The Park Thread

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aka Gloomy Mushroom
Aug 3, 2004
Lithgow Australia
So we don't get pointless spamming in the actual thread.

Well I figured that there was no specific thread that Ravyn mentioned when outlining The Park's main concept ideal in the story thread, which is here while the guidelines are here, about how if you wanna spam go to the games sector for it, so here it.

So spam like spamalot/revolve ideas with others that have moved in, or maybe you're planning to move in and not sure where to start this is the place for you, Q and A welcomed as well, about each others stories/dramas. Any comments or any mentionable quotes you wanna give praise to any of the updates too welcomed here etc etc etc.


I must say I am loving the tennants of Gethsemane Apartments!

So far we have

> Rob and Ravyn
> Mike and Sarah (me)
> Justin (Firehawk)
> Nailz (LPNailz)
> Darkness Lover
> Jos (Mrs Bennington-Delson) and Brad
> Brandon (FM2005)
> Mel (Pheonix791989)
> Pete (Peterdea)

(this list may be updated soon ;) )

Loving the enthusiasm LPF!
A big pat on the back for all of you guys who have come and joined us/are moving in with us soon and a cookie for all of you, the Writer's Corner is buzzing with enthusiasm now, and I can tell you now I am so happy (and I bet Rav is as well).

I'm taking DL's advice so here's the information I've gathered to where we live.



Tennants in Basement:


Tennants on Ground floor:
Apt 1 - Hugh Laurie (Super/Landlord)
Apt 2 -
Apt 3 - (Peterdea) Pete
Apt 4 -
Apt 5 - Olivia (old lady)


Tennants in First floor:
Apt 6 -
Apt 7 -
Apt 8 -
Apt 9 -
Apt 10 -
Apt 11 -


Tennants in Second Floor:
Apt 12 -
Apt 13 - (Pheonix791989) Mel, Benji (Madden) and Phoenix
Apt 14 -
Apt 15 -
Apt 16 -
Apt 17 - (Nailz) LPNailz


Tennants on Third Floor:
Apt 18 - (Darkness Lover) Jonathon
Apt 19 - (FireHawk) Justin
Apt 20 - (FM2005) Brandon
Apt 21 - (woodyloveslinkin) Sarah and Mike
Apt 22 - (Mrs Bennington-Delson) Jos and Brad
Apt 23 - (Ravynlee) Ravyn and Rob

Thank you Jonathon and Ravyn both the updated list/floorplans/idea :D
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Okay, so anyone want to join up in my apartment thingy? since i don't wanna be the quiet lonley neighbor, nagging Justin 24 hours a day lol

Edit: See Sarah! I just edited this now!
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I would if I could. I'm too busy at yelling at Mike..We've become the old Rav and Rob!! Whle Rav and Rob are the complete opposite of what they were like in the other stories they've been it, I just hope Rav doesn't turn to a junky like in MS :S

Okay, DL you're number 25 I take it? Being Justin apartment number 24 and I'm 21.
oh well i got them mixed up sowwie XD
its going to be interesting how everyone's stories goes.
I mean we have musicians, pissheads, we now have two writers if I recall correct (Nailz and Fox) etc etc XD I'm waiting for a stripper/hooker to move in to be honest.
Well maybe you should cleary post who lives in which apartment on the first post...such as

1st Floor


2nd Floor


3rd Floor

21-- WoodyLoveLinkin (Writer)
24-- DarknessLover (Musician/Writer)
27-- FireHawk (Musician/Lyricist)
Well you should ask for them to, also for some of those apartments. you should also add some "fake" characters maybe just to fill the gaps?
Hold on, I'll edit that post out again while I post that apartment pic. Does anyone wanna live on the roof?

I dunno, lets see what Rav thinks about it when she comes on.
I think we should have like a set name for the like landlord guy

EDIT: And both of links in first post link to same page lol
Wait by the way about this whole time issue we are seeming to have...Shouldn't be Eastern Time? or whatever, since it IS in Queens?
JT - yeah indeed

DL - let Rav come back from work first and she what she has to say. I did point this time issue out to her with the time differences and all, and just hold on until we can sort that out. As far as I know I really have no clue. I mean, your time overlaps with our time at some point. Doesn't it?
I couldn't be bothered spelling your full name so I wrote JT, just like half the time i can't be bothered spelling "ravyn" so its rav.

And oh I'm just wondering btw, if we should have like a common cafe that we individuals go Central Perk (I stole that off a show...give you a ten bucks if you know what that is off!)

edit. original. I like it. James Laurie (is that a real person by any chance?)
For those of you wondering WHY we didn't work this out earlier, to put it quite bluntly we didn't anticipate anyone would actually join in, don't get me wrong we were HOPING, but when she brought this issue up I was the one that told her 'we'll deal with that bridge when/if we come to it.' Needless to say the bridge came up out of nowhere virtually overnight! Caught us off guard a bit, haha. So wow, thanks!

For those of you curious here is the time in Queens right now ->
(I just downloaded the World Clock for Windows link there and works a treat ;))
But that's irrelevant.

SO, Sarah and I just worked it out on AIM and this is our solution;

Either Sarah or I will post at Midnight everynight (Australian Time, seeing as how it's how we started - and lets face it we are almost always on religiously, either one or both of us, if not here then on AIM) and we will simply let you know the day has changed.
It'll be up to you then to keep up and post in the correct day.

Make sense?

We did it this way because if we were to leave it as Queens time, with Sarah and myself being so many hours ahead, we really only get half a day to post before it's the next day here for us. very confusing. Plus it spaces the posts out a bit rather than getting bombarded at once. We WANT these characters to interract on some level so it's necessary to keep gaps open so that others can read what we've written and write themselves or a scenario to fit into it. We will most likely always post before anyone else (unless you're keen :)) so really... keep an eye on what we do. I don't know of anyone posting yet in a time zone yet that's ahead of us (Eastern Standard Time Australia) but anyway that should help. Let's see if that works. If not... well we'll see.

Oh and the two R's 3rd floor room 22 please - much thankies :D - well depending on floor plan.
I wasn't going to live that close to you Sarah but I like the number 2 so... that's all.
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