The Truth About SD

ah but debating politics with an adult WILL help you grow and give you a perspective you can't possibly have. Love it and embrace it, there are not that many HS teachers out there that would even bother dicsussing anything outside of a quiz grade with a student. Liberal or not this teacher obviously sees enough in you to bother.
Tizz, if teens weren't the only ones fed up with Bush, he wouldn't be president right now. The most simple and clear example of how stupid most people in your country are is that single, solitary fact. Tah friggin' da. Of course, there's also the way that ethnic groups were not ALLOWED to vote. Racism, woot! And again, with the history and the violence and the ****ing slavery. What good can ever come of a nation founded on such things? Yes, there's violence everywhere, but you're just....Romans, at heart, and it's pathetic. And just because YOU were a so-called 'rebel' in your youth doesn't mean I'm as stupid as you were.

And for the last time, I never have and never will watch MTV, so stop using it as a weak insult.

Spleef, if I'd gone to any sort of religious school I'd have shot myself long ago. (Actually I've never even heard of anyone I know, or anyone that someone I know...knows, owning a gun, so I'd probably electrocute myself or something--but I digress >_<) Point is, patpat, poor dear. I don't HATE all Christians as much as groups such as said Baptists and especially the Catholics, but I can't say I have any love whatsoever for the religion as a whole. I all know what I think by now. Hey, if you can't be famous, be infamous. Anywho...ah yes, I was going to mention our government. I am, of course, in no way satisfied with my OWN government. ****ing criminals. However, I would rather have crooked liberals in power than ****ing religious conservatives ANY day. Me, of course, I would have voted NDP. They're as close to the Green Party as I can get, for a national election anyway. They could have had a chance, but ooooh no, people today think it's aalll about the liberals and the conservatives. Anyway, I'm bloody pissed about my own government too, but at least when we do crazy ****, we're the only ones who suffer. It's not a global matter of ****ING WAR and nukes and insanity. It's about the quality of our education, our legislation, our healthcare spending, and our taxes. Look out, world, Canada's ****ing up again so.....we might be a little disgruntled? >_>

But seriously, your nation is ****ed up. Don't you know that in Florida you can not only carry a weapon, but you can SHOOT SOMEONE IF YOU FEEL THREATENED. Son of a BITCH.

(Again, I feel I should note that it's just my mind that's super-pissed. I'm not having convulsions over here. Just my spirit, anyway. Y_Y My poor world.)
tizz said:
ah but debating politics with an adult WILL help you grow and give you a perspective you can't possibly have. Love it and embrace it, there are not that many HS teachers out there that would even bother dicsussing anything outside of a quiz grade with a student. Liberal or not this teacher obviously sees enough in you to bother.

either she sees something in me or i just pissed her off to many times :p but yes, i enjoy debating with adults, they make a better opponent than the children i must learn with, mostly because an adult will not pull a knife, call over there friends, or pick a fight when they loose
-_- Would you get your thumb out of your ass and listen? I was mourning for the WORLD, not myself. If I were sad for myself I would have said woe is me. Dumbass.
Silver_dragon87 said:
Tizz, if teens weren't the only ones fed up with Bush, he wouldn't be president right now. The most simple and clear example of how stupid most people in your country are is that single, solitary fact. Tah friggin' da. Of course, there's also the way that ethnic groups were not ALLOWED to vote. Racism, woot! And again, with the history and the violence and the ****ing slavery. What good can ever come of a nation founded on such things? Yes, there's violence everywhere, but you're just....Romans, at heart, and it's pathetic. And just because YOU were a so-called 'rebel' in your youth doesn't mean I'm as stupid as you were.

And for the last time, I never have and never will watch MTV, so stop using it as a weak insult.

Spleef, if I'd gone to any sort of religious school I'd have shot myself long ago. (Actually I've never even heard of anyone I know, or anyone that someone I know...knows, owning a gun, so I'd probably electrocute myself or something--but I digress >_<) Point is, patpat, poor dear. I don't HATE all Christians as much as groups such as said Baptists and especially the Catholics, but I can't say I have any love whatsoever for the religion as a whole. I all know what I think by now. Hey, if you can't be famous, be infamous. Anywho...ah yes, I was going to mention our government. I am, of course, in no way satisfied with my OWN government. ****ing criminals. However, I would rather have crooked liberals in power than ****ing religious conservatives ANY day. Me, of course, I would have voted NDP. They're as close to the Green Party as I can get, for a national election anyway. They could have had a chance, but ooooh no, people today think it's aalll about the liberals and the conservatives. Anyway, I'm bloody pissed about my own government too, but at least when we do crazy ****, we're the only ones who suffer. It's not a global matter of ****ING WAR and nukes and insanity. It's about the quality of our education, our legislation, our healthcare spending, and our taxes. Look out, world, Canada's ****ing up again so.....we might be a little disgruntled? >_>

But seriously, your nation is ****ed up. Don't you know that in Florida you can not only carry a weapon, but you can SHOOT SOMEONE IF YOU FEEL THREATENED. Son of a BITCH.

