The Sims 2 V2 !!!


Jan 8, 2005
Inside the fire (or Oz)
Sims 2 fans rejoice!

Yeah, here we are again.
I'm an addict, I'll admit. Have all EP's, What is it now, Uni, Nightlife, Pets, Hot Date, Open For Business, Seasons, Bon Voyage, Free Time, and the Holiday Party Pack... christ, I've spent more than enough on this game I'm not prepared to fork out more for 'stuff' packs really. But I love it enough to have the rest. Can you believe there's going to be one more EP still before they put the finishing touches on the Sims 3 for release? Holy hell! Most computer systems are already struggling under the weight - this is damn commercialist greed - but I'm like a junkie, I know it's wrong and I hate it, but meh, I keep coming back to it... haha... predictable if nothing else ;)

Lately had been too busy to play and in truth got bored with it. Happens. The basic premise of the game is waaaay too easy, especially if you've been playing it as many years as I have. So I did what I usually do when I get bored - hack it to pieces!
Got some 'adult' mods online and that was fun! Haha, yeah but only so much sex a sim can have between procreating, working and making friends, SO I downloaded a hack at MTS2 called DSS (Dark Side of the Sims) which made things waaaay harder! Haha. Almost a bit too hard, but am loving it so far. Put sis (Crazy_Robster) on to it. Would be interested to see how it worked out for her so far. Does things like make relationships harder (fall in love extremely difficult unless you really work at it), electrical items blow up during storms, kids and babies can die rather than run away to military school, and you've even got random chances of having a sim suddenly die in a car crash/car pool too/from work! How much more realistic is that?! Mod still in the beta/testing stages but so far so good so if anyone's interested should go check it out. Since I'm without a job last few days have been playing sims and testing it.

So I have been playing my usual game, me, the LP crew, the Madden crew, various actors I like and sis and a few various LPFers ;) haha and moved us all in to various places. Chas has his wife and kids too just up the road. Created trailer parks in Pleasantview *lol* and moved us all in to our own trailers. Me, Mike, Rob and Dave Draiman in one, Sis, Joel, Benji, Nick, Joaquin, Ville and Bam across the road, Vanessa and Jammer next door and Chas up the road. Amusingly enough I get to know my new trailer mates and guess whos the only one that likes me - Rob! Be still my beating heart! So needless to say the xxxsims mods were worn out and Rav self gets preggers - while Rob works his way through security to become a beat cop. Uh oh, he falls in love with some blonde NPC (teenager!) and that ended that. Sorta. Mike works his way through the music career before getting fired - twice! - and David, who coincidentally is growing a nice profit of Marijuana plants outside his trailer, gets a job in the criminal profession. Dunno why, just worked out that way.

In David's place he and Mike hang out with new buddies Benji and Phoenix and using a hacked 6 pack get a bit too intoxicated. Was funny as hell watching David pick fights with Benji then propose engagement to Rob who was, thank god, asleep in his trailer across the park. Haha. Classic! Phoenix was busy messing up the bathroom, tsk-tsk! Can't handle his alcohol. Apparently.

I have a baby. Of course. What's this game without procreation?

Baby Moran. Weird name yeah. Blame a weekend of Underbelly for that one ;) haha

So eventually I move out. And I'm not alone. My boy grows up. Looks just like his dad. Aww. Except WAY too outspoken. Not quiet like his dad or mum that's for sure. Little show off. Heartbreaker, but a show off none the less. he already has a 'girlfriend.' Cute.

The place we move into was a deliberate dive. It was the worst house I could download (again from MTS2) under Derelict dreamhouse by aelflaed and I spent days in sims land cleaning it up. David is stealing to support us. That's dedication. Happy family snaps.

(For the record, yes my sim is preggers in this pic but I didn't know which sim was the dad, I was... enjoying the xxxsims mod too much at that point ;) haha)

And then of course; enter baby girl Casey.

For the record I now know she's a Draiman. Haha. Nice surprise but I was dubious up until she actually gave birth. Sims obviously dont know what a condom is ;) haha
See also down the bottom right? Tell what Rob looks like now. And that's my Mikey in the corner. Aww.

And David, now a professional counterfitter raking in almost 1.5k a day, is naturally his enthusiastic self about the birth;

Haha. Love it.

