions.

At all times, even during the worst explosive episode, the narcissist can tell right from wrong and reign in their impulses. The narcissist's impulse control is unimpaired, though he may pretend otherwise in order to terrorize, manipulate and coerce his human environment into compliance

The narcissist is perfectly capable of anticipating the consequences of his actions and their influence on others. Actually, narcissists are "X-ray" machines: they are very perceptive and sensitive to the subtlest nuances.But the narcissist does not care. For him, humans are dispensable, rechargeable, reusable. They are there to fulfill a function: to supply him with Narcissistic Supply (adoration, admiration, approval, affirmation, etc.) They do not have an existence apart from carrying out their "duties".

True, the narcissist cannot "control" his grandiose fantasies. All the same, he knows that lying and confabulating are morally wrong and can choose to refrain from doing so.

Moreover, many narcissists don't feel responsible for their actions. They believe that they are victims of injustice, bias, prejudice, and discrimination. This is because they are shape-shifters and actors. The narcissist is not one person - but two. The True Self is as good as dead and buried. The False Self changes so often in reaction to life's circumstances that the narcissist has no sense of personal continuity.


"The narcissist's perception of his life and his existence is
discontinuous. The narcissist is a walking compilation of "personalities", each with its own personal history. The narcissist does not feel that he is, in any way, related to his former "selves". He, therefore, does not understand why he has to be punished for "someone else's" actions or inaction. This "injustice" surprises, hurts, and enrages him."

Insane Narcissist: Is the Narcissist Legally Insane?



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Anna Valerious

About Me

I am an adult child of a narcissist (ACON). Raised in the crucible of malignant narcissism, I have a very personal understanding of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. There is hope beyond the narcissist for the victims of narcissists of which I'm living proof. "No life is ever a complete failure; it can always serve as a bad example." At least a narcissist is good for something.

"Narcissists live, breathe and are hypocrites. Every word and deed is an exercise in hypocrisy. Don't let a hypocrite become your moral arbiter. When they point and scream at something you're doing or not doing consider it the ravings of a lunatic or, at best, a spoiled five year old. Let yourself know they are lying hypocrites and see how foolish it is to let them instruct you on some moral point. They are amoral and vile. They do not believe in these virtues. They pretend to believe them in order to gain the upper hand."

Narcissists Suck




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Narcissistic Abuser as Slanderer

Written by

barbarany_9 on May-1-08 From:

On their way through life, narcissists leave a trail of trashed good names in their wake. The narcissist is a slanderer partly to get attention. But he is a slanderer mainly because he must be one to create his phony image. He makes himself look good by making others look bad.


Narcissists are different:
they are hypocrites. They think a thing ain't wrong if they get away with it. In other words, they confuse appearances with reality. Consequently, they have no conscience, just an unconscience. That is, they repress their conscience. Hence, what they do in the dark is shockingly different than what they do in the light of day. These are the people who put make-up on their image a little too thick in spots. They project instead of repent.


Projection is the Oldest Trick in the Book.

Magicians call it "misdirection." As St. Paul does when he says that if somebody condemns others of being [fill in the blank], you can bet your bippy that he is one himself, sometimes in a different way, but always at least the moral equivalent of one.


Paul was in line with the ancient Hebrew Scriptures. Their name for the spirit in which people do this is Satan, which means the "finger-pointer," the "name-slayer" (slanderer), the "prosecutor/persecutor," or the "accuser." In some places (e.g., the Book of Job) they also call him "the policer of the world


The rules about projection are in the Book of Leviticus, prescribed in the ritual for the Day of Atonement. Christianity has inherited them. The scapegoat must be the cleanest, most perfect potential victim available, the one with the most potential to do well in the world.


Looks good by comparison. Those are the all-important words.
The hypocrite makes himself look good by comparison with others. He does that the easy way, by making others look bad. This is the root of envy, which is not a rare motive for what people say about others. It's a common motive. For example, whom does he call a liar? The most honest person around.


They become living, breathing Projection Machines. Projection becomes such a knee-jerk reflex that a narcissist accuses his victim of doing to him the very thing (or essentially the same thing) as he is in the very act of doing to the victim. This creates bizarre scenes that make you wonder whether the narcissist is hallucinating or tripping out on psychedelic drugs. You feel like Alice in Wonderland. You have to pinch yourself and wonder whether "it's me or him that is crazy."