(Again, I feel I should note that it's just my mind that's super-pissed. I'm not having convulsions over here. Just my spirit, anyway. Y_Y My poor world.)

Well....Florida is one ****ed up state...I don't think you will get any arguments here on that! Stupid ****s don't even know how to vote there! :D

Yes...there is alot of ****ed up **** about America, however, I would rather live here than any other country with the exceptions of Australia, Canada, and maybe New Zealand.

Amsterdam might be considered for obvious reasons! :D
Spleefman said:
Well....Florida is one ****ed up state...I don't think you will get any arguments here on that! Stupid ****s don't even know how to vote there! :D

Yes...there is alot of ****ed up **** about America, however, I would rather live here than any other country with the exceptions of Australia, Canada, and maybe New Zealand.

Amsterdam might be considered for obvious reasons! :D

And remember... most of the ****s in Florida are migrants from the Northeast of the United States. Old jews and such that hate the heat, but loathe the winters of the New England states.
Florida is not the only state that allows it, and though I agree there are places require consumer use of weapons, I don't personally agree. And ya, Florida is one screwed up state politically. Their child welfare system is more screwed up than NJ and that is saying something (but hey at least their Gov didn't quit his job after coming out of the closet, god love McGreevey LOL) Truth is, you are a child. You really don't know much of anything and frankly debating any of this with you reminds me why I left HS early to go to college. I have to say, the only thing about this site that really gets on my nerves, is having to deal with kids. No offence, your idealism can be refreshing, but your ignorance and lack of experience is overwhelming (not to mention the bull **** know it all crap) Man how did my mom ever put up with me, and I must remind myself to apologize to at least three teachers I had, simply for being a teen LOL. Have a nice life kid, I hope someday you DO learn a quarter of you think you allready know ;)
Its nice to look back and see how many people admit they were smart mouth bastards growing up. I think its hilarious cause apparently we learned and you usually think people who are a little younger will open their ears and listen once in a while. Give it a couple of years and SD will come outta her hard shell and realize some people do know what they talking about
I know full well that she won't listen to me. I wwas pissing my pants laughing with my mom last night about what a total know it all dork I was. SD thanx for teh memories. Now if I was still 17 I would be al up in your faces (and my own for that matter) about how (to quote a bad piece of '80's crap) parents just don't understand. Still it's kind of fun talking to my formal self like this HEHE
Silver_dragon87 said:
Tizz, if teens weren't the only ones fed up with Bush, he wouldn't be president right now. The most simple and clear example of how stupid most people in your country are is that single, solitary fact. Tah friggin' da. Of course, there's also the way that ethnic groups were not ALLOWED to vote. Racism, woot! And again, with the history and the violence and the ****ing slavery. What good can ever come of a nation founded on such things? Yes, there's violence everywhere, but you're just....Romans, at heart, and it's pathetic. And just because YOU were a so-called 'rebel' in your youth doesn't mean I'm as stupid as you were.

And for the last time, I never have and never will watch MTV, so stop using it as a weak insult.

Spleef, if I'd gone to any sort of religious school I'd have shot myself long ago. (Actually I've never even heard of anyone I know, or anyone that someone I know...knows, owning a gun, so I'd probably electrocute myself or something--but I digress >_<) Point is, patpat, poor dear. I don't HATE all Christians as much as groups such as said Baptists and especially the Catholics, but I can't say I have any love whatsoever for the religion as a whole. I all know what I think by now. Hey, if you can't be famous, be infamous. Anywho...ah yes, I was going to mention our government. I am, of course, in no way satisfied with my OWN government. ****ing criminals. However, I would rather have crooked liberals in power than ****ing religious conservatives ANY day. Me, of course, I would have voted NDP. They're as close to the Green Party as I can get, for a national election anyway. They could have had a chance, but ooooh no, people today think it's aalll about the liberals and the conservatives. Anyway, I'm bloody pissed about my own government too, but at least when we do crazy ****, we're the only ones who suffer. It's not a global matter of ****ING WAR and nukes and insanity. It's about the quality of our education, our legislation, our healthcare spending, and our taxes. Look out, world, Canada's ****ing up again so.....we might be a little disgruntled? >_>

But seriously, your nation is ****ed up. Don't you know that in Florida you can not only carry a weapon, but you can SHOOT SOMEONE IF YOU FEEL THREATENED. Son of a BITCH.