That's it so far.
Just was bored and wanted to share it ^^
I did my best with what I could. Seriously cant get those rings anywhere so I had to photoshop his face! Am sure it will only get better the more I play around with bodyshop ;) Thanks again.
Now that I think about it. This thread actually makes me wanna play sims again. Haven't played it for a couple of months and even that I was playing Sims Pets. God I loved that extension pack. Got my pets taken off me in a couple of families from the agency. It wasn't my ****ing fault the kitten was a dumbass and didn't know how to feed itself, I just assumed cos my kittens in real life had the intelligence to feed themselves (damn kittens eating all of Miffy's food) I naturally assumed the same thing with Sims Pets and I had the Holiday extension that Callan's mum gave him, didn't work on his computer so he handed it over to me. Lmao. The Pets was an awesome experience. I still want Nightlife so I can make a vampire out of myself. I still haven't seen a freakin' warewolf in Pets. God damn that was the one thing that really pissed me and the mother of the family of that family off. I did every ****in' thing it told me to do, and all I had was strays in my backyard. That game made me hate strays now.

Anywho. The memories and the families of Sims II are numerous. I had a habit of having a number of families at once and then I found out all the cheats, and then I went ape **** with the time cheat etc etc I kinda ****ed some neighbourhoods up in the end. Lol. But I think it was, when you Rav, were writing All About the Music, ****ing laugh at this or whatever, I don't really care to be honest, but I had a Bourdon family, one in every three neighbourhoods. It was quite interesting each version of the Bourdon family. You have to bear with me cos mind me I still have the installation CDs and all, but I don't have any screenshots left outside of the Sims folder of the family. You were short (lol the height cheat) Rob was nearly a tree compared to the rest of the family in height. Foxx and I were the rebels, didn't go to school at all, failed life just put it that way, Mel was the nerd, and Viking was the one that got lectured a lot from Rob. I also had a family tree to both you Rav, and Rob. Allie and Jo were your sisters, some random was your mother and etc etc with Rob. I started from scratch with that family and then gave up and started using the cheats and all ^^ Don't worry I had you cheat on Rob with Trent Reznor, Billy Pumpkins (lol Corgan) and you ended up settling down with Brian Molko and all of the kids hated you. Lmao. Virtual revenge.

My friends loved the fact that they could just shut me up by putting me in front of my computer (well my mother found that out ages ago lol) and playing Sims. A convo I remember I had with someone, not sure who it was now, I think it was one of my year 11 friends, she was telling me about how to kill them off (before I found out the cheats). So I tried the toture methods out for myself. I thought they were rather amusing to be honest. Drowning in the pool (the first time that happened it was an accident and I didn't know that if you put a tired Sim in the pool she will drown!!) lol. And then, I found out the death tomb cheat. Oh my God! I went ****ing nuts with reproduction/age and death! In five or so days, I had a huge ass family tree.

Oh man lol.
Always fun watching a sim die *muahahaha* No actually that's not true. I get attached to these little buggers, sometimes on lazy days I feel I invest more into my virtual life than real life (not every day thank heavens, I'm not that much of an addict with it!) but don't feel alone on the family thing. I did that once but quickly grew tired of it. Chasing around four kids and a husband and a boyfriend with his own family to please at once was just to exhausting, even for me! haha, was fun when they were all in the same place at the same time though for a party or something... *sigh* (good old days) ;)

If you like vampire hacks and warewolf hacks look around. is probably your best bet unless you want to be like me and pick and choose individual cheats. Personally I'mnot that huge on playing Vampires, Zombies and Warewolves (and all under the one roof is freakin HARD let me tell you!), I prefer realism, the more reality the better. That's why I was on about that new DSS hack I am trying at the mo. And that house I am currently using is just awesome. Grossest thing you would never hope to see in your real waking life but for my sim purposes (I love terrorising my Sim/computer characters as much as I do my written/story ones, as if you couldn't tell) it's just perfect.
Ask sis, I showed her tonight. She was quietly disgusted. Disgusting but challenging. If anything's too easy it's not worth it, that's my SIM-philosophy.

I reckon you should play it again. I would advocate it, I'm a fan. But mind you that's not what you were telling me earlier on AIM. I thought you said something like I was too old for it or something?? meh, care not, I'm happy with it and that's most important. Happy Rav = no assault charges in her real waking life ;) hahaha. Yeah.

