The same old AIG argument, Christianity!!!

AIG, I just ripped pages out of the Quran, wiped my white Catholic Irish ass with the pages, and flushed it down the toilet.

Just thought you might like to hear that.
Just another day in paradise...


I need to make an image of the Evolution Fish screwing Mohammad too. Don't want to appear to have favorites! :rolleyes:
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Skaterdude409 said:
what do u expect from a muslim.
She is really so ironically stupid I hate to debate with her... look at her last entries...
AllahIs****ed said:
MRIH, christianity doesnt have an effect on anything because it no longer exists.
Here she actually acknowledges that her brand of Christianity does not exist... and then goes on with
AllahIs****ed said:
Priests preach what is not in the bible.
Then she comes up with this out of the blue (like it gives validity to her non existant point)
AllahIs****ed said:
I wonder how many people would turn up if they read the actual content of the bible?
What she doesn't realize is that pulling these phrases out of context and interpretting them to meet her strange brand of Christianity that she admits does not exist is just a circular argument of stupidty! The only thing I can add is that not only does it not exist, it NEVER existed in the first place!

So what in the hell is she trying to say? I'll tell you ... it's subliminal ... "Don't look at at how ****ed up islam is, instead look at how ****ed Christianity would be if Christians would interpret these bible verses all out of context and adopt AIG's ****ed up interpretations."

I don't mind debating these points, but I would rather debate them with a sane individual.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Just another day in paradise...


I need to make an image of the Evolution Fish screwing Mohammad too. Don't want to appear to have favorites! :rolleyes:
That's it, CES... I'm gonna go all "jihad" and burn down my neighborhood for your blasphemy! :rolleyes:
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[Gen 9:21]
Noah drank of the wine, and became drunk, and lay uncovered in his tent.
and Ham [his son] saw the NAKEDNESS of his father.

Why should it be so horrible for a kid to see a parent naked? it's his parent. As for the drinking, again is that so horrible really? he didn't hit the kid or anything

[1 Sam. 19:23]
And the spirit of God came upon Saul.. And he too STRIPPED OFF HIS
CLOTHES, and he too prophesied before Samuel and lay NAKED all the day
and all the night.

Hey God IS the one that gave us our bodies and they are BEAUTIFUL. He also gave us the sun and the earth and lying naked on that earth under the sun is a glorious experience (I speak from experience here)

[2 Sam. 6:20]
David DANCES NAKED before the people and before the Lord.

Again, just a celebration of the life god gave us. Wy be ashamed of the greatest gift?

[Exo. 15:20]
And so his sister Mariam the Prophetess dances, she took a tremble and
dances with the women.


[Judg. 14:19]
And the spirit of God came upon Samson, he killed thirty men.

Ummm, No ofence but this is hardly the verse for a Muslim to be using when the ones blowing up inocent people with bombs strapped to their bodies are praising Allah as they run into the market.

[Judg. 15:5]
And he burned up the shocks and the standing grain as well as the olive

All in the context you chose

[Judg. 16:1]
And he went to Gaza, and there he saw a HARLOT, and he went into her.

Ya and this has never been subject of interpretation

What is this obsession with NAKEDNESS? I guess this is your idea of freedom. Us muslim women are oppressed because we cover up. sheeesh!!!!

It's not an obsession with nudity at all. It is just showing no shame in how we were created.

You would be surprised how much christians know about the bible. What i question is your knowledge beyond the out of context texts and off sided interpretations that have quite obviously been fed to you by someone manipulating you into seeing in it what they want you to see.

There is just as much study of the bible as there s the Koran and just as Muslim would make these statement to a Christian in regards toth Koran I make them to you.

Stop trying to compare the two and just allow your faith and your knowledge of IT stand on it's own.

Personaly I think they are both crutches for the weak minded and both too often used to justify simple hate and fear.

