The Truth About SD

Who was that again? Some kindof hippy name....Silver Wolf RavenWing? Crystal MoonFire? BlackWing Foul Harpy?

Wait, wait, I'll get it, it's got something to do with reptiles.....Jade Iguana? Dripping lizard?

Damn, forgot already. Well, must not have been that interesting.
Gal, as I thought, you have no justification for your 'worldly' views. As for your being a complete whore, it is simply my opinion, and as ever, you are entitled to yours. And yes I do feel alone because I seem to the be only one left with spirit enough to actually go out and combat stupidity--though even I have my limits. At certain levels, I will just throw up my hands. So I guess the best way to shut me up is to say something so stupid that I'm stunned into silence. Keep going; you're almost there!

Chartreuse, if you'd like to elaborate on what your point actually was, I'd be happy to respond to the proper thought.

Troll, I'm surrounded by idiots, how can I but assume you're another of them? As for humanity, I completely include myself in what shouldn't exist, and would gladly trade my life for an animal's. Try me. You make a point about grazing animals, and it is true that they themselves have no mechanism to stop them. This is where nature as a whole comes in, as greater numbers of predators, disease caused by too many grazers in close quarters, or starvation will restore balance. I only put myself above morons, Troll, and not other intelligent and/or good people, and not animals. I am very interested in math and science, though I do not find them terribly easy to understand. I have any artsy, languagey sort of mind (despite the use of the 'word' languagey) and I find they come only with difficulty. I do, however, still place all my faith in them. You final insult makes no real sense, and I invite you to come up with one that actually applies to me.

Smutt, without the US, we might have some difficulties in economy, and TV would sure be boring, but our standing in the world would only increase if we were no longer associated with you. I'm no history buff, so I don't say this as too much of a challenge, but when have we ever really needed you?

Tizz, your condescending stupidity is really starting to piss me off. Congrats. If I were thirty and I still thought the way I do, and I will because I have spent many long years in contemplation of these issues already, what insult would you have to hurl at me? You would probably say I'm having a mid-life crisis. Are you so closed-minded and set in your ways that you cannot listen to someone who attempts to bring enlightenment--or at least a new set of ideas? Ones with, you know, actual thought behind them? If everyone's precious Christ returned and started spouting about love and kindness, you'd all think he was 'whack' and probably put him in a padded room. I feel sorry for those waiting for their saviour; they are not ready to receive him. Her. it. Whatever you religious types are waiting for.

Outlaw, do I detect a note of sarcasm?

Komrade/Troll, I am in no way ashamed of my handle. I have always been Silverdragon and always will be, so I suppose you could call it a throwback to my youth. It represents me well--I certainly feel like an old soul. Anyway, I do like Tinfoil Lizard, if you'd prefer that.
Thermite Wielding Troll said:
Who was that again? Some kindof hippy name....Silver Wolf RavenWing? Crystal MoonFire? BlackWing Foul Harpy?

Wait, wait, I'll get it, it's got something to do with reptiles.....Jade Iguana? Dripping lizard?

Damn, forgot already. Well, must not have been that interesting.

No, some nameless fool. A GUEST member...:)
Silver_dragon87 said:
I know, I was just saying that I was amused by it. :)

Ahhh I see. So any more truth that we need to know? I'm just chillin' here with a bag of popcorn watching what unfolds. ;)
No more truth tonight; assaulting people with truth, then working for eight hours, then forcing more truth is very tiring, and I need some sleep. I'll see when I can come up with tomorrow ;)
Silver_dragon87 said:
No more truth tonight; assaulting people with truth, then working for eight hours, then forcing more truth is very tiring

yea, its a bitch getting it across to you :D
Silver_dragon87 said:
Gal, as I thought, you have no justification for your 'worldly' views. As for your being a complete whore, it is simply my opinion, and as ever, you are entitled to yours. And yes I do feel alone because I seem to the be only one left with spirit enough to actually go out and combat stupidity--though even I have my limits. At certain levels, I will just throw up my hands. So I guess the best way to shut me up is to say something so stupid that I'm stunned into silence. Keep going; you're almost there!

Chartreuse, if you'd like to elaborate on what your point actually was, I'd be happy to respond to the proper thought.