Should make the hospital of DS and play that... that'd be amusing. Go from writen to visual aids. Different if nothing else. haha.
Wait. Can you make hospitals in this game? I feel like such a noob to this game. Still after owning it for nearly two years now. Mind me I didn't know I was getting it until my step dad rocked up back home with three pizzas in one hand and the sims the came in a pizza deal. Lol.
Wait. Can you make hospitals in this game? I feel like such a noob to this game. Still after owning it for nearly two years now. Mind me I didn't know I was getting it until my step dad rocked up back home with three pizzas in one hand and the sims the came in a pizza deal. Lol.
Are you kidding me? You can make ANYTHING with this game, from hospitals to lockable prisons to mental assylums and airports and trainstations and recording studios and so on and so on... wow, where the hell have you been hiding the past few years?? :confused:
Okay granted you've not been as into this as I have in the course of my (arguably and quite possibly largely wasted) life, but if you want my advice, start three key places;

These are the three main places I go whenever I want something specific or want to know how to do something. The third is a listing of stacks of hacks, objects, sims and stuff to download for the game. The first two are just all-inclusive.
Search for what you want just be sure to make sure that what you download meets the requirements of what you have installed - don't install say a house that requires an EP you don't have, obviously. It won't give you anything to your game it just wont install into your game period. That's where Maxis/EA makes their money - churning out all these EPs all the time.

Failing all that just ask me. I've got a fair idea how to get things and do things you might be interested in. Been doing this a few years, I damn well should by now ;)
Well. All it mattered to me was it was house. I was happy with it. And plus at the time, I had real shitty internet and I couldn't download stuff. I was never a download stuff person, unless it was music that I wanted.
I would be like:
Now be grateful little sims.
Sarah Christ is here.

Well. All it mattered to me was it was house. I was happy with it. And plus at the time, I had real shitty internet and I couldn't download stuff. I was never a download stuff person, unless it was music that I wanted.
I would be like:
Now be grateful little sims.
Sarah Christ is here.

:rofl: :thumbsup: Wow that cracked me up for real! Haha yeah
Maybe that's why I play the game so much.
Narcisistic deity complex.
Love me, fear me. I could crush you and everything you hold dear in a (sim)second!
*insert evil laughter here*
Of course, the Sims makes anyone God. That's why I loved the death cheat so much.
I remember playing the first of the Sim series when I was like 5! It was the original Sim City and I still think Sim City is awesome (haven't played it for ages though). But I will keep in the back of my head about re-installing the Sims, I've just got to get my computer thoroughly cleaned/fiddled with (I dunno what Dan does stuffs it up and then fixes it). But again, was a big fan of it, I have to admit it I'm entirely over it, it has a habit of hanging on to you, it IS addictive (Dan - "and pointless" *slaps*) have to get back onto it again, now that I found out I can create a hospital! OMG ! I'm going to have fun with the staff of DS. Haha. Virtual payback. *creates non-corpse character of Brian Molko* lol just teasing :D
haha your story looks great!!!

I gotta say although I love the Sims I haven't been playing for such a loooooooong time!!
My pc is just too ****ed up for all my eps :( thats why I'm waiting for my new one so I can play again like fully hardcore hahah =P

btw @ Sims3: honestly the screenshots I've seen don't really make me go all crazy... Idk I dont really like the new graphic its just too realistic for my taste... mabye its just bc I got used to the 'old' Sims and stuff but I think I might try it out but won't fall in love with it like with Sims 2
Yeah I really doubt my system will handle sims 3 either so I'll be stuck with 2 for a long time yet dare say. Annoying too cause I've spent so much money upgrading my specs and then purchasing all these eps, and ultimately won't be able to play them anyway! Think Maxis/EA thinks we all have super systems to play games they make! *grr*

Anyways. Hope you get yours up and running again soon. Sims is fun. Repetative, but fun.

At the moment I am on this 'fixer-upper' thing. Getting these deliberately derelict places I download and moving my sims in and slowly fixing them up. Love the challange of having to make a life rather than starting with everything. Sort of no fun in that. Visually looks good but... if it's too easy then *shrugs*

Started with this at MTS2:

This is where I'm at so far. Slowly getting there ^^
Thread revival??
Well I hope so :D

So as I already said thons of times, I know own all the Sims EPs (extra special packs included like family fun accesoires, kitchen and bathroom and bla bla bla) =D

And since I got my own laptop with an ultimative freakin great graphic card they are running better than ever!! hehe

So I'll start my story and upload some pics every once in a while...