Another big difference between narcissists and normal people when they're projecting on you is that narcissists expect you to share their delusion. Yes! You cannot help but perceive this as gaslighting. Narcissists try to make you be what they say you are because, like a psychopath, they view you as an object, not as a human person with perceptions and a mind of your own. They view you as an extension of themselves (like a tool) to control. It is the moral equivalent of the control a rapist thinks he has over the body of another, whom he views as but an object, an extension of himself, an executioner of HIS will. Psychologists call this bizarre behavior projective identification, a defense mechanism. The narcissist wants you to identify with the image he projects on you. You are a mirror to reflect his fantasy, so he pressures you to behave as though it is real.


Abuser As Slanderer

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No one is afraid to speak up to anyone about anything. Sometimes the BS just gets old, tiring and downright boring. It's pretty stupid to keep having the same argument over and over and over and over.... and over and over. When it goes on for so long, obviously no one is going to concede to another's point of view or opinion, so why bother feeding the fight?

Both you and wez are guilty of beating a horse until it's not just dead, but turned into pulp, TJ.
And peopel running around in the shadows spamming negative rep on me out of anger is also just as bad merc.

Do you think their actions somehow better just because their childish behavior does not have a post attached to it?

My point is to at least show people for who they really are, you don't see me spamming negative rep or harassing people the way they treat me. They have huge grudges and to me, it is funny as **** to expose them for who they really are instead of who they pretend to be hiding behind the internet, lol.



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The Malignant Narcissist

Perverted Self-Love


Crisis Intervention Contributor

Narcissists invariably contradict themselves, often in the same sentence. The narcissist is incapable of seeing that they have a problem, it is always the other person's problem, and that person must change. If you try to confront a narcissist about the way he is treating you, the unfailing response you will receive is "You just have to accept me the way I am." Yet, narcissists need relationships, relationships they can control, they hate to live alone.

Narcissists lack a mature conscience and are only restrained by the fear of being punished or having their reputations damaged. However, they will do something illegal, immoral, or violent if they believe that they can get away with it without being stopped or punished. Most narcissists truly don't feel responsible for their actions. They have convinced themselves that they are the victims of injustice, discrimination or prejudice.

The fundamental beliefs of the narcissist include:

  • [ ]"Since I am so superior, I am entitled to special treatment and privileges."[ ] "I don't have to be bound by the rules that apply to other people."[ ] "If others don't respect my status, they should be punished."[ ] "Other people should satisfy my needs."[ ] "Other people should recognize how special I am."[ ] "Since I am so talented, people should go out of their way to promote my career."[ ] "No one's needs should interfere with my own."

The Malignant Narcissist Perverted Self-Love

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You're right that I don't see you doing that. Ya know why? I couldn't give a flying pig's fart about your rep score, my rep score, or anyone else's rep score. I didn't even realize it was part of the board until you started whining about it. Is this a frikkin popularity contest or a debate board? Does your sense of self-esteem rise when people click the green button for you and plummet when the red one gets clicked? Is it causing you to consider suicide?

If so... get some help, man. It's not a big deal and means nothing in the grand scheme of your wonderful, full spectrum life.

If this has no bearing on your "real" life... get the fukk over it and move along. All you are succeeding in doing is making it look like you've run out of tampons... again.

I, for one, don't need your assistance in "seeing people for who they are." I'm quite certain that no one else here needs OR appreciates your efforts to help us to see the light, either.

Besides that... why do you care what a bunch of LOSERS think of you, anyway?



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You're right that I don't see you doing that. Ya know why? I couldn't give a flying pig's fart about your rep score, my rep score, or anyone else's rep score. I didn't even realize it was part of the board until you started whining about it. Is this a frikkin popularity contest or a debate board? Does your sense of self-esteem rise when people click the green button for you and plummet when the red one gets clicked? Is it causing you to consider suicide?

If so... get some help, man. It's not a big deal and means nothing in the grand scheme of your wonderful, full spectrum life.

If this has no bearing on your "real" life... get the fukk over it and move along. All you are succeeding in doing is making it look like you've run out of tampons... again.

I, for one, don't need your assistance in "seeing people for who they are." I'm quite certain that no one else here needs OR appreciates your efforts to help us to see the light, either.

Besides that... why do you care what a bunch of LOSERS think of you, anyway?
Did you call me a loser Merc cries ? Now you know who I REALLY am! I'd neg rep you but I'm already out for the day snot bubbles .

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Did you just ignore everything I said?

That is your problem, as well as your fellow estrogen mafia mambers Merc, you completely ignore things that do not match up to what you want things to be.