Troll, I'm surrounded by idiots, how can I but assume you're another of them? As for humanity, I completely include myself in what shouldn't exist, and would gladly trade my life for an animal's. Try me. You make a point about grazing animals, and it is true that they themselves have no mechanism to stop them. This is where nature as a whole comes in, as greater numbers of predators, disease caused by too many grazers in close quarters, or starvation will restore balance. I only put myself above morons, Troll, and not other intelligent and/or good people, and not animals. I am very interested in math and science, though I do not find them terribly easy to understand. I have any artsy, languagey sort of mind (despite the use of the 'word' languagey) and I find they come only with difficulty. I do, however, still place all my faith in them. You final insult makes no real sense, and I invite you to come up with one that actually applies to me.

Smutt, without the US, we might have some difficulties in economy, and TV would sure be boring, but our standing in the world would only increase if we were no longer associated with you. I'm no history buff, so I don't say this as too much of a challenge, but when have we ever really needed you?

Tizz, your condescending stupidity is really starting to piss me off. Congrats. If I were thirty and I still thought the way I do, and I will because I have spent many long years in contemplation of these issues already, what insult would you have to hurl at me? You would probably say I'm having a mid-life crisis. Are you so closed-minded and set in your ways that you cannot listen to someone who attempts to bring enlightenment--or at least a new set of ideas? Ones with, you know, actual thought behind them? If everyone's precious Christ returned and started spouting about love and kindness, you'd all think he was 'whack' and probably put him in a padded room. I feel sorry for those waiting for their saviour; they are not ready to receive him. Her. it. Whatever you religious types are waiting for.

Outlaw, do I detect a note of sarcasm?

Komrade/Troll, I am in no way ashamed of my handle. I have always been Silverdragon and always will be, so I suppose you could call it a throwback to my youth. It represents me well--I certainly feel like an old soul. Anyway, I do like Tinfoil Lizard, if you'd prefer that.

LMAO, You know silverdragon you could amuse the deaf,dumb, and blind. You are a riot.
My point was to chill out. Take replies here with a grain of salt. I wasnt trying to flame you, but you totally took it that way. Some here dont take you seriously because:
1.) some of your posts are like beating a dead horse
2.) many here either share or have at one time shared your same point of view. Yet they have come to realize preaching about them does nothing but add fuel to the fire, and result in the opposition blocking you out and ignoring you.
Like I said before, I used to be just like you. I had very extreme views that I felt passionate about. In sharing that passion with the world, I realized not everyone gave a ****, or for that matter prepared to give a ****. A difficult lesson in life is to treat knowledge with wisdom. Its difficult because they cannot soley exist without the other. Well I guess they could, but it wouldnt do humanity any good if they did. Anyway, its okay to have extreme views but its not always necessary to broadcast them. Dont take this the wrong way, just trust me on this. I've been through some weird **** that I sometimes dont even believe. (just ignore sp errors if any. you get the gist anyhow)
Silver_dragon87 said:
Gal, as I thought, you have no justification for your 'worldly' views. As for your being a complete whore, it is simply my opinion, and as ever, you are entitled to yours. And yes I do feel alone because I seem to the be only one left with spirit enough to actually go out and combat stupidity--though even I have my limits. At certain levels, I will just throw up my hands. So I guess the best way to shut me up is to say something so stupid that I'm stunned into silence. Keep going; you're almost there!

Chartreuse, if you'd like to elaborate on what your point actually was, I'd be happy to respond to the proper thought.

Troll, I'm surrounded by idiots, how can I but assume you're another of them? As for humanity, I completely include myself in what shouldn't exist, and would gladly trade my life for an animal's. Try me. You make a point about grazing animals, and it is true that they themselves have no mechanism to stop them. This is where nature as a whole comes in, as greater numbers of predators, disease caused by too many grazers in close quarters, or starvation will restore balance. I only put myself above morons, Troll, and not other intelligent and/or good people, and not animals. I am very interested in math and science, though I do not find them terribly easy to understand. I have any artsy, languagey sort of mind (despite the use of the 'word' languagey) and I find they come only with difficulty. I do, however, still place all my faith in them. You final insult makes no real sense, and I invite you to come up with one that actually applies to me.

Smutt, without the US, we might have some difficulties in economy, and TV would sure be boring, but our standing in the world would only increase if we were no longer associated with you. I'm no history buff, so I don't say this as too much of a challenge, but when have we ever really needed you?

Tizz, your condescending stupidity is really starting to piss me off. Congrats. If I were thirty and I still thought the way I do, and I will because I have spent many long years in contemplation of these issues already, what insult would you have to hurl at me? You would probably say I'm having a mid-life crisis. Are you so closed-minded and set in your ways that you cannot listen to someone who attempts to bring enlightenment--or at least a new set of ideas? Ones with, you know, actual thought behind them? If everyone's precious Christ returned and started spouting about love and kindness, you'd all think he was 'whack' and probably put him in a padded room. I feel sorry for those waiting for their saviour; they are not ready to receive him. Her. it. Whatever you religious types are waiting for.