the stories name? "Jos' Life"?
Awesome Jos, please do! I miss the sims, I actually *gasp!* UNINSTALLED a few months ago... just dont have the time or space on my harddrive anymore... Every now and then I get nostalgic but I know if I put it back on nothing else would get done, and time is so sparse now as it is *sigh*
Please, keep us informed. If I can't play thesedays I can at least live vicariously through yours ;)
haha I want to see the Jos Sim haha.
Man I used to play this all the flippin time then my computer started acting up. Too bad it doesnt have some kind of crazy interactive online play where all the sims could hang out and be buddies haha
The thing that pisses me off about these Sims games is how the company blatently milk more money out of everyone by making them pay for addons; They did it in the first one, and the second one. Just think, you're going to pay for Sims 3, then they're going to do it all over again and you'll end up wasting more money for things you've already seen, just maybe a bit better graphics.
The thing that pisses me off about these Sims games is how the company blatently milk more money out of everyone by making them pay for addons; They did it in the first one, and the second one. Just think, you're going to pay for Sims 3, then they're going to do it all over again and you'll end up wasting more money for things you've already seen, just maybe a bit better graphics.
You're absolutely right!!
Actually the EPs from Sims2 are the same like the ones from Sims1 just in better graphic quality and maybe some more possibilities to do ^^
but well... you can't stop an addiction that easy can ya? :p

Hehe thanks guys :D well here we go!!
My Jos Sim moved into this Appartement building:

First Jos was all alone eating her cheese nuddls on the couch:

Well thank god there was some soul out there who wanted to share my appartment with me:

He (Vencanso) was also my first love ^-^ Jos first thought he'd be the one but then...

She met Andi :D The man of her dreeeaaam :D
Staying friends at first Andi moved in and Vencanso got kicked out =P

It was clear from the start that Andi was diggin Jos ^-^

And some flirts here and there later they fell in love! :D

uuuhhh baby ain't your lips so sweet and sooooft??

Jos felt amazing!! Like an angel... literarly...

Andi wasn't really for a family life but for his love, Jos, he changed his attitude and.... married her!!

Andi and Jos live now together and don't just love each other they also love their job :D

Btw Jos is a primary school teacher and Andi is a salesman or something :D lol

Since it's winter... and Jos is still young and dynamic :D She decided to build a snowman! :D YAY xD

and ta-dah!!! There here he goes :D
Evil face but still sooo innocent... just like Jos :D:D:D

oh and soemthing happend to me which I found soooo cute so I had to take a screenshot of it :D
aaaaaaaa PINGUUUU xD

btw Andi cuddled him ^-^ sooo cute *__*
Awesome pics Jos!! Wow your sims look so good, and even the place they live, looks very flash! That penguin is too cute, when he first showed up in my game ages back I was like 'wft?' and ignored him... the next time we gave him a pat on the head, and watched it waddle away... just cute... But your snowman looks like an evil SOB, what happened? Making snowmen on Halloween or something?
Great pics, damn makes me miss sims even more, but I'll get over it. Thanks for sharing. Wonder if Jos and Andi will have kids in the future...? Will be lil cuties for sure! Keep us posted. :)
Awesome pics Jos!! Wow your sims look so good, and even the place they live, looks very flash! That penguin is too cute, when he first showed up in my game ages back I was like 'wft?' and ignored him... the next time we gave him a pat on the head, and watched it waddle away... just cute... But your snowman looks like an evil SOB, what happened? Making snowmen on Halloween or something?
Great pics, damn makes me miss sims even more, but I'll get over it. Thanks for sharing. Wonder if Jos and Andi will have kids in the future...? Will be lil cuties for sure! Keep us posted. :)
haha thanks :D
I'm actually totaly into them right now ^^ :D lol
oh well... and bout that snowman, I really have no idea why he turned out like that! it was my first snowman so yeah :D
Kids? well I have an idea in my head how it'll work out for Andi and Jos :D muahahha

Haha wow jos it look almost dead on you. Someone has alot of time on thier hands. Haha I love it though
naaaahhh the Sim Jos looks waaay better than I... she's so hooot *__* LOL
heh and yeh I got a lot of time on ma haaands :D

Btw I'm thinking of a new character... a male one and he needs to be the PERFECT man for Jos :D
So if you have any ideas bout how he could look like (as an example if you think Brad Pitt would be the perfect match for my sim Jos then just say it) :D
tahnkiiies :D