The New Linkin Park Album Sucks!

I think whatever they do, someone will always like it. Do you suppose that if one person thinks it "sucks", then everyone hates it? No. There are many people who think Meteora sucks, Reanimation sucks jne. but there are also many who love those albums.
So, it's too early think this kind of stuff.
Fall_And_Faint said:
The man speaks the truth
thank you,but this is just how i feel!Ever since i first herd they're song NUMB they've been my favorite band from then on for now like 3 yrs.yep LP will always be my favorite band and it's impossible for them to suck!Also like its weird that you people doubt them i'am going to laugh when they prove you peeps wrong.Jay
Jay said:
thank you,but this is just how i feel!Ever since i first herd they're song NUMB they've been my favorite band from then on for now like 3 yrs.yep LP will always be my favorite band and it's impossible for them to suck!Also like its weird that you people doubt them i'am going to laugh when they prove you peeps wrong.Jay

I'm not doubting them I just said (I'll put it in short form) Wether or not it's good or bad I'll still like them but lately I've been listening to diffrent bands
like Dry Cell.

and AlSo yes once I heard Numb I just listened to the song over and over for weeks and they won't suck next album I have a feeling I'm so hyped for it @_@
Okay theres a good, very good chance its not going to suck. BUt alot of you noobs seem to be dodging the question. Lets say it does suck. HYPOTHETICALLY. What happens if the new linkin park album sucks balls? What would you guys do? Stop being fans? Give up on them? Just kinda put on a grin and say it was a good but not there best?

Thank you to the people who actually answered my question with something besides omg this title sucks, I like your sig, JayZvsLP sucked, or wtf its lp there so great it wont suck.

Becuase I never asked is it going to suck! I just said if it does suck whats the reaction going to be.

Well I'll still be a fan but it better be good cause damn im kinda tierd of Meteora and HT i know every song and the lyrics 2 so im praying it will be a good album and there better be hardcore stuff like Dont Stay and Hit the floor and a Intrumental :D
azemkamikaze03 said:
DO you people read? Does your brain comprehend the english I type? Seriously! I didnt ask if they can or cant! I asked what happens if they do. Seriously. Just answer the question.
none of us will be happy, can your brain not comprehend well enough to come up with that on your own? what kinds of answers do you really expect to get?
azemkamikaze03 said:
DO you people read? Does your brain comprehend the english I type? Seriously! I didnt ask if they can or cant! I asked what happens if they do. Seriously. Just answer the question.

lol! u need 2 chillax, dude. :) i get what your saying. i was just joking around ::cracks up:: wanted to see what u would say. lmfao!!!!
and if they're new album does totally bomb it, I'll still be in love with them, still buy everything they ever make, and still worship them. :D

question answered? :D lol!!!
g|ft___ said:
none of us will be happy, can your brain not comprehend well enough to come up with that on your own? what kinds of answers do you really expect to get?
Not true, someone stated that they will still like LP and merely just ignore the newest cd. But I mean seriously everyone is saying the same thing. "Oh LP can't make a sucky album!" They've only released 2 legit original albums. 2. Who are we to determaine after 2 albums that they really have the steam and creativity to continue making awesome albums. Seriously. How hard is it to say, if the new album sucks I'll just stop liking them, or I'll still like them just not as much, or it doesn't even matter becuase they've had to many succesful albumns and side albums to be downed by one. How hard?
i dont see why u guys ll think the album will suck =P
shinodas made it clear theyre trying to find that edge they had from hybrid theory, that energy, that organicly new vibe.
hey dw u guys, it wont suck, and even if it did, im sure it wood soon better the more i listened to it ^^
or i can jus relisten hybrid theory and meteora over and over agen....
speaking of new stuff, can SOMEONE get a GOOD qualitiy bootleg of the japan LP/metallica show? iv not had any new LP bootlegs in a very long time...and fan mixes/remixes/old stuff/live stuff can only last so long....