(Again, I feel I should note that it's just my mind that's super-pissed. I'm not having convulsions over here. Just my spirit, anyway. Y_Y My poor world.)

whats wrong with defending yourself? what would you do if i came up to you and started to rape or rob you? cry? scream? ****? piss? or just lay down and take it because you had no way to defend yourself?
I didn't realize, I think, how stupid most of the world is. I didn't realize how dumb alot of Americans are.... but at least I'm not canadian. You guys are apparently (only judging by your example and the few i know) REALLY DUMB!!! :eek:

I know that, at least on this thread, I'm the minority, but I love OUR PRESIDENT!!! I LOVE AMERICA!!!! If you disagree... **** YAH, go die!!! :cool:

I don't label my self with a "conservative, or liberal" label. If I were to label myself, it would be with Educated. I don't vote based on what I hear other people say, I vote on what I hear the person I'm voting for say that most matches what I believe. Simple translation for simple minds... I vote for what I believe in.

I happen to be a Christian, who very much loves God and Jesus, and will talk about my beliefs with anyone who asks, but I don't go around preachin to everyone about it. I don't want to give off the wrong vibe.. I don't LIVE the way that my church tells me to, one of the greatest and most dangerous gifts that God gave us, I have FREE WILL.

SD you are the one who is fortunate (with the exception of the place you live, yuck), you are among the dull, opiate masses, and don't have to think. You probably have rich parents, and a $40,000 car, and a million dollar house, and have never had to do a day of work in your life. 8 hour work day, yeah right. I'd be willing to bet that you are about 5'4" and 180lbs (give or take 20lbs), and have no life except the one you spend online. Have you ever been to America?? I heard from a canadian friend of mine (an exception to the stupid rule) that they FINALLY got Fox News up there, try watching that and absorbing what you see... Don't let this give you a headache, but try to learn something.

Oh, and where would canada be without America??? The whole of canada would be quebec (or however it's spelled)!!! And even as someone who dislikes canada, I know that real canadians hate quebec. I'll bet that's where you're originally from. Cause, you're a loser, and you suck.

And that's the truth about SD.

wow she fits right in to my signature.
Oh, and ****, I forgot..... :cool: I own a couple of guns, I hunt, fish, and swerve to run over opossums, armadillos, and other aggrivating, non-domesticated animals :eek: .... just thought you would like to know, cause you suck. :D
Wow. For someone who's so educated, Educated, you really say some dumb ****. How many times on this site will I have to say 'swing and a miss'? Surely, my mass is dull, and in the province I used to live, for the greater part (amongst teens), indeed drugged up. The difference between me and those I know and YOUR country is that we think. You know, with our brains? I know it's painful, but keep trying. If I had money, do you think I'd be so pissed off? Since when do rich people take an interest in the ills of society? Rich people don't GET pissed off, and I probably wouldn't either if I HAD a million dollar house. Of course, if I suddenly GOT rich, I'd sell the house and donate to the WWF, but anyway.

I'd like to know what part of ANY of my posts implies that I don't think. I know they're often angry, and therefore they don't always make the most sense, but they are ALWAYS thought through. Do you honestly think I just pull hatred out of my ass and start slinging it around? I'd ask what kind of moron hates things for no reason, but I definitely know the answer to that. And FYI, I work my ass off eight hours a day at a job I hate. I could prove it, but who the **** cares what you think? I know where I am during the day, and if you think you know THAT better than I do....well.....what can I possibly say about you?

So the summary is basically, you're a moron who doesn't know **** about me, and you clearly don't read. shrugs I feel sorry for you, and I hope an SUV runs you over.

Like I've said before, without the US, Canada and the rest of the world would be very. Very. VERY. Happy. Ask anyone OUTSIDE of your ****ed-up little world.

REAL Canadians love all of Canada. I'm not overly fond of French as a language, but I have nothing against the people, their original country, or their province here in OUR country. They add to the flavour of Canada (if you think to say **** or some other nasty substance, I'm already ahead of you so let it be known that you're not clever, and not amusing) and are an important part of it. Do I want to MOVE to Quebec and speak French? Not as such, no.

PS: telling someone 'they're a loser and they suck' really doesn't look good on you, hon. And by the way, in your future career at the carnival, when you guess my height and weight, I'll be taking home a plush toy.

RegisteredAndEducated said:
well it's better than CNN, the Clinton National Network.