Use the brain god gave ya for cryin out loud
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
That's it, CES... I'm gonna go all "jihad" and burn down my neighborhood for your blasphemy! :rolleyes:

As a religion, they are just a tad bit sensitive and overreactive aren't they?:eek:

If we respected them, they probably wouldn't murder, loot, burn... :rolleyes:
RoyalOrleans said:
AIG, I just ripped pages out of the Quran, wiped my white Catholic Irish ass with the pages, and flushed it down the toilet.

Just thought you might like to hear that.


I am currently saving up for a 40' X 10' banner to fly infront of my house with a picture of Calvin pissing on Mohammed!
fullauto said:

I am currently saving up for a 40' X 10' banner to fly infront of my house with a picture of Calvin pissing on Mohammed!

I seriously doubt if John Calvin would allow his urine to be defiled by touching that ****-bag Mohammed(may John Calvin's piss be upon him).
What she doesn't realize is that pulling these phrases out of context and interpretting them to meet her strange brand of Christianity that she admits does not exist is just a circular argument of stupidty! The only thing I can add is that not only does it not exist, it NEVER existed in the first place!

So what in the hell is she trying to say? I'll tell you ... it's subliminal ... "Don't look at at how ****ed up islam is, instead look at how ****ed Christianity would be if Christians would interpret these bible verses all out of context and adopt AIG's ****ed up interpretations."

How bloody hypocritical.And what the hell have you been doing?
I didnt misinterprete anything.I didnt write some long commentary saying that this verse is this and this verse is that like you used to do.

Please tell me what verse I ''misinterpreted''???
Your bible is pretty straight foward, a brother sleeps with his sister, a father sleeps with his daughter.They were NAKED! Tell me how I misinterpreted something!
It's not the interpretation. It's taking it totally out of context. Unless you at least paraphrase the full context of the text, your point is totally lost and often misrepresented by the given text. It shows that you know as little about the bible as I do about the koran
tizz said:
It's not the interpretation. It's taking it totally out of context. Unless you at least paraphrase the full context of the text, your point is totally lost and often misrepresented by the given text. It shows that you know as little about the bible as I do about the koran

Tizz,I'm not taking anything out of context. I read it as it is written.

How i'm I taking this out of context?

''So they made their father drink

And on the next day, the first-born said to the younger "Behold, I lay
last night with my father, let us make him drink wine tonight also; then
you go in and lie with him that we may preserve offspring through our
So they made their father drink wine that night also, and the younger
arose, and LAY WITH HIM; and he did not know when she lay down or when

Tizz I would love for the christians here to explain this for me?All they ever do is throw insults back at me as an answer.If I'm taking something out of context,let them tell me the correct context. I just put it here and it says everything in plain english.So stop accusing me of taking something out of context when I havent even written any commentary explaining it in my own way.

And what else suprises me is how everyone jumps to defence when I quote the bible, yet never said anything when MRIH was taking quotes from the Quran and misinterpreting them. I explain the correct meaning of the quotes to MRIH,I never threw insults back at him and I never will becasue that is what it means to be a muslim.
Tizz,I'm not taking anything out of context. I read it as it is written.

How i'm I taking this out of context?

''So they made their father drink

And on the next day, the first-born said to the younger "Behold, I lay
last night with my father, let us make him drink wine tonight also; then
you go in and lie with him that we may preserve offspring through our
So they made their father drink wine that night also, and the younger
arose, and LAY WITH HIM; and he did not know when she lay down or when

Tizz I would love for the christians here to explain this for me?All they ever do is throw insults back at me as an answer.If I'm taking something out of context,let them tell me the correct context. I just put it here and it says everything in plain english.So stop accusing me of taking something out of context when I havent even written any commentary explaining it in my own way.

And what else suprises me is how everyone jumps to defence when I quote the bible, yet never said anything when MRIH was taking quotes from the Quran and misinterpreting them. I explain the correct meaning of the quotes to MRIH,I never threw insults back at him and I never will becasue that is what it means to be a muslim.

AIG, as for me I know of no explanation for this part of the Bible, its purely disgusting.
There are alot of things in the Bible that make no sense at all.