Outlaw, do I detect a note of sarcasm?

Komrade/Troll, I am in no way ashamed of my handle. I have always been Silverdragon and always will be, so I suppose you could call it a throwback to my youth. It represents me well--I certainly feel like an old soul. Anyway, I do like Tinfoil Lizard, if you'd prefer that.

I might consider it enlightenment if it wasn't the same thing I here flowing from teh mouths of every disgruntled teen I have enver known. Your ideas are so far from new it does amuse me. As for thereligious thing, exactly why do you keep implying that I am a religious type, Do you actually bother to read anythig? or are we too disgruntled today ;)
Wow...for a peaceful Canadien you sure know how to start a war.

That's obvious that you are not dumb. I feel...and this is only my opinion based on nothing but assumption, that you are blindly misguided by sheer hatred.

Hate for mankind, hate for the male gender, hate for other countries, and anything else I am too tired to list.

You fire at people for debating your views, when you you knew full well what the outcome of your written invitation would be, therefore you love and embrace hostility, and dwell comfortably in the arms of altercation.
It appears to me that you have been "wronged" in a very personal way by either a parent, or at very least a male with higher rank than yours in life. Sexually, Emotionally, Financially...who knows. Something however happened at some point to enact one to boil over to the extent that you obviously do.

America is responsible for alot of "Bullshit", however, I do not think that is the source of most of your aggression as that would simply be juevinille to direct personal anger to that specific target.

In this, I do not mean your a fact it is quite obvious that you are very intelligent, very well-spoken, and actually have a grasp on language as a whole. Youth however does limit thinking to a degree, as wisdom comes with age. Anger, does not make one wiser to the truth, it only makes one more blind to fiction.

Whatever the source of all your anger is you must find it, deal with it, get passed it, and then forget it. Whether it was your fault, or probably someone else's, it is something that needs to be corrected. Hate will only kill you, or at dead least, make you miserable. When one points as much anger towards the responsibility of others as you do, it only advertises the fact that you have serious issues to deal with, and quit blaming them on everybody else.

All people are not horrible as you would believe...I will grant you there are alot of horrible people in this world, that have done horrible things, that have horribly effected TOO many lives. However, to turn your back on the simple fact that there are good people out there who really do care about others, and are always willing to lend a hand, is to turn your back on the happiness that you so long to encounter. You are holding your own happiness back through your own misguided hate.

What I hope is that at some point you find some hapiness, and will alter the route you are choosing in life as far as your emotional health. It will do nothing but cause you physical health problems as well as emotional health problems. Hate is a killer. The very thing you say you detest about America is the very thing you react and embrace as the forefront of your very being.

Best of Luck S.D.! :)
Chartreuse, everything pisses me off, even when people try I dunno, placate me. You all get the wrong impression of me from my pissed-off posts. I don't hold a grudge from one thread to the next, unless the person is just an asshole who likes to flame--and poorly too. Like MRIH--I disagree with pretty much everything he says, but I don't hate him. And I don't stay awake at night fuming about what people have said XD. There's always salt. This is just where all my rage comes out, so it sounds like I'm....well, like i need psychiatric help or something. I'm chillin', honestly. As for being passionate, I've only been fighting for a few years, so I'm not worn out yet. Eventually I'm quite certain my spirit will be broken and I'll settle into silence, but for now I'm still shouting about what pisses me off.

Tizz, if teenagers are upset about Bush and the environment and religion, maybe they're not all as stupid as you, and I, assume.

Spleef, you had a long post so I'll just go through it and reply as I see it and try to pull together some sort of point at the end. >_< I still am a peaceful Canadian--though only because I'm restrained. If I COULD, I'd go on a huge killing spree, but I can't so I remain peaceful. I guess I admire Canadians as a whole for being peaceful, but perhaps I'm less of one at heart right now. I represent the rest of the whole Canadian THING, but as far as this goes.......I respect people who can BE peaceful. shrugs I WON'T kill people, for whatever reason it may be, so I'm technically peaceful. :D And I make no sense. Anyway.

