The same old AIG argument, Christianity!!!

tizz said:
UUM In case you missed I said IF I FEEL AMBITIOUS, which s not likely when it comes to the bible. I would have to get pretty damn ambitious just to get my copy out of the dark corner of the basement in which is lies.

the only reason I feel I have a reasonable comprehension of the thing is because I studied it very deeply before abandoning the religion I was brought up in. I also taught more than a few years of bible study and Sunday school.

It is not an "educated" knowledge based in any formal study as in university, it stems from wanting very much to know for sure where my spiritual path was going.

Again, it is not likely I will get to in depth on any of it as I abandoned it over 15 years ago.

So here again, your feeble attempt at slapping a burn on me has failed. Get back to the playpen kid

slapping a burn on is that what you call it.

I am in the same place as you. I was raised in a religious household and ran screaming in the opposite direction as soon as posible, however I only studied it while I was required to. I attended a religious grade school, high school and college and in all had to take classes.
I would be the last one to try and defend it against anything however since I don't give the Bible the kind of weight real Bible thumpers do. I think its a work of fiction and historically interesting but that is all.
I agree it is a work of fiction, but that does not mean I can't try to point out when it is being misused in a religious argument. I never attended religious schooling but i did take my descision to leave my faith VERY seriously as it affected more than just me and took to studying both my religion and the bible very deeply. I do not make life changing descisions lightly especially when they effect other people, nor do i simply run in another direction.
tizz said:
I agree it is a work of fiction, but that does not mean I can't try to point out when it is being misused in a religious argument. I never attended religious schooling but i did take my descision to leave my faith VERY seriously as it affected more than just me and took to studying both my religion and the bible very deeply. I do not make life changing descisions lightly especially when they effect other people, nor do i simply run in another direction.

Please let me be really clear, what I feel about the bible and religion are strictly my own beliefs, I don't presume to tell anyone else how to feel. Absolutely, if you want to point things like that out. Its clear to me that things are being taken out of context as you have said.

I didn't take leaving my religion seriously at all, once I was old enough to cast off the constraints I ran screaming out the door. You are no doubt more prepared and qaulified to have such a conversation with AIG because of the circumstances you mention. While I mention that I went to religious schools, that by no means makes me a scholar on the subject. I tried to ignore them as much as posible. The fact that I don't give a **** is not a commentary on whether I think someone else should give a ****.
I didnt misinterprete anything.I didnt write some long commentary saying that this verse is this and this verse is that like you used to do.
Oh no...

I can proove that the bible is no longer the book of God.And how stupid can people get and still claim it to be so??

... and ...
The bible has become a book of porn and blasphemy against God Almighty. How the hell can you people actually still believe that it is a book from God???????? And it is us muslims who are brainwashed??????????
Need to see more, you lying hypocritical believer in the moon god and his pedophile prophet(may piss be upon, and cartoons abound)???

Please tell me what verse I ''misinterpreted''???
Your bible is pretty straight foward, a brother sleeps with his sister, a father sleeps with his daughter.They were NAKED! Tell me how I misinterpreted something!

well, let's see...

What is this obsession with NAKEDNESS? I guess this is your idea of freedom. Us muslim women are oppressed because we cover up. sheeesh!!!!
It seems you interpret "obsession" and "freedom" from these.

Dont get me wrong MRIH, please do sleep with your sister & daughters, your bible advises you to! Wonder why this doesnt disgust you?
Here you interpret ... well, even you are clever enough to figure out you might have misinterpretted that one!

MRIH, christianity doesnt have an effect on anything because it no longer exists. Priests preach what is not in the bible.
I wonder how many people would turn up if they read the actual content of the bible?Parents protect their children from pornography and indecency.There would definately be a fall in number in church, that is if their indifference to their religion hasn't done so already.
This is the most ironic post of anything you tried to congeal on this thread, AIG... You obviously see that no one interprets these quite the way you do, At least Christians and Jews don't I don't know about those apes and pigs who follow mohammed(may piss be upon the pedophile prophet).

ALLAH IS **** said:
Dont worry MRIH, you dont have to respond, I bet you didnt even know that your bible says this.
Christians argue for the bible and hardly know anything about its content.
Much more than you do, obviously!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Instead of an "idiot box", they should make a special "Lying sack of **** box" just for muslims.

that sends random pop ups to their computer with anti-muslim slogans
Tizz,I'm not taking anything out of context. I read it as it is written.

How i'm I taking this out of context?

''So they made their father drink

And on the next day, the first-born said to the younger "Behold, I lay
last night with my father, let us make him drink wine tonight also; then
you go in and lie with him that we may preserve offspring through our
So they made their father drink wine that night also, and the younger
arose, and LAY WITH HIM; and he did not know when she lay down or when

Tizz I would love for the christians here to explain this for me?All they ever do is throw insults back at me as an answer.If I'm taking something out of context,let them tell me the correct context. I just put it here and it says everything in plain english.So stop accusing me of taking something out of context when I havent even written any commentary explaining it in my own way.

If you knew anything about history, you would know that back when there were about, oh, 50 humans or so, inbreeding was practically impossible. It was actually a fairly common practice. The egyptians did this also.

And in laying with their dad, they helped propagate the human race...maybe.

AllahSucksCamelDick said:
And what else suprises me is how everyone jumps to defence when I quote the bible, yet never said anything when MRIH was taking quotes from the Quran and misinterpreting them. I explain the correct meaning of the quotes to MRIH,I never threw insults back at him and I never will becasue that is what it means to be a muslim.

No, silly, this is what it means to be a muslim...
And what else suprises me is how everyone jumps to defence when I quote the bible, yet never said anything when MRIH was taking quotes from the Quran and misinterpreting them.

Not me My Dear!

The Bible is a lie, fabricated by men to manipulate men, just like the Koran was written by men to control men.

They're both complete lies and not even very readable works of fiction. At least the Bagavad-Gita has interesting stories even though it's a religious lie as well.

Oh, and by the way, MRIH is just as big of a religious whack juob as you my dear.

Believe what you want, but please, your preaching is already, once again, tiresome and droll.:mad:
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Not me My Dear!

The Bible is a lie, fabricated by men to manipulate men, just like the Koran was written by men to control men.

They're both complete lies and not even very readable works of fiction. At least the Bagavad-Gita has interesting stories even though it's a religious lie as well.

Oh, and by the way, MRIH is just as big of a religious whack juob as you my dear.

Believe what you want, but please, your preaching is already, once again, tiresome and droll.:mad:

I wonder does she get stars in her crown or whatever Muslims get when they go to the next world for all these "preaching" she is doing? She can't honestly think anyone on here is going to pop up one day and BEG to be a Muslim so what is really the point?
I have this view of God. Looks like this!

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When I die, I go to wherever he is and I meet him for the first time.

God says "Hi. I've been waiting for you. Hope you enjoyed the trip! Let's go for a cosmic walk eh?"

I say "God! How come you were never around on Earth? Why all the evil? Why Why Why?"

God smiles, takes a puff on his cigar and says "I didn't do that. You did. Why would I ever need to have been there? I made the place and gave it to you to do as you like. Free Will - It's a Bitch. Besides, I knew you'd end up here sooner or later anyway. I designed the playground like that. One door in, One door out. How you chose to play in the playground, I left up to you. Now how about that walk?"

That's my God.


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