The Review You Dont want To Hear.

Mate, I really have nothing against those who are disappointed in the album, read my post ALL opinons are accepted. I just focused on the WAY that review was written it was just rude it wasn't an objective critique it looked like a personal hateful attack to the band you know what I mean? It's like... If you get a new haircut... would you prefer something like "You look like a moronic freak ewwww get out of my sight!!!" or maybe something like "New haircut huh? Well, I don't like it I'm afraid but well... You could do better..." Both are negative which one is more decent in your opinion though? I repeat THE WAY something is expressed gives it validity...;)

u just read my mind lol:p
I just loved how people talked about the reviewer not respecting opinions, and didn't respect his...

I'm not sayin I agree with the review, but I know from experience that when I review an album that I think is crap, I don't sugarcode it...
HOWEVER, I'll agree that this reviewer perhaps went too far in being an ass.
I'm actually not a fan of Bleed It Out's funky hand claps... :confused:

No Roads Left was definitely the worst stuff LP has ever made and wouldn't help his opion, but I don't care what he says M2M was okay....
Well In my opinion. :confused:

on what does he put hes review?
i mean "weak ballads" bla bla bla
its just one of them metal loving 12 year olds who review cd's for random wannebe sites
funny enough i love the ballads on mtm
all of them

This is a pro news website, not some random cd reviewing place.

this guy needs to get laid and stop makin other people feel like ****. this guys a douchebag

I just loved how people talked about the reviewer not respecting opinions, and didn't respect his...

I'm not sayin I agree with the review, but I know from experience that when I review an album that I think is crap, I don't sugarcode it...
HOWEVER, I'll agree that this reviewer perhaps went too far in being an ass.

He was just down right negitive. When I consider any kind of music I pick out good and bad points. Not just shun the whole ****en thing. Unless its un-musical-music like canibal corpse.
:eek:k:'s so hilarious how kids on this forums can't stand this kind of opinions.
He kinda read my mind when he wrote this about this record. but well....who cares
Does referring to other forum members as "kids" make you feel superior?

Maybe the "kids on this forums" don't like this kind of opinion because instead of presenting it in a fitting and respectable way, the reviewer just flat-out bashed the music, and pointed out virtually no positive points of the album.

I would have had no problems with this review if he had expressed his distaste for the album in a tasteful way.
why do you guys even care about a review like that?
shh! let more arguments happen, they interest me...
**** that review is terrible! to me it seems like whoever wrote it is trying to say that it all sounds the same and has the exact share the same good and bad points...
I laugh at this person.
ya i dont care if there is a 1/10 review if teh guy has facts and tell teh people in detail why he feels this way, but this SOB just bashes because he liked the old lp and he is narrow minded
Reviews that give constructive critisim are the ones you should pay most attention to, often reviews like this are albums that have been juged before listend to.