OK you got me there but over all yellow journalism is what it is, entertainment ;)
Silver_dragon87 said:
Wow. For someone who's so educated, Educated, you really say some dumb ****. How many times on this site will I have to say 'swing and a miss'? Surely, my mass is dull, and in the province I used to live, for the greater part (amongst teens), indeed drugged up. The difference between me and those I know and YOUR country is that we think. You know, with our brains? I know it's painful, but keep trying. If I had money, do you think I'd be so pissed off? Since when do rich people take an interest in the ills of society? Rich people don't GET pissed off, and I probably wouldn't either if I HAD a million dollar house. Of course, if I suddenly GOT rich, I'd sell the house and donate to the WWF, but anyway.

I'd like to know what part of ANY of my posts implies that I don't think. I know they're often angry, and therefore they don't always make the most sense, but they are ALWAYS thought through. Do you honestly think I just pull hatred out of my ass and start slinging it around? I'd ask what kind of moron hates things for no reason, but I definitely know the answer to that. And FYI, I work my ass off eight hours a day at a job I hate. I could prove it, but who the **** cares what you think? I know where I am during the day, and if you think you know THAT better than I do....well.....what can I possibly say about you?

So the summary is basically, you're a moron who doesn't know **** about me, and you clearly don't read. shrugs I feel sorry for you, and I hope an SUV runs you over.

Like I've said before, without the US, Canada and the rest of the world would be very. Very. VERY. Happy. Ask anyone OUTSIDE of your ****ed-up little world.

REAL Canadians love all of Canada. I'm not overly fond of French as a language, but I have nothing against the people, their original country, or their province here in OUR country. They add to the flavour of Canada (if you think to say **** or some other nasty substance, I'm already ahead of you so let it be known that you're not clever, and not amusing) and are an important part of it. Do I want to MOVE to Quebec and speak French? Not as such, no.

PS: telling someone 'they're a loser and they suck' really doesn't look good on you, hon. And by the way, in your future career at the carnival, when you guess my height and weight, I'll be taking home a plush toy.

yeah..Yeah..Yeah...but did you gather that he thinks you suck? :eek:

Quebec was neat! We went there across the water while we were in Ontario...that whole area is pretty damned cool! We went there during the dead heat of summer from Texas.......It was right at 100 degrees in Austin, it was 59 degrees in Ontario when we landed...My fat ass really liked that ****! Sorry...I forgot to convert it to Celsius... 38 degrees Celsius in Austin, 15 degrees Celsius in Ontario!...

Oh the way SD....RAE thinks you suck! ;)
Silver_dragon87 said:
Wow. For someone who's so educated, Educated, you really say some dumb ****. How many times on this site will I have to say 'swing and a miss'? Surely, my mass is dull, and in the province I used to live, for the greater part (amongst teens), indeed drugged up. The difference between me and those I know and YOUR country is that we think. You know, with our brains? I know it's painful, but keep trying. If I had money, do you think I'd be so pissed off? Since when do rich people take an interest in the ills of society? Rich people don't GET pissed off, and I probably wouldn't either if I HAD a million dollar house. Of course, if I suddenly GOT rich, I'd sell the house and donate to the WWF, but anyway.

I'd like to know what part of ANY of my posts implies that I don't think. I know they're often angry, and therefore they don't always make the most sense, but they are ALWAYS thought through. Do you honestly think I just pull hatred out of my ass and start slinging it around? I'd ask what kind of moron hates things for no reason, but I definitely know the answer to that. And FYI, I work my ass off eight hours a day at a job I hate. I could prove it, but who the **** cares what you think? I know where I am during the day, and if you think you know THAT better than I do....well.....what can I possibly say about you?

So the summary is basically, you're a moron who doesn't know **** about me, and you clearly don't read. shrugs I feel sorry for you, and I hope an SUV runs you over.

Like I've said before, without the US, Canada and the rest of the world would be very. Very. VERY. Happy. Ask anyone OUTSIDE of your ****ed-up little world.

REAL Canadians love all of Canada. I'm not overly fond of French as a language, but I have nothing against the people, their original country, or their province here in OUR country. They add to the flavour of Canada (if you think to say **** or some other nasty substance, I'm already ahead of you so let it be known that you're not clever, and not amusing) and are an important part of it. Do I want to MOVE to Quebec and speak French? Not as such, no.

PS: telling someone 'they're a loser and they suck' really doesn't look good on you, hon. And by the way, in your future career at the carnival, when you guess my height and weight, I'll be taking home a plush toy.

Without the US everyone one would be at war..believe it or not. we are in a way peace keepers. Yes countries hate us but its because you ALL wanna be like us. We are the like the bouncer at a bar. You cant stand we sit here and watch ur every move but if some threatens to kick ur ass we will be there to puch them aside. Yeah it sounds like we are bullies but w.o the US who the **** would Canada be. No where.....And to a minor point you little antics "swing and miss" **** is really ****in annoying and EVERYONE would agree a BIT childish. And hey "HON" get over the SUV thing they are here to stay just like ur ass...aint they?