I do hate a lot of things, but that doesn't mean that hatred is misguided. Also, I should clear up, I don't HATE men. I just have a slightly lower opinion of them on account of the testosterone. Sad, I feel, but generally true. I do so hate to be sexist, so I try not to jump to conclusions about people. I'm making an effort not to be an asshole :D

So like I said, I'm mostly peaceful. I do, however, enjoy verbal combat. It's a safe form, isn't it? As long as both people don't take it personally. I think someone's stupid, I call them stupid. I'm aware that they won't take that lying down, and I don't mind. And no, I don't have any tact. c(o: If I want to say something, I'll come out and say it; pussyfooting around also pisses me off. (I told you I hate a lot of things.) Anyway, so I enjoy a spirited debate, even with a bit of name-calling thrown in when I'm really pissed and need to take it out on an idiot. No harm done.

So you called that right, but I'm afraid you're way way off in the other respect; I've not been harmed in any way by anyone in particular. No, the other kids weren't 'nice' to me when I was young, and I didn't really care for them either, so it wasn't anything. I can honestly think of no person who has seriously 'hurt me feelings' or wronged me in any other way. Kids are cruel, assholes are themselves. No...substantial injuries here. shrugs

So, I'm afraid, in your eyes, I must be juvenile, because I really do hate your country that much. I feel it, and the people who crafted it, are responsible for many of the evils of the world. However, I must admit that I have not studied other places in the world as much as the West, so it could be said that I don't have much basis for comparison. But as far as the modern world goes, I can see with my own eyes suck. Sorry, but you really......really.........really do.

I'm aware that there are good people, but at this point I'm too tired to care. I've been reduced to despising all people for what they are, and would exterminate every single person--good and bad--if that were the only way to rid the world of an assload of people. Obviously, I would rather be selective and try to make a new, better world, but...I guess neither of those will be happening, too. And who knows, it's......prooobably not best to put the fate of every person in the hands of lil ol' me. :D Honestly, though, the only thing that pisses me off in this world is people. It's not caused by some emotional scar or mental imbalance--it's just me being enlightened. Again, that's my own opinion, as always. So thanks for trying to help, but I'm afraid without the proper cause, the 'medication' just doesn't do any good. You can't cure jock itch with Gravol.

I understand completely SD. I too was ****ed with by the "other kids". I dealt with it along time.

I was pushed into Baptist schools by my my mother, (which that in itself is a long story...the mother that raised me was not my birth mother..I didn't find this out till i was 21 yrs old!) wasn't until I stood up to the school bully and punched his lights out,,,that I got respect and a reprieve from the mistreatment that I recieved.

The reason I got ****ed with was because I wasn't fake like them. I didn't hide the fact that I loved Rock music, and loved bands like AC-DC etc. They told me I was going to hell etc. It wasn't till i figured out they were the bastards with the problem not me, till I figured out that I needed to quit judging Christians as a whole, and realize it was the BAPTISTS that were really full of ****! LOL! (Although recently I discovered the Assembly of God Church is more ****ed than the Baptists! LOL!!!!)

Anyway...all that aside...I understand anger...I really do. I as an American am not proud of all that my government has done, and/or continues to do.

With that, I don't like everything that the Canadian government does either, however, I was there for about two weeks five years ago, and it was one of the best experiences I've ever had. I loved the Canadian people, and was treated so very well. It changed my opinion of Canada as a whole. Beautiful country, really nice, hospitable, friendly people. Great beer, and even better weed....sorry, but my hippie ass really liked that Northern Lights ****!

I am rambling now, so I a do apologize for that! However, what my point that in so many differnt situations, we're really not that different in the end. Most of us want the same thing. My wishes for you is that you do not give up on humanity no matter how ****ed up some of it's representatives are. It is our only hope. Also, I am so glad nothing horrible happened to you as I thought did. It's just that your anger is so direct, and so targeted that it did raise questions for me.

From a Canadian "diggin" American to you...hang in there, and keep fighting the good fight, however just keep yourself in check...Ok? Not all humans are as ****ed as it seems! :D

Peace! :cool:
You think the teens are the only one's fed up with Bush? For the love of God (I mean ****) STOP WATCHING MTV!!!!!!!

Just about everyone has had it with bush, or don't you actually pay attention to the news reports about his aproval rating down the toilet? I never said teens are idiots, just completely inexperienced and overly idealistic, predictable and extremely amusing. I fonally see why my mom had so much fun laughing at me running around preaching anarchy with my blue hair and teh dead kennedy's blairing out my car windows. Damn I wish I had a video camera back then LOL (Ok so the Dead Kennedy's are still a favorite VIVA LA JELLO!!!!!)
Outlaw2747 said:
Do half the teens in America even know wtf is going on?

I think about 1/2 in AMERICA does but not ANYWHERE ELSE.
They get to hear bit and pieces of truth.
too many teachers are liberals, if i have to go through one more political debate with my English teacher I'm switching schools :mad: