!!!!!The Rejected LP Song!!!!!!

pprkuttheory said:
i think its ok, there are a few parts that dont quite match up with the tempo of the music, but other than that its pretty good
I agree, lots of the rap is off tempo. Aside from that it's a great idea and a good song.
We didnt ban it we just didnt accept it :p

Rap and breaking the habbit dosent fit so its not a good idea and it was a bad idea done poorly and effortlessley. Im sorry but thats what I see the mix as.
Stenners said:
We didnt ban it we just didnt accept it :p

Rap and breaking the habbit dosent fit so its not a good idea and it was a bad idea done poorly and effortlessley. Im sorry but thats what I see the mix as.
yeah i knwo did i say bann. i ment unacepted lol
It was ok I guess lol. I've heard better. I thought it was a bit weird because the Breaking The Habit song didn't really work together well with the Jesus Walks Kanye West song (It was that one right lol?). It was definatly off beat. Yeah, weird is the word lol. Breaking the Habit is a great song on it's own ;) Maybe if you tried a different combo of another LP song and remixed it with something similar, it'll work out better. Hopefully you'll remix something better and maybe it'll get accepted ^.^
omglinkinprkruls!! said:
Linkin Park = gay.

What the ****? I seen you around the boards and everytime, you have something that is against LP. Why in the world would you come here and have an username that says "Omg Linkin Park Rules" and all you're doing is going against them. If I were you I would **** off before I go to your house and beat the **** out of you..

Sorry for taking it out on the board.. I was getting angry..

Anyway, this remix isnt that good in the beginning, but near the end with Kayne West is really good. Kayne is one of my favorite Rappers. Over all I think this song is really good and should have stayed on the album thingy.
i_love_mike_shinoda2 said:
What the ****? I seen you around the boards and everytime, you have something that is against LP. Why in the world would you come here and have an username that says "Omg Linkin Park Rules" and all you're doing is going against them. If I were you I would **** off before I go to your house and beat the **** out of you..

Sorry for taking it out on the board.. I was getting angry..

Anyway, this remix isnt that good in the beginning, but near the end with Kayne West is really good. Kayne is one of my favorite Rappers. Over all I think this song is really good and should have stayed on the album thingy.
Then u havent heard the rest of the album :D
thanks 4 the comments it was a lil sloppy im off the working crew..though i cant think of much else..hopefully everybodys will be good. Stenners i do dissagree w/ the bth and rap dont mix part. I think it was good idea. I just needed vokals. Me and my buds freestyle to maybe i should record it for ya