I keep telling you guys my only agenda is to keep these actions by people like you, emkay, Wez..... out into the light. If I was concerned with popularity don't you think I would have conformed to what you guys demanded of me a long time ago to "fit in" with you?

You guys demand that I be someone I am not "or else" I need to be punished with stuff like this constant stream of negativity and attacks. I accept that fact as just part of being outside of the mob mentality but what I will never do is let your actions be kept in the shadows.

The only reason you say I should just take my punishment silently is because it is you and your friends who are doing the punishing. If you were treated unfairly for any reason in your life you most definately would be vocal about it.

In fact, one time I mentioned how a couple people warned me about you at the jungle, and your first reaction was to invade private messages and snoop to see who was saying something bad about you. Why not just let that drop Merc? Why get ****** off and scour everyone's private messages just because someone may have been talking about you? Are you special? Are you better than me so if someone says something bad about you that is a big deal and requires you to go insane but anyone you talk bad about should just accept it and be silent?

Your just as much a hypocrite as Wez or anyone else who has a double standard.

But keep pointing your fingers at me, your all missing the real point of why I highlight your actions. I don't do it as defense of myself, you guys will never like me unless I bow down to you, and I will never bow down to people just to fit in so we are stuck in this never ending cycle of you attacking what does not fit into what you are willing to accept and me pointing out your constant flow of misbehaviors to feed your hate.

The real reason I keep pointing out this constant stream of bad behaviors by you guys is to show you your own actions, more often than not we blind ourselves of the harms we do, we fool ourselves into believing our own actions are pure and good and only "other people" do bad things. Well, there is no way you can make these actions look like your doing good.



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doesn't have to spoil your life

The narcissist will often manipulate others, especially partners, to control them. Projection and blame are hallmarks of this manipulation. It is estimated that 85% of narcissists are males.

TIP: Don't enrage the narcissist in your life. He or she will make you pay. Stay calm and plan your exit. Don't give in to 'letting it all out'. Narcissists don't forget and they like revenge. Your 'outing' of him or her adds to his narcissistic injury. A narcissist needs to look good in front of others and you gain nothing by proving he is not the best, smartest, wealthiest, most capable person he wants to be seen as.


Whoops.. my bad.. You ARE the best, smartest, wealthiest, most capable person TJ ..



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Yeah, as a matter of fact, I did pretty much ignore everything you said. It's kind of a habit with me. I tend to skim your replies because you rarely have anything new to say, so there's no point in wasting my time actually reading each word.

You can call me whatever names you want. You can lump me into a group with a name that's supposed to offend me. You can think what you want about me. You and your "friends" can discuss my power-tripping and "snooping", my lack of character, my control freak tendencies and whatever else you want. Have fun with it! :) What YOU think doesn't effect me. I know who I am and I know who I'm not.... I don't need you or anyone else to validate my existence.

Ya know TJ... in my several years as an admin at the other site, there's only been 2 people to complain to me about how I do my job there. You are one of them. Care to guess who the other one is?



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The guy your joining forces with to flame me here maybe?

Nobody complains because they can't Merc. The forum you admin is an invite only site and the first week I got there I saw Ali and eddo ripping into someone so don't try pretending your environment there, and your managing it was some kind of accomplishment. I have never in my life seen such a closed society with such nasty attitudes in my life so if your proud of creating that then so be it, but I would not be proud of that myself.

The day before I was removed Feckless sent me a private message where she thanked me for not leaving Merc. Now why would Feckless thank me for not leaving if she saw me as a problem? But Feckless does not run that forum Merc, you and your estrogen mafia do and no matter that I never broke any rules, you simply could not allow me to stay and whatever you had to do was done.

So again, double standards?

Why can't you bring yourself to identify what you do as negative Merc?

I don't do any of the nasty things you and your estrogen mafia do but you talk bad about me? Why not take a close look at yourself instead of always pointing your finger at me. You forget I looked at the old posts and the kind of nasty behaviors I was subjected to by you and your closest friends has happened many, many, many times before.

You guys keep doing the same thing over and over again. You look for someone to attack, then you attack. There has never been a time in your circle's existence where at least one of you were not attacking someone in some way.

But I still can't get over the fact you got ****** off and snooped in everyone's private messages, that is about as low and paranoid as I have ever seen in an admin of a forum. Why would you even care? You go on and on about how I should just ignore and let go anything said about me but one negative word about you and nothing is sacred or private, all must be rendered and torn apart to get to the bottom of it.

You, like your now best buddy Wez, are both hypocrites.



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just a note to say taht this is view #1,000 for this post.

that is all. Carry on. nothing more to see here...

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