The oil question


New member
It moreless will boil down to the engine and tranny itself and what it has for mods. As for me, my YFZ450 ran a Rekluse. Rekluse was spot on according to Rekluse specs. All the fibers were within specs also. But I had a **** load of shavings from the clutch basket when I used the white bottle Rotella. Like I said in the prior post, might have nothing to do with it. lol Im gonna do a oil a oil sample soon with Rotella and other oils and send it off to the lab. Im interested what the results will be.
ready for the real funny ****, lol.

rekluse recommends using shell rotella in the tranny

it definitely was not your oil, you either installed wrong or the rekluse was bunk.



Active Members
ready for the real funny ****.
rekluse recommends using shell rotella in the tranny, wierd eh?

it definitely was not your oil, you either installed wrong or the rekluse was bunk.
Hey man, I really don't know what crawled up your *** or what your deal is. But I just stating my situation at that time. Now, as many Rekluse's that I have installed, I think I have a decent understanding how to install them:) You wanna hear something really weird? Your silly *** is dumping Rotella in your quad and I don't quite remember Honda saying thats the recommended oil :crazy:



New member
actually honda says MA, JASO approved oil, Rotella falls in that category, so yeah they kinda do recommend it. Lighten up broseph.

Do you know that rekluse suggests running Rotella with their clutches? Just wondering if you had that *** bit of information. I don't want people to get all scared and think that Rotella is gonna mess up their clutch just because yours wore out from A SEPERATE ISSUE, that we have yet to identify :)

no reason to get nasty buddy



Active Members
MA, JASO approved doesn't mean ****. Go look on any Walmart oil and it will have the samething. And Kalgard is actually in the works with Rekluse for a new oil for their clutches.


New member
well you're a lost cause....It was the Rotella, that stuff is terrible and it trashed your rekluse. There, now we can end it....naaa that's too easy, :)

99% of auto oil is not JASO, MA approved, but that's ok i'll let ya run with that one.

I could care less about Kalgard, if you call and talk with Rekluse or look at their install instructions is specifically says Rotella oil.

installation, maintenance and wear tab.....what oil do your recommend paragraph says, if you have troubles use ROTELLA, yay for Rotella, haha i'm kidding but honestly they suggest it and i'm telling ya right now it's not what caused your clutch basket to shred up.



Active Members
Seriously, how many Rekluse equipped bikes do you currently or previously owned? Nevermind, it wouldn't matter since you are the type knows it all. Take a good look at this picture, this stuff might be in your future ;) Its cheap too!



New member
you can steer this any direction you want. I don't run Motul, not sure why you posted a pic of it, but that's cool. My point is, the Rotella didn't ruin your clutch basket. I just wanted readers to be aware that rekluse actually recommends Rotella, i wasn't trying to educate you on that fact, but more so the rest of the readers.

Then you said Any walmart oil is Jaso, MA approved, well that's not true as most auto oils are not. So i felt the need to tell you that there are actually only a few oils you can purchase at Walmart that are jaso, MA approved. Not trying to pick a fight dude, i just want others to be clear on this. A seperate issue (probably the fact that it's a rekluse) ruined your basket, had nothing to do with the Rotella.



New member
Every time you touch your keyboard you are trying to start a fight... put in your $.02, respond once (if warranted), and move on... and you don't have to post in every thread on the board
in case you missed it, i'm not the only guy posting in this thread. I do not try to start fights, i was only inquiring. You obviously missed the name calling and other things that came in my direction, i can understand if you're friends with airmobile but don't lay it all on me bud.

also, please do not tell me where or when to post. thanks.


Phantom Z

So I believe the topic of this thread was oil..............................Let's stay there :thumb:


New member
sorry Phantom, we were on topic until Burke posted and made things personal......all other posts were on topic...MA, Jaso, Walmart, Motul.

if ya can't tell i love my Rotella :)



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You're right ridingred...I'm sorry I ever doubted you, where would we all be without your impeccable guidance?

i wasn't aware that this thread had anything to do with wrong or right, far as i could tell this is a discussion about oil.



New member
It was about oil. I think this forum should be shut down on Mondays. Let's either continue the discussion about peoples opinions on oil or close the thread.


Active Members
My final comment about this. You wanna use Rotella, thats fine with me. Its not my quad. Like I said in a prior post, I like the Rotella Blue bottle, run the stuff in my KTM, but I'm sorry to say that the white bottle Rotella isn't to my liking. And Apparently my old YFZ450 didn't care for it either. Both times I ran it, metal shavings where caked in my filter. Ran Motul and Bel-Ray and had barely any shavings than what was expected.

I truely believe Rotella makes a good product,but its intended use will have different effects on different bikes/quads regardless of brand or make. And you can have two 06+ Honda's or YFZ's and its highly possible one or the other just might not like it compared to its twin.

Pic of the YFZ in question ;)



New member
does anybody else have any knowledge of rotella causing your motor to create metal shavings? This is the first i've heard and it's a little bit concerning since airmobile is so adamate that it's the oil and not something else. If rotella has caused metal shavings in 2 of your motors surely somebody else has had bad results as well?

FWIW, i've been running rotella for 4 years, in my 2 yfz's, my 2 400ex's and now in my 450r and 400ex. I saw metal one time in one of my yfz's but it wasn't from the oil, it was because my crank was giong out.



New member
I think this bickering that has nothing to do with what oil everyone is running should be deleted out and make it a PM between you two...I run Rotella in my bike and have 0 shavings on either side... It make work for some, but may not work for others...Drop it....


Nice looking quad airmobile101...



New member
I think this bickering that has nothing to do with what oil everyone is running should be deleted out and make it a PM between you two...I run Rotella in my bike and have 0 shavings on either side... It make work for some, but may not work for others...Drop it....
it's you're thread homie, which is why i'm going to start another one to see if i can find other issues with Rotella, i would certainly stop running it if other people are saying it's causing metal shavings and wearing out clutch baskets. if it don't work for airmobile on 2 seperate machines, i'm hesitant to run it if this is in fact the oil causing it.



New member
Engine side = Amsoil MCF 10w-40

Tranny side = Honda HP 80/85w Trans Oil (red bottle)

Oil filter = OEM Honda

Have been maintaining two 04/05 bikes like this for 6 years now. A clean, oiled, and well maintained air filter helps as well.

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