I for one look at the Bible as an interesting compilation of information.
I don't believe that God or whomever you want to say handed down this information so that it be written down for us to read and find God through.
I think thats a load of bullshit.
Tizz,I'm not taking anything out of context. I read it as it is written.

How i'm I taking this out of context?

''So they made their father drink

And on the next day, the first-born said to the younger "Behold, I lay
last night with my father, let us make him drink wine tonight also; then
you go in and lie with him that we may preserve offspring through our
So they made their father drink wine that night also, and the younger
arose, and LAY WITH HIM; and he did not know when she lay down or when

Tizz I would love for the christians here to explain this for me?All they ever do is throw insults back at me as an answer.If I'm taking something out of context,let them tell me the correct context. I just put it here and it says everything in plain english.So stop accusing me of taking something out of context when I havent even written any commentary explaining it in my own way.

And what else suprises me is how everyone jumps to defence when I quote the bible, yet never said anything when MRIH was taking quotes from the Quran and misinterpreting them. I explain the correct meaning of the quotes to MRIH,I never threw insults back at him and I never will becasue that is what it means to be a muslim.

Well it's been over 15 years now since I studies the bible but if i ever feel ambitious I will explain more of these texts to you (from a purely objective and somewhat knowledgable viewpoint)

I don't jump on MRIH for his koran stuff because generally I don't bother to read it and there is so much more to bust him for than that. Besides, I have never so much as touched an actual Koran or read anything more than what I have seen posted so I don't have any knowledge to jump on anyone about the text. I won't through insults at you, I happen to like you. But I will point out when I think the text form the bible is being miss used, not because I believe n the stupid thing, only because I feel I studied it enough in mylife to do so intelligently with at least some credibility.

What I mean by taking it out of context is that you are picking out passages that are part of a larger section and story. When you replace ALL the missing text, your point is lost with these particular texts. This is why you have never seen me quote the koran. I don't feel like reading it let aloe studying it enough to understand the full context.

Don't worry about comparring the two religions or trying to prove Christianity wrong, just follow your own faith and if your beliefe is strong enough you will be able to ake the point without the comparrisons.

And for love of god, WHY do you keep going at it with MRIH over something you care about. He is an idiot by all respects. You are NEVER going to convice him of anything and all you will ever get in return is idiotic comebacks
tizz said:
Well it's been over 15 years now since I studies the bible but if i ever feel ambitious I will explain more of these texts to you (from a purely objective and somewhat knowledgable viewpoint)

I don't jump on MRIH for his koran stuff because generally I don't bother to read it and there is so much more to bust him for than that. Besides, I have never so much as touched an actual Koran or read anything more than what I have seen posted so I don't have any knowledge to jump on anyone about the text. I won't through insults at you, I happen to like you. But I will point out when I think the text form the bible is being miss used, not because I believe n the stupid thing, only because I feel I studied it enough in mylife to do so intelligently with at least some credibility.

What I mean by taking it out of context is that you are picking out passages that are part of a larger section and story. When you replace ALL the missing text, your point is lost with these particular texts. This is why you have never seen me quote the koran. I don't feel like reading it let aloe studying it enough to understand the full context.

Don't worry about comparring the two religions or trying to prove Christianity wrong, just follow your own faith and if your beliefe is strong enough you will be able to ake the point without the comparrisons.

And for love of god, WHY do you keep going at it with MRIH over something you care about. He is an idiot by all respects. You are NEVER going to convice him of anything and all you will ever get in return is idiotic comebacks

I wait anxiously for your scholarly teachings...lololol.
As I'm sure AIG is doing as well.
Lethalfind said:
I wait anxiously for your scholarly teachings...lololol.
As I'm sure AIG is doing as well.

UUM In case you missed I said IF I FEEL AMBITIOUS, which s not likely when it comes to the bible. I would have to get pretty damn ambitious just to get my copy out of the dark corner of the basement in which is lies.

the only reason I feel I have a reasonable comprehension of the thing is because I studied it very deeply before abandoning the religion I was brought up in. I also taught more than a few years of bible study and Sunday school.

It is not an "educated" knowledge based in any formal study as in university, it stems from wanting very much to know for sure where my spiritual path was going.

Again, it is not likely I will get to in depth on any of it as I abandoned it over 15 years ago.

So here again, your feeble attempt at slapping a burn on me has failed. Get back to the playpen kid
tizz said:
Don't worry about comparring the two religions or trying to prove Christianity wrong, just follow your own faith and if your beliefe is strong enough you will be able to ake the point without the comparrisons.

And for love of god, WHY do you keep going at it with MRIH over something you care about. He is an idiot by all respects. You are NEVER going to convice him of anything and all you will ever get in return is idiotic comebacks

To be honest I ask myself that same question. Maybe its because I believe there is some good in everyone and that God has the power to change people's hearts. But obviously at the moment MRIH is certainly a lost cause. I wont argue with him about religion no more, I find it one sided anyway,he cant answer anything. And I do believe you know more about the bible than me, maybe Iam taking some parts out of context, but there are some parts that just dont make sense and are disgusting.But as in everything,there is some good in it and I believe there are many good christians, shame non of them felt the need to grace us with their presence on GF.:rolleyes:

ps: I like you too:)
And in the spirit of that I will say that I have seen quotes from the Koran that equally disgust me. Personally I have never seen anything wrong with nudity. I DO believe the human form to be not only beautiful, but an amazing sit to behold in motion. I think we cover up too much and are way to ashamed of our bodies (of course coming from someone with a not so healthy self image and currently dieting and saving money for the gym ;) )

With have had discussion with people over the rights to have sex with captives and seeing the passages that people quote in order to justify hating and wanting to "destroy" infidels, i have been disgusted by the Koran. From my perspective things of that nature are way more disgusting than a little nudity. Besides, as far as Noah goes, from all understanding I have, Islam keeps Noah in the same regard as Christians.

See, now this is why I usually refrain from discussing religion with people I actually like. It can just get too ugly.
AIG, my friend, you're decontextualizing the Bible again. Just your first example from the Psalms alone proves this. This is the lamentations of a man waiting on God for His justice. Surely there are examples of Muslim lamentations on the same subject, or are you suggesting that the prayers of man can COMMAND God into action, rather than petition Him for justice?

But it is good to have you back! =')

Peace, Tom
And no one on earth can produce anything similar to it(if they dont copy it word for word that is).There is so much wisdom in it and it is a guide to mankind. If everyone followed and practiced what it says,this world would be a better place.

The Quran has changed many people's lives and mine and still is.

It is still a book of Dogma, theres no way tip-toe around that. One claiming to have found the'Rules' of life is always going to attract hordes of lost poeple whom feel they have nothing to live for. There are many books of wisdom, the bible included as well as many great compilations of fiction. What is contained in these texts, aside from stories, is the words of wise people, usually men, telling what they have found to be reasonable.

The conflict occurs when people assume that what is said is taken to be true of all times as opposed to what they found reasonable in the context of THEIR world. People assume these are Laws and fight to defend them dispite their irrationalbility. Such an example would be that of only having one sexual partner in your life. This made sense in the age before contriception as sex would usually result in pregnacy and were a man to have a number of wives/children (Where the man was the only bread winner) then the result would most likly be poverty. Times have changed and this no longer is a problem, it should therefore be discarded. It is nolonger reasonable.

There are some tibits of wisdom still applicable to our lives within these books and it is these things which good people are attracted to. However the tag along "Laws" bring these good people to knumbskullery. God simply does not exist, his books have never been perfect and never will be.

Nobody has all the anwsers. No book has all the anwsers, that would be far to simple an anwser to such a complexe question. Certainly a tempting excuse to our lazy minds.
Common sense and empathetic observation can produce the same results as reading and following any book. It is more than dated as is the bible. If it works for you that is great, but never expect one thing to work for every person is every place and time. That has allready proven